Title: Family Fun Run
1Family Fun Run
Mary Ann Oszurek
2What is it?
- A district wide running event to promote running
as a physical activity - A friendly competition
Detailed explanation
Practice for the mile run for the CT Physical
Fitness Test Encourage school pride
Promote families exercising together
4Who participates?
- All students from grades K-12 and their families
- Teachers/school staff members
- Administrators
- Board of Education Staff
5How Far Did You Say?
- Each grade level has a goal to reach
- Take a look at the chart and see how far you need
to go
6How To Enter?
- Get a form from your physical education teacher
- Entry form
- Show up at the event
- Teacher volunteers
- Teacher Letter
- Each member must register
- Each participant must check in after completing
run/walk - Pick up Certificate
8The competition
The school with the most participants WINS THE
9 Donations
Supermarket- Shaw's letter Local
Businesses Teachers/Friends etc
10Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be a runner to participate? NO-
anyone can participate
How long will It take? As long as it takes you
to finish
Can I bring family members that do not live in
Middletown? Yes
12More Pictures
13How to put on your own event
Teacher letter Student entry forms Advertise
Donations Advertise
14Thank You
15Click me to go back
16Click the picture to go back
17Click the mail box to go back!
18Click the board to go back!
19Shaws Supermarket 206 Kitts Lane Newington,
CT Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to you for help
with a function I am hosting in Middletown, CT. I
spoke to you earlier in the week about a donation
for the event and this is the formal request
letter. I understand that you will donate a gift
certificate from the store where I can purchase
items for the participants. The event is a Family
Fun Run where our public school students from
grades kindergarten through twelfth grade run up
to a mile with a family member. The purchase will
be for refreshments for the participants (apples
or energy bars). Wesleyan University has offered
their track for the event and we are attempting
to get other organizations involved as well. I am
pleased that you have offered to help. Thank you
in advance. Sincerely yours, Deb Petruzzello
Physical/Health Educator
Click the mail bag to go back!