Title: Lecture 7: Simulations
1Lecture 7 Simulations
3What will we cover in this lecture
- A introduction to the idea and concept of
stochastic simulation - A look at the 2 main methods of stochastic
simulation Bootstrapping Monte Carlo
Simulation - A look at the use of these methods in the
calculation of risk
4The Idea Behind Simulations
- Simulations are basically the idea of simulating
a set of possible future outcomes or
realisations - Each future realisation is just one possibility
of what may occur in the future - By generating many possible future realisations
we can assess the range of future outcomes - In an earlier lecture we simulated a possible
path for stock prices by generating a set of
possible future returns from a normal
distribution - This was an example of a univariate simulation (a
simulation of one variable)
5The Idea of a Simulation
Possible Future Price Paths
Current Price
Possible Range Of Future Prices
6Useful Simulations
- For a simulation to be useful the paths generated
must reflect the behaviour of the
asset/liabilities we are simulating - Each randomly generated future path will then
represent a possible future outcome - The basis for both our Bootstrapping and Monte
Carlo Simulations will be the Brownian Motion
Process we have been using so far
7Brownian Motion Process
At each step the proportional change in the value
is a random variable from a distribution
8Bootstrapping A simple powerful approach
- Bootstrapping is based on a very simple idea
that we can use past observations as a bag from
which we randomly sample to create possible
future outcomes! - The premise is a simple one all of our past
observations were sampled from a given
distribution and all future observations will
also be sampled from this same distribution - Instead of having to estimate the underlying
distribution and then sampling random variables
from it we directly sample from our past
observations which are representative
9Bootstrapping Idea
The Past Outcomes Represent A Random Sample From
The Distribution, We Dont Care About This
The Simulated Future Outcome Is A Random Sample
Of The PastOutcomes
Simulated Future Outcome
Directly Observed Past Outcome
10Univariate Bootstrap
- Univariate Bootstrap is the generation of a
possible path for a single simultaneous random
process - We generate a pool of observations from the
processs historic behaviour - We then generate a future path by randomly
sampling from this pool of observations
11An Example Bootstrapping a stock price
- If we assume that the continuously compounded
return of the stock price each day is sampled
from a constant distribution then we can generate
future price paths - Firstly we build up our pool of past daily
returns by calculating the implied return from
the price history - Secondly we randomly sample from this pool to
generate a possible future path
12Bootstrapping Stock Price
Historic Price Path
Pool of Daily Returns From Historic Observation
Simulated Future Price Path
Randomly Select From Pool To Generate Future Path
13Multivariate Bootstrapping
- It is equally possible to simultaneously generate
future paths for multiple correlated processes - Like our univariate bootstrap we build up a pool
of observations from the past - We maintain any correlations by grouping
simtaneous observations together - Any correlations will be captured in these linked
historic observations - When we randomly sample from the pool to generate
the future paths we preserve these groupings
14Bivariate Bootstrap
The pool is made up of linked pairs which were
observed simultaneously
15What if we do not preserve the grouping of
simultaneous observations?
- If we do not keep the groups then we cannot
expect our generated paths to reflect any
correlations - If we have strong reason to believe that there is
no correlation between the processes then we
might break apart the observations and sample
them completely randomly - We might do this to increase the size of our
16Bootstrapping Is Very Powerful
- The power of bootstrapping is that it does not
rely on any statistical assumptions - All it says is that the future will be sampled
from the same distribution as the past - We need a large sample of historic observations
to build up a large pool - The assumption that the future will come from the
same distribution as the past is crucial and
requires a stationary series - This simple bootstrapping technique does not
capture serial correlation across time.
17Bootstrapping in Excel
- For practical usage bootstrapping is better
suited to a programming language such as VBA, or
a specialist tool - The exercise book for this lecture contains an
array function called bootstrap - bootstrap will take an input range and reorder it
randomly - bootstrap is an array formula for which an output
range must be selected and ctrl-shift-enter must
be used to enter it!
18Monte Carlo Simulation
- The Monte Carlo Simulation generates random
numbers from probability distribution rather than
pools of historic observations - We will focus on Monte Carlo Simulations based
about the normal distribution - We will see how we can use the Covariance matrix
to generate multivariate Monte Carlo Simulations
19Univariate Monte Carlo Simulations
- By generating random variables sampled from a
normal distribution it is possible to generate a
brownian motion paths based on this sequence of
random numbers - In the example of the stock price if the return
is normally distributed with mean m and standard
deviation s then by generating returns from a
distribution with these properties we can
generate a possible path for this stock - The most common method for generating normal
random numbers is Box-Muller, and we will use
Excels built in facility
20Stock Price Simulation
- In the case where the stock price is generated
from the following process
- By generating a sequence of random variables r we
can generate a future path for P - This would be an example of a univariate Monte
Carlo Simulation
21Univariate Stock Price Simulation
Randomly Sampled Returns From Normal Distribution
Randomly generated feasible path
22Multivariate Monte Carlo Simulation
- A multivariate Monte Carlo Simulation is where we
sample random values from a multivariate
distribution which captures the various
correlations - So if 2 assets have a strong correlation we want
to see strong correlations in the random numbers
we generate - There is a set method which allows us to generate
a set of correlated normally distributed random
variables using the covariance matrix
23What we would like
- We have described the statistical properties of
returns using the expectation vector and the
covariance matrix. - We would like to generate sets of random numbers
that match this expected return vector and
covariance matrix - We could then generate simultaneous paths for the
various assets/liabilities described by these
24The Basis of Multivariate Monte Carlo The
Cholesky Decomposition
- The Cholesky decomposition of the covariance
matrix will allow us to generate sets of random
variables described by the covariance matrix - The Cholesky decomposition is sometimes called
the square root of a matrix - It takes the form
- Where CV is the covariance matrix and C is the
cholesky decomposition. C is a lower diagonal
matrix and of the same dimensions as CV - The Cholesky decomposition only exists for
positive definite matrices.
25Cholesky Decomposition Example
0.2 0.03
0 0.197
0.04 0.006
0.006 0.04
0.2 0
0.03 0.197
26The Cholesky Transformation
- Image we have 2 random variables A and B each of
which are sampled from a standard normal
distribution (mean 0, standard deviation 1). We
will put these in a vector S (S for stochastic) - We would like to transform these variables to
random variables sampled from a distribution with
mean, variance and covariance described by the
VarA CovA,B
CovA,B VarB
27- Firstly we perform the Cholesky decomposition on
the covariance matrix to obtain C - Then we simply perform the following Cholesky
- Where S is a vector of transformed random
variables sampled from a distribution described
by R and CV
- Where A will have mean ERA and variance VarA, B
will have mean ERB and variance VarB, and A and
B will have Covariance CovA,B
28Cholesky Transformation Graphic
Input a vector of uncorrelated random variable
with mean 0 and variance 1
Cholesky Transformation
Output a vector of correlated random variable
with mean,variance and covariance described by
the covariance matrix and the expected vector
29Cholesky Factorisations in Excel
- Cholesky Factorisations are not provided by
Excels built in matrix support - The class workbook comes with a VBA macro that
will perform this factorisation for you, it is an
array function called cholesky
30Multivariate Monte Carlo Simulation
- Using the Cholesky Transformation we can generate
sets of correlated random numbers - Using these sets of correlated random numbers we
can generate simultaneous future paths for
correlated processes - These simulated paths make up one possible future
outcome in our Monte Carlo Simulation - Monte Carlo Simulations use 1000s or even
1000000s of possible future outcomes to build up
a picture of the range of future possibilities
31Graphic Bivariate Monte Carlo Simulation
Correlated sets of random numbers
32General Multivariate Monte Carlo Algorithm
- 1) Decompose the covariance matrix VC into its
Cholesky decomposition C - 2) Generate a vector of N unit variate normal
random number, where N is the dimensions of the
simulation - 3) Multiply the decomposition C by the vector N
to get a result vector X - 4) Add the vector X to the expected return vector
R to get a vector V which contains the fully
transformed random variables - 5) Add transformed vector V to the set of
transformed vectors S - 6) If S contains less than the desired number of
random variables then goto step 2
33The montecarlo macro
- Embedded in the exercise spreadsheets there is a
VBA macro which runs the Monte Carlo algorithm - It take two parameters first the range
specifying the covariance matrix, second the
range specifying the expected return vector - From these inputs it outputs a set of random
variables sampled from a distribution described
by the covariance matrix and expected vector in a
range specified by the user - It is important to remember to specify one column
for every random variate you want to generate and
press ctrl-shift-enter to tell the computer it is
an array formula!
34Stochastic Boundaries And Monte Carlo Simulations
- In early lectures we looked at placing boundaries
on the behaviour of a stochastic process - These boundaries are linked to Monte Carlo
Simulations in that we expect only 5 or 2.5 of
simulations to be outside the respective
diffusion boundary
35Diffusion Boundary vs Monte Carlo
Only 2.5 of paths will break above the 2.5
upper boundary
Possible Paths
36Uses of Simulation
- Simulations have many uses and allow us to avoid
a lot of complex mathematics - People think you are a rocket scientist if you
know about Monte Carlo Simulations - One example would be an alternative approach to
calculating the Value-At-Risk - We would generate say 100 future paths for a
portfolios value by generating a set of 100
simultaneous future paths for each of the assets
it contains using either a Monte Carlo or
Bootstrap simulation - Out of this 100 we would take the worst 5 or 5
to calculate the 5 VaR
37VaR Using Simulation
Portfolio Value
Take the worst 5 of simulated values as 5 VaR
38Option VaR Using Monte Carlo Simulations
- One particular use of Monte Carlo simulation is
the accurate calculation of VaR on non-linear
portfolios containing options - We generate 100s of possible paths for the assets
on which the options are written and look at the
value of the option in each state - We then take the worst 5 or 2.5 of outcomes to
calculate the portfolio 5 or 2.5 VaR
39Appendix Cholesky Transformation A Proof
- It is important to note that if we have a vector
of stochastic variables S with mean zero , then
the E(S.ST) CV
Var(A) Cov(A,B)
Cov(A,B) Var(B)
- If we perform the Cholesky transformation on a
vector of standard normal variables, and assume
the expectation remains 0
40- Since S is a vector of unit normal variables
E(S.ST) will be the identity matrix (why?)
- So the transformed random variables will have
variance and covariance described by the
covariance matrix C was decomposed from.