DUMAS Practical issues Multidimensional
investing Sessions 3-2 and 4-2
- Pitfalls in portfolio optimization
- Ideas that have survived
- Statistical models (much in use)
- Streamlining the investment process
- Estimating statistical factor models
- Pricing models (more questionable)
- Multi-factor pricing models
3Pitfalls in portfolio optimization
- Minor deviations in inputs (especially expected
returns) lead to large changes in decisions. - Generally, large, crazy positions.
- If no short sale allowed, undiversified
portfolios. - When estimating returns from the past, there is
estimation risk. - The problem is especially severe when there are
many assets. - In the limit, optimization becomes meaningless
when there are more assets than observations. - With the data we have, the asset allocation
problem cannot be solved beyond 10-15 assets (or
asset classes or risk dimensions). - Beyond that number, it is not just this method
that fails - The problem is basically meaningless
- The information needed to address the problem is
not available in the limited dataset.
4Ideas that have survived
- A statistical concept exposure
- beta can be seen as an exposure to market risk
- use of exposure(s) to classify assets and
systematize portfolio construction process - beta measures each assets contribution to total
portfolio risk - idea useful for risk management
- needed to develop accounting of risk (or
breakdown of risks) - but beta requires a generalization recognize
more common/underlying risk factors than just
the market - A pricing concept systematic vs. non systematic
risks - In pricing, only risk factors that are common to
many assets, matter. - Other risks can be diversified away.
5Multifactor statistical models
6Statistical models streamlining the investment
- Covariance matrix is huge (many entries)
- Leads to imprecisely computed portfolios
- Let us impose structure on the matrix
- We may have 10000 assets to choose from
- In fact, there may be only 10-15 common
underlying sources of risks (risk factors) - A particular assets can be seen as a portfolio of
these basic risk factors (plus idiosyncratic
risk) and must be analyzed as such - This is more flexible than imposing groupings of
assets into asset classes, - An asset can be partly exposed to one factor and
also partly exposed to another, - whereas asset classes force one to place one
asset in one class or the other, with no
intermediate classification
Assets space ? Factors space
7Example one factor model
- One-factor model ( bi called loading or
exposure) - where residuals ?i,t are independent across
assets and independent from factor - An asset is seen as a combination of two risks
the common factor and its own specific risk - Then
8Example construct common factor (by statistical
method (method 1 below))
9Returns Are Multi-Dimensional
- Companies possessing similar characteristics
may, in a given month, show returns that are
different from the other companies. The pattern
of differing shows up as the factor relation. - Barr Rosenberg, Extra Market Components of
Covariance in Security Markets, Journal of
Financial and Quantitative Analysis,1974
- A set of common factors -- not just a monolithic
market -- influence returns
10Stocks in the same industry tend to move
togetherExample banks in Europe
Slide from BARRA
11However, there are other common factors that
simultaneously affect returns Within the banking
industry, the size factor is at work
Slide from BARRA
12Multi-factor risk models
- Multi-factor model
- where residuals ?i,t are independent across firms
and independent of factors - When I hold Asset i, I am truly holding b1,i of
risk 1, b2,i of risk 2 etc.. - Then one figures out from that the risk
statistics that are needed for portfolio
13Key insight
Slide from BARRA
- The variance of factors and the covariance
between factors are more robust, statistically
speaking, than the variance of individual assets
and the covariance between assets.
14Estimating Statistical Factor Models three
- Goal capture the way in which assets returns
move together - Factor analysis (purely statistical)
- Factor analysis constructs a limited set of
abstract factors that best replicate the
estimated variances and covariances - Throws no light on underlying economic
determinants of the covariances - Use of macroeconomic variables
- Use of firm specific attributes size, B/M ratio,
consumption of oil
15Estimating Statistical Factor Models 2. Use of
macro variables
- Business cycle risk
- unanticipated growth in industrial production
- Confidence risk
- default rate-of-return spread (Baa - Aaa) which
is a proxy for unanticipated changes in risk
premia - Term premium risk
- return on long bonds minus short bonds, which is
a proxy for unanticipated shifts in slope of
yield curve - Get exposures (also called loadings) of each
stock by (multiple) time series regression
(exposures assumed constant)
16Estimating Statistical Factor Models 3. Use of
firm-specific attributes (size, B/M ratio,
consumption of oil)
- Attributes of firm
- Size
- Value vs. growth
- Etc.
- Form factor-mimicking portfolioswhich capture
contrasting factors - Market RM - r
- B/M High-minus-low (HML) RHML RH - RL
- Size Small-minus-big (SMB) RSMB RS - RB
- Estimate exposures by regression
This month(t)s returns Ri,t
This month(t)s sizes
Bottom three deciles
Top three deciles
17Example calculation of multi-factor statistical
- Imagine that I have observed
- that firm I is large while firm A is small (based
on attributes) - or that firm I is not recession prone, while firm
A is (based on macroeconomic variables) - or some such contrast
18Multifactor pricing models
19Multi-factor pricing models state-dependent
- Possible story investor not only cares about
portfolio variance but also when performance
occurs - Example investors try to buy stocks that do
better than others in a recession - If stock i does ( high compared to
other stocks) - lower return required from it
- this drives down expected return of stock i
(beyond the market beta effect) ?recession lt 0
20Numerical example
- Take, for instance, exposures obtained by
multiple regression of individual asset on the
factors, as in statistical models (see above). - Call that step the first pass regression.
- Prices of risk ? are then obtained by second-pass
cross-sectional regression, like in CAPM.
21Example calculation multi-factor pricing model
22Example E(R) on Asset B
23Which factors?
- See BARRA list
- Get SMB factors and others from
- http/mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.fre
24Application to fund analysis style analysis
- where
- Rp,t return on some fund
- R1,t return on strategy (or factor) 1 (e.g.,
invest in small firms) - R2,t return on strategy (or factor) 2 (e.g.,
invest in value firms) etc - the coefficients b reveal the management style
(investment policy) of the fund. - This is especially useful for funds that keep
their strategy somewhat secret (for example,
hedge funds) - the intercept ? detects expertise, according to
a multi-factor CAPM
- Assets are analyzed as portfolios of underlying
risk factors - Essential method for monitoring (keeping track
of) your risks - Style analysis is excellent product
definition/choice tool - Should clearly draw the distinction between
- statistical model that uses risk factors, which
are common to all returns, as a descriptive tool - and a multi-factor pricing model that assigns a
risk premium to each risk factor - This is a less restrictive approach to asset
pricing than the CAPM several dimensions of risk
are priced - general multi-factor model based, however, on
incompletely specified investor behavior