Title: www'kayzero'com
1Kayzero for Windows A complete NAA Data
evaluation tool based on the orginal k0-method
- R. van Sluijs, k0-ware, Heerlen, the Netherlands
- A. De Wispelaere, UG, Gent, Belgium
- D. Bossus, DSM, Geleen, the Netherlands
- F. De Corte, UG, Gent, Belgium
2k0-formula (overview)
3k0-formula using Fc
4k0-formula and comparator factor
With Comparator Factor Fc
Relation between Fc and neutron fluence rate
5k0-formula epicadmium ENAA
FCd,a cadmium transmission factor for
epi-thermal neutrons
6k0-formula Fc benefits
- Fc is proportional to ?e
- Fc is independent of monitor element, detection
efficiency (Asp is not) - Fc allows averaging
- Fc gives information on
- flux gradients (several monitors in a irr. vial)
- flux stability (monitor history)
- Detects any gross irregularities in efficiency,
data-entry, decay times
7Reactor Calibration f and ?
- Calibration methods
- Zr-Au-method
- Multi-monitors bare
- Multi-monitors Cd-covered
- Multi-monitors Cd-ratio
8Reactor Calibration f and a
- Zr-Au method
- - uses only two monitors
- - can be done easily with every irradiation
- - optimized to reduce measurement uncertainties
- Cd-ratio method
- - most accurate but takes more irradiations and
measurements - -gt Re-calibrate if reactor configuration changes
- -gt For most reactors f and a calibration
frequency is very low (every 1-2 years or less) - -gtCalculations look difficult but are automated
9Detector Calibration
Full-energy peak detection efficiency ?p,
concept a) Measure reference efficiency() using
point-sources b) Convert ?p,ref to ?p for
counting geometry/position
geo sample geometry/position ref reference
position ?p effective solid angle ? p full
energy peak detection efficiency for photon
energy p () At a position true-coincidence free
position ()See Moens et al.(1981) and Moens and
Hoste (1983)
10Detector Calibration
a) Measure reference efficiency ?p using
point-sources --gt fit to efficiency curve
(several polynomes)
Fits for the 3 energy regions
11Detector Calibration
b) Calculate effective solid angles (?s)
- Numerical Integration Program Solang () -
Input needed dimensions and material
com-positions and densities of sample
(vial) detector (from manufacturer)
source support - Fine-tuning of Vacuum Gap
(VG) and Top Dead Layer (TDL)-Thickness. (
)For Cylindrical and concentric detector
(p-type) and sources smaller than detector
12Detector Calibration
b) Fine tune to find vacuum gap and dead-layer
Fine Tuning - select detector - select
geometry per source - enter peak area countrates
- press the button Results in a best
guess Refine manually if needed (instantaneous
Fine-tuning of VG and TDL-Thickness Measure
true-coincidence free isotopes at different
positions and optimize values VG and TDL (See
De Wispelaere et al., Proc. Int. k0 -Users
Workshop, Gent Belgium, 1992)
13Detector Calibration
Calibration Procedure - measure reference
efficiency - fit-reference efficiency - collect
all dimensions and detector material compositions
and densities - fine tune Vacuum Gap and Top Dead
Layer using measurements of true-coincidence free
isotopes - calculate the effective solid angles
for the reference position
14Irradiation aspects
Not (yet) handled in Kayzero, but covered in
15Measurement Aspects
- The k0-method describes INAA in fysical and
mathematical understandable definitions and is
very suitable for computer evaluation. - With the modern tools k0-NAA can serve as a
routine analysis technique - The necessary k0-method calibrations are
reasonable elaborate but straight forward. - All data, formulas and other aspects of k0-INAA
incorporated in Kayzero are traceable to
open-literature. - As with every program good knowledge of the
k0-method and gammaspectrometry remains essential
for correct and error-free use.