Title: The U.S. Surgeon Generals Family History Initiative
1The U.S. Surgeon Generals Family History
Susan Vasquez May 2005
2The U.S. Surgeon Generals Family History
3Why Family History?
- Most diseases are due to interactions of multiple
genes and environmental factors. - Almost every patient has available today, a free,
personalized tool that captures many of these
interactions and can serve as the cornerstone for
individualized disease prevention. - This valuable, free, and well-proven tool is the
family history.
4Why Family History?
- Although we will gain important new genomic
tools, family history will remain highly relevant
for years. - Family history helps predict risk for varied
health concerns such as heart disease, colorectal
cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer,
osteoporosis, asthma, type 2 diabetes, suicide,
etc. - Yet, many people are unaware of relatives
medical histories, and many health professionals
underutilize this information in advising
patients on how to maintain good health.
5Do People Care About Family History?
- In the Parade/Research!America 2004 survey of
1,000 individuals - ?? have found health information on the
Internet to be very or somewhat helpful
6Do People Care About Family History?
- In the Parade/Research!America 2004 survey of
1,000 individuals - 65 have found health information on the Internet
to be very or somewhat helpful
7Do People Care About Family History?
- In the Parade/Research!America 2004 survey of
1,000 individuals - 65 have found health information on the Internet
to be very or somewhat helpful - But, 96 thought, in thinking of their own
health, that knowledge of family health history
was very or somewhat important
8Do People Care About Family History?
- In the HealthStyles survey of over 4,000
individuals - 97 thought that knowledge of family health
history was important
9Do People Care About Family History?
- In the HealthStyles survey of over 4,000
individuals - 97 thought that knowledge of family health
history was important - But, only 30 had actually ever collected health
information from relatives to develop a family
health history.
10Goals of the Surgeon Generals Family History
- Increase the American publics awareness of the
importance of family history in health - Give the American public tools to gather,
understand, evaluate, and use family history to
improve their health - Increase the awareness of health professionals
about the importance of family history
11Goals of the Surgeon Generals Family History
- Give health professionals tools to gather,
evaluate, and use family history information and
to communicate with their patients about family
history - Increase genomics and health literacy
- Prepare both the American public and their health
professionals for the coming era in which
genomics will be an integral part of regular
health care.
12The Surgeon Generals Family History Initiative
- November 8, 2004
- Formal announcement of the Initiative
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14The Surgeon Generals Family History Initiative
- November 8, 2004
- Formal announcement of the Initiative
- Release of My Family Health Portrait
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16The Surgeon Generals Family History Initiative
- November 8, 2004
- Formal announcement of the Initiative
- Release of My Family Health Portrait
- Thanksgiving Day, 2004
- First Annual National Family History Day
17The Surgeon Generals Family History Initiative
- November 8, 2004
- Formal announcement of the Initiative
- Release of My Family Health Portrait
- Thanksgiving Day, 2004
- First Annual National Family History Day
- Publication of Family History- More Important
than Ever by Carmona, Collins, and Guttmacher in
The New England Journal of Medicine
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19My Family Health Portrait computer- based tool
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26Since the launch of the Initiative on November 8,
- The Initiative has been highlighted in over ??
media stories. - 50
- 100
- 300
- 500
- 700
- 1,000
27Since the launch of the Initiative on November 8,
- The Initiative has been highlighted in over ??
media stories. - 50
- 100
- 300
- 500
- 700
- 1,000
28Since the launch of the Initiative on November 8,
- The My Family Health Portrait tool has been
downloaded over ?? times. - 5,000
- 15,000
- 40,000
- 100,000
- 250,000
- 320,000
29Since the launch of the Initiative on November 8,
- The My Family Health Portrait tool has been
downloaded over ?? times. - 5,000
- 15,000
- 40,000
- 100,000
- 250,000
- 320,000
30Since the launch of the Initiative on November 8,
- The NEJM article, Family History -More Important
than Ever, by Drs. Carmona, Collins and
Guttmacher has been downloaded over ?? times. - 100
- 500
- 1,000
- 5,000
- 20,000
- 30,000
31Since the launch of the Initiative on November 8,
- The NEJM article, Family History -More Important
than Ever, by Drs. Carmona, Collins and
Guttmacher has been downloaded over ?? times. - 100
- 500
- 1,000
- 5,000
- 20,000
- 30,000
32Next Steps
- Improve My Family Health Portrait
- Continued media attention and outreach
- New projects and uses by any and all
- Make Thanksgiving the Annual National Family
History Day - Involvement by more federal and non-federal
groups (e.g., MLA)
33To obtain the My Family Health Portrait tool
- 1) Download the computer based tool from
www.hhs.gov/familyhistory - 2) Download the PDF of the print tool from
www.hhs.gov/familyhistory - 3) Order a free copy of the print version
through the HRSA Information Center at - 1-888-Ask HRSA or www.ask.hrsa.gov
34Please visit the NLM booth to pick up the
following materials
- Copies of the My Family Health Portrait print
version in both English and Spanish - Background information on the Initiative
- Bookmarks advertising the initiative
- Contact Susan Vasquez at
- vasquezs_at_mail.nih.gov
- or visit
- The U.S. Surgeon Generals Family History Website
- www.hhs.gov/familyhistory
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37Since the launch of the Initiative on November 8,
- The Initiative has been highlighted in more than
1,000 media stories - The computer based tool has been downloaded over
144,000 times - The print version of the tool has been downloaded
over 108,000 times - An article in The New England Journal of
Medicine, Family History -More Important than
Ever, by Drs. Carmona, Collins and Guttmacher
has been downloaded over 20,000 times.
38Genetics Resources
- NHGRI - www.genome.gov
- Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center
- On-line health resources- http//www.genome.gov/11
510197 - NLM - www.nlm.nih.gov
- MedLine Plus- http//medlineplus.gov
- Genetics Home Reference- http//ghr.nlm.nih.gov
- CDC - www.cdc.gov (click on genetics genomics)
- Information accessing providers
- NCI Cancer Genetics Services Directory-
www.cancer.gov/search/geneticsservices - National Society of Genetic Counselors-