Title: Roanoke Lee Street Neighborhood Cleanup September 26th 2004
1Roanoke Lee Street Neighborhood
Clean-upSeptember 26th 2004
2Partnership Sponsors
- The Roanoke Lee Street Community Development
Block Grant Program in conjunction with the
Downtown Eastside Neighborhood Group hosted the
clean-up - Organizations involved included
- Blacksburg Methodist Church
- Downtown Eastside Neighborhood Group
- Fraternity/Sorority Life
- St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church
- Christ Episcopal Church
- Blacksburg Jewish Community Center
- Town Housing and Community Development
- VT College Alcohol Prevention Programs
- VT Judicial Affairs Office
3Fraternity Involvement
- House Tours and Fall Clean-up Removal
- Zeta Psi
- Lambda Chi Alpha
- Delta Kappa Epsilon
- Kappa Alpha
- Phil Gamma Delta
- Fence Painting at the Historic Price House on Lee
St. - Beta Theta Pi
- Curbside Litter Collection
- Alpha Phi Omega
4Historic Price House Project
5Price House Before
6Price House Work In Progress
7Price House Work in Progress
8Price House After
9Fall Clean-up Events
- 12pm-2pm Street Clean up
- 2pm-330pm Fraternity Tours
- 330-evening Cook out at Blacksburg Methodist
10Street Clean-up
Fraternities and other volunteers scoured the
streets gutter and sidewalks for trash.
11Street Clean-up cont
Volunteers sweeping streets and collecting
curb-side litter
12Street Clean-up cont
Fraternity members helped local residents remove
large trash items from their houses, sheds and
13Street Clean-up cont
Debris removed from residents house
14Street Clean-up cont
Before and after photo of resident driveway
15Street Clean-up cont
One of the many piles of collected curbside litter
16Fraternity Tours
Local residents were encouraged to tour the
fraternities along Roanoke Street. Residents,
college students, police and other volunteers
shared conversation over refreshments provided by
the fraternities.
17Fraternity Tours cont
18Fraternity Tours cont
Members of Kappa Alpha
19Fraternity Tours cont
Members of Zeta Psi
20Fraternity Tours cont
Fraternity member and local resident sharing
21Fraternity Tours cont
Any participant attending the Greek House tours
and the Cook Out was offered a free t-shirt
The days events convened with an invitation for
all to a cook-out at the Blacksburg Methodist
23Cook-out cont...
Enjoying food and the weather
24Cook-out cont
Pastor Reginald Tuck talking to Blacksburg
residents at the cook-out
25ABC Grant Partnership
- The street clean-up was done in conjunction with
requirements for the ABC Community Coalition
Grant - Total alcohol related trash collection
- 450 cans
- 540 bottles
- 280 party cups
- 175 related cardboard packaging