Title: F.3 SUBPROGRAMME Marine Environmental Studies Laboratory
1Marine Environment Laboratory Activities in the
Marine Coastal Zone
Stephen de Mora Marine Environmental Studies
Laboratory (MESL) International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) Marine Environment Laboratory 4,
Quai Antoine 1er MONACO
2Monitoring and Study of Marine Pollution
- Introduction
- Marine Science in the IAEA
- Facilities and Capabilities
- 3 Laboratory Suites at MEL
- Nuclear and Isotopic Techniques Tools for
Coastal Zone Management
3The only Marine Laboratory in the UN System
- 1961 - Laboratory established in the
Oceanographic Museum - 1988 - Temporary facilities in the Louis II
Football Stadium - 1998 - Permanent facilities on the Port of Monaco
4Marine Environment LaboratoryOrganizational Chart
Marine Environment Laboratory Department of
Nuclear Sciences and Applications International
Atomic Energy Agency
5Marine Environment Laboratory
- MEL has expertise in
- Marine Radioactivity Measurements
- Marine Radioecology
- Radiotracer Studies
- Marine analytical chemistry
- Marine pollution monitoring and assessment
- Chemical oceanography marine biogeochemistry
- Within the IAEA
- Programmatic responsibilities for the study of
marine environment and pollution, including
non-nuclear pollution
6Ongoing Support to UN Inter-agencyMarine-Related
Worldwide Marine Radioactivity Studies in Oceans
and Seas Contamination Studies in Selected
Coastal Zones Climate Change Studies using
Isotopic Records in the Marine Environment Analyti
cal Quality Control Services for Marine
Radioactivity Studies Development of Methods for
Analysis of Low Level Radionuclide Concentrations
in the Environment in Response to Emergencies and
Nuclear Terrorism
Marine Environment Laboratory Department of
Nuclear Sciences and Applications International
Atomic Energy Agency
- To provide new data on radioactivity of oceans
and seas - Spatial and temporal distributions of
radionuclides - Sources of anthropogenic radionuclides
- To encourage and support marine radioactivity
studies in Member States
Marine Environment Laboratory Department of
Nuclear Sciences and Applications International
Atomic Energy Agency
Investigation of contamination of the marine
environment with anthropogenic radionuclides -
dumpsites in the Kara Sea (Arctic) - weapons
test sites at the Atolls of Mururoa and
Fangataufa (South Pacific) - offshore Sellafield
reprocessing plant (Irish Sea)
137Cs in sediment off the Cumbrian coast (Irish
Sea) in 1995.
Marine Environment Laboratory Department of
Nuclear Sciences and Applications International
Atomic Energy Agency
Transects covered by the Irish Sea seabed g-ray
10RADIOMETRICS LABORATORY Stationary Monitoring of
Gamma - Activity of Seawater in the Irish Sea
with Satellite Data Transmission to IAEA - MEL
Marine Environment Laboratory Department of
Nuclear Sciences and Applications International
Atomic Energy Agency
Contaminant behaviour and transfer
processes Nuclear and isotopic applications to
delineate carbon flux processes Ecotoxicological
processes and impacts in coastal
zones Bioaccumulation and transfer of natural
radionuclides arising from hydrothermal and
anthropogenic sources in coastal environments.
Marine Environment Laboratory Department of
Nuclear Sciences and Applications International
Atomic Energy Agency
New state-of-the-art experimental aquaria
facilities for research and training in marine
radioecology and ecotoxicology Individual
mesocosms ranging in size from 70 to 3000
litres Automatic temperature and salinity
control for simulating diverse marine
ecosystems Isolated from associated radiometric
Marine Environment Laboratory Department of
Nuclear Sciences and Applications International
Atomic Energy Agency
Temperature and light controlled incubators for
radioecological and ecotoxicological studies with
phytoplankton, zooplankton, larval forms and
marine bacteria Currently used to incubate
uni-cellular cultures of a dozen phytoplankton
species from various marine ecosystems throughout
the world Ideal for examining food chain
transfer of contaminants through lower trophic
Marine Environment Laboratory Department of
Nuclear Sciences and Applications International
Atomic Energy Agency
14(No Transcript)
15Marine Environmental Studies Laboratory
- Environmental Analytical Chemistry in Support of
Marine Pollution Monitoring Programmes - Marine Pollution Assessment in Coastal Regions
and Bioresources, including support to UN
Inter-Agency Activities - Nuclear Techniques in Studies of Marine
Antifoulants in Coastal Environments - Isotopic Applications in Non-radioactive Marine
Contaminant Studies
16MESL - Analysis of Organic Contaminants
PAHs in marine sediments
- Organic contaminants analysed
- petroleum hydrocarbons, including PAHs
- pesticides (e.g. DDT, lindane, endrin)
- other chlorinated contaminants, such as PCBs
17MESL - Analysis of Inorganic Contaminants
- Heavy metals and organometallic species such as
methylmercury and tributyltin
18MESL - Supporting Regional Seas Programmes
19Caspian Environment Programme(GEF - UNDP - UNOPS)
Contaminant Screening Campaign Transboundary
Diagnostics Analysis
20Nuclear and Isotopic TechniquesTools for
Coastal Zone Management
- Expert Meeting in Monaco Nov 5-9, 2001
- Public health issues
- Saxitoxin analyses by receptor binding assay
- Ecosystem health
- HABs
- Living resources
- Effects of mariculture
- Non-living resources
- Submarine groundwater discharge
21Thank You