Title: Types
- Antonio Cisternino
- Programmazione Avanzata
- Computer hardware is capable of interpreting bits
in memory in several different ways - A type limit the set of operations that may be
performed on a value belonging to it - The hardware usually doesnt enforce the notion
of type, though it provides operations for
numbers and pointers - Programming languages tend to associate types to
value to enforce error-checking
3Type system
- A type system consists of
- A mechanism for defining types and associating
them with certain language constructs - A set of rules for
- type equivalence two values are the same
- type compatibility a value of a given type can
be used in a given context - type inference type of an expression given the
type of its constituents
4Type checking
- Type checking is the process of ensuring that a
program obeys the languages type compatibility
rules - A language is strongly typed if it prohibits, in
a way that the language implementation can
enforce, the application of any operation to any
object that is not intended to support that
operation - A language is statically typed if it is strongly
typed and type checking can be performed at
compile time
5Programming Languages and type checking
No type checking
- Assembly
- C
- Pascal
- C
- Java
- Lisp
- Prolog
- ML
Static type checking Not entirely strongly typed
(union, interoperability of pointers and arrays)
Static type checking Not entirely strongly typed
(untagged variant records)
Static type checking Not entirely strongly typed
(as C) Dynamic type checking (virtual methods)
Static type checking Dynamic type checking
(virtual methods, upcasting) Strongly typed
Dynamic type checking Strongly typed
Dynamic type checking Strongly typed
Static type checking Strongly typed
6Different views for types
- Denotational
- types are set of values (domains)
- Application semantics
- Constructive
- Built-in types
- Composite types (application of type
constructors) - Abstraction-based
- Type is an interface consisting of a set of
7Language types
- Boolean
- Int, long, float, double (signed/unsigned)
- Characters (1 byte, 2 bytes)
- Enumeration
- Subrange (n1..n2)
- Composite types
- Struct
- Union
- Arrays
- Pointers
- List
8Type Conversions and Casts
- Consider the following definition
- int add(int i, int j)
- int add2(int i, double j)
- And the following calls
- add(2, 3) // Exact
- add(2, (int)3.0) // Explicit cast
- add2(2, 3) // Implicit cast
9Memory Layout
- Typically hardware-types on 32 bits architectures
require from 1 to 8 bytes - Composite types are represented by chaining
constituent values together - For performance reasons often compilers employ
padding to align fields to 4 bytes addresses
10Memory layout example
- struct element
- char name2
- int atomic_number
- double atomic_weight
- char metallic
11Optimizing Memory Layout
- C requires that fields of struct should be
displaced in the same order of the declaration
(essential for working with pointers!) - Not all languages behaves like this for instance
ML doesnt specify any order - If the compiler is free of reorganizing fields
holes can be minimized (in the example by packing
metallic with name saving 4 bytes)
- Union types allow sharing the same memory area
among different types - The size of the value is the maximum of the
union u struct element e int number
13Abstract Data Types
- According to the abstraction-based view of types
a type is an interface - An ADT defines a set of values and the operations
allowed on it - In their evolution programming languages have
included mechanisms to define ADT - Definition of an ADT requires the ability of
incapsulating values and operations
14Example a C list
- struct node
- int val
- struct list next
- struct node next(struct node l) return
l-gtnext - struct node initNode(struct node l, int v)
- l-gtval v l-gtnext NULL return l
- void append(struct node l, int v)
- struct node p l
- while (p-gtnext) p p-gtnext
- p-gtnext
- initNode((struct node)malloc(sizeof(struct
node)), v)
15ADT, modules and classes
- C doesnt provide any mechanism to hide the
structure of data types - A program can access the next pointer without
using the next function. - The notion of module has been introduced to
define data types and restrict the access to
their definition - An evolution of module is the class values and
operations are tied together (with the addition
of inheritance)
16Class type
- Class is a type constructor like struct and array
- A class combines other types like structs
- Class definition contains also methods which are
the operations allowed on the data - The inheritance relation is introduced
- Two special operations provide control over
initialization and finalization of objects
17The Node Type in Java
- class Node
- int val
- Node m_next
- Node(int v) val v
- Node next() return m_next
- void append(int v)
- Node n this
- while (n.m_next ! null) n n.m_next
- n.m_next new Node(v)
- If the class A inherits from class B (AltB) when
an object of class B is expected an object of
class A can be used instead - Inheritance expresses the idea of adding features
to an existing type (both methods and attributes) - Inheritance can be single or multiple
- class A
- int i
- int j
- int foo() return i j
- class B A
- int k
- int foo() return k super.foo()
- Consider the following
- A a new A()
- A b new B()
- Console.WriteLine(a.foo())
- Console.WriteLine(b.foo())
- Which version of foo is invoked in the second
print? - What is the layout of class B?
- Late binding happens because we convert a
reference to an object of class B into a
reference of its super-class A (upcasting) - B b new B()
- A a b
- The runtime should not convert the object only
use the part inherited from A - This is different from the following implicit
cast where the data is modified in the
assignment - int i 10
- long l i
- Once we have a reference of the super-class we
may want to convert it back - A a new B()
- B b (B)a
- During downcast it is necessary to explicitly
indicate which class is the target a class may
be the ancestor of many sub-classes - Again this transformation informs the compiler
that the referenced object is of type B without
changing the object in any way
23Upcasting, downcasting
- We have shown upcasting and downcasting as
expressed in languages such as C, C and Java
though the problem is common to OO languages - Note that the upcast can be verified at compile
time whereas the downcast cannot - Upcasting and downcasting dont require runtime
type checking - in Java casts are checked at runtime
- C simply changes the interpretation of an
expression at compile time without any attempt to
check it at runtime
24Late Binding
- The output of the example depends on the
language the second output may be the result of
invoking Afoo() or Bfoo() - In Java the behavior would result in the
invocation of Bfoo - In C Afoo would be invoked
- The mechanism which associates the method
Bfoo() to b.foo() is called late binding
25Late Binding
- In the example the compiler cannot determine
statically the exact type of the object
referenced by b because of upcasting - To allow the invocation of the method of the
exact type rather than the one known at compile
time it is necessary to pay an overhead at
runtime - Programming languages allow the programmer to
specify whether to apply late binding in a method
invocation - In Java the keyword final is used to indicate
that a method cannot be overridden in subclasses
thus the JVM may avoid late binding - In C only methods declared as virtual are
considered for late binding
26Late Binding
- With inheritance it is possible to treat objects
in a generic way - The benefit is evident it is possible to write
generic operations manipulating objects of types
inheriting from a common ancestor - OOP languages usually support late binding of
methods which method should be invoked is
determined at runtime - This mechanism involves a small runtime overhead
at runtime the type of an object should be
determined in order to invoke its methods
27Example (Java)
- class A
- final void foo()
- void baz()
- void bar()
- class B extends A
- // Suppose it possible!
- final void foo()
- void bar()
- A a new A()
- B b new B()
- A c b
- a.foo() // Afoo()
- a.baz() // Abaz()
- a.bar() // Abar()
- b.foo() // Bfoo()
- b.bar() // Bbar()
- c.foo() // Afoo()
- c.bar() // Bbar()
28Abstract classes
- Sometimes it is necessary to model a set S of
objects which can be partitioned into subsets
(A0, An) such that their union covers S - ?x ? S ? ?Ai ? S, x ? Ai
- If we use classes to model each set it is natural
that - ? A ? S, AltS
- Each object is an instance of a subclass of S and
no object is an instance of S. - S is useful because it abstracts the
commonalities among its subclasses, allowing to
express generic properties about its objects.
- We want to manipulate documents with different
formats - The set of documents can be partitioned by type
doc, pdf, txt, and so on - For each document type we introduce a class that
inherits from a class Doc that represents the
document - In the class Doc we may store common properties
to all documents (title, location, ) - Each class is responsible for reading the
document content - It doesnt make sense to have an instance of Doc
though it is useful to scan a list of documents
to read
30Abstract methods
- Often when a class is abstract some of its
methods could not be defined - Consider the method read() in the previous
example - In class Doc there is no reasonable
implementation for it - We leave it abstract so that through late binding
the appropriate implementation will be called
- Abstract classes can be declared using the
abstract keyword in Java or C - abstract class Doc
- C assumes a class is abstract if it contains an
abstract method - it is impossible to instantiate an abstract
class, since it will lack that method - A virtual method is abstract in C if its
definition is empty - virtual string Read() 0
- In Java and C abstract methods are annotated
with abstract and no body is provided - abstract String Read()
- Inheritance is a relation among classes
- Often systems impose some restriction on
inheritance relation for convenience - We say that class A is an interface if all its
members are abstract has no fields and may
inherit only from one or more interfaces - Inheritance can be
- Single (A lt B ? (?C. A lt C ? C B))
- Mix-in (S B A lt B, ?1 B?S ? interface(B))
- Multiple (no restriction)
33Multiple inheritance
- Why systems should impose restrictions on
inheritance? - Multiple inheritance introduces both conceptual
and implementation issues - The crucial problem, in its simplest form, is the
following - B lt A ? C lt A
- D lt B ? D lt C
- In presence of a common ancestor
- The instance part from A is shared between B and
C - The instance part from A is duplicated
- This situation is not infrequent in C
iosgtistream, iosgtostream and iostreamltistream,
iostreamltostream - The problem in sharing the ancestor A is that B
and C may change the inherited state in a way
that may lead to conflicts
34Java and Mix-in inheritance
- Both single and mix-in inheritance fix the common
ancestor problem - Though single inheritance can be somewhat
restrictive - Mix-in inheritance has become popular with Java
and represents an intermediate solution - Classes are partitioned into two sets interfaces
and normal classes - Interfaces constraints elements of the class to
be only abstract methods no instance variables
are allowed - A class inherits instance variables only from one
of its ancestors avoiding the diamond problem of
multiple inheritance
35Implementing Single and Mix-in inheritance
- Consists only in combining the state of a class
and its super-classess
Note that Upcasting and Downcasting comes for
free the pointer at the base of the instance can
be seen both as a pointer to an instance of A or B
36Implementing multiple inheritance
- With multiple inheritance becomes more complex
than reinterpreting a pointer!
DltB, DltC
DltB, DltC
A (B)
A (C)
37Late binding
- How to identify which method to invoke?
- Solution use a v-table for each class that has
polymorphic methods - Each virtual method is assigned a slot in the
table pointing to the method code - Invoking the method involves looking up in the
table at a specific offset to retrieve the
address to use in the call instruction - Each instance holds a pointer to the v-table
- Thus late binding incurs an overhead both in time
(2 indirections) and space (one pointer per
object) - The overhead is small and often worth the benefits
38Late binding an example (Java)
As v-table
- class A
- void foo()
- void f()
- int ai
- class B extends A
- void foo()
- void g()
- int bi
Bs v-table
B b new B() b.foo() b.g() b.f()
A a new A() a.foo() a.f()
A c b c.foo() c.f()
39JVM invokevirtual
- A call like
- x.equals("test")
- is translated into
- aload_1 push local variable 1 (x) onto the
operand stack - ldc "test" push string "test" onto the operand
stack - invokevirtual java.lang.Object.equals(Ljava.lang.O
bject)Z - where java.lang.Object.equals(Ljava.lang.Object)Z
is a method specification - When invokevirtual is executed, the JVM looks at
method specification and determines its of args - From the object reference it retrieves the class,
searches the list of methods for one matching the
method descriptor. - If not found, searches its superclass
40Invokevirtual optimization
- The Java compiler can arrange every subclass
method table (mtable) in the same way as its
superclass, ensuring that each method is located
at the same offset - The bytecode can be modified after first
execution, by replacing with - invokevirtual_quick mtable-offset
- Even when called on objects of different types,
the method offset will be the same
41Virtual Method in Interface
- Optimization does not work for interfaces
- interface Incrementable public void incr()
- class Counter implements Incrementable
- public void incr()
- class Timer implements Incrementable
- public void decr()
- public void inc()
- Incrementable i
- i.incr()
- Compiler cannot guarantee that method incr() is
at the same offset.
42Runtime type information
- Execution environments may use the v-table
pointer as a mean of knowing the exact type of an
object at runtime - This is what happens in C with RTTI, in .NET
CLR and JVM - Thus the cost of having exact runtime type
information is allocating the v-pointer to all
objects - C leaves the choice to the programmer without
RTTI no v-pointer is allocated in classes without
virtual methods
- Overloading is the mechanism that a language may
provide to bind more than one object to a name - Consider the following class
- class A
- void foo()
- void foo(int i)
- The name foo is overloaded and it identifies two
44Method overloading
- Overloading is mostly used for methods because
the compiler may infer which version of the
method should be invoked by looking at argument
types - Behind the scenes the compiler generates a name
for the method which includes the type of the
signature (not the return type!) - This process is known as name mangling
- In the previous example the name foo_v may be
associated to the first method and foo_i to the
second - When the method is invoked the compiler looks at
the types of the arguments used in the call and
chooses the appropriate version of the method - Sometimes implicit conversions may be involved
and the resolution process may lead to more than
one method in this case the call is considered
ambiguous and a compilation error is raised
45Operator overloading
- Though operators such as and have a syntax
different from the function invocation they
identify functions - C and other languages (i.e. C) allow
overloading these operators in the same way as
ordinary functions and methods - Conceptually each invocation of is rewritten in
to the functional version and the standard
overloading process is used - Example (C)
- c a b // operator(c, operator(a, b))
46Late binding an example (Java)
As v-table
- class A
- void foo()
- void f()
- int ai
- class B extends A
- void foo(int i)
- void g()
- int bi
Bs v-table
B b new B() b.foo() b.g() b.f()
A a new A() a.foo() a.f()
A c b c.foo(3) c.f()
47Late binding only on first argument
As v-table
- class A
- void foo(A a)
- void f()
- int ai
- class B extends A
- void foo(B b)
- void g()
- int bi
Bs v-table
B b new B() b.foo() b.g() b.f()
A a new A() a.foo() a.f()
A c b c.foo(c) c.f()