Title: TRD Gas Supply Deflections
1TRD Gas Supply Deflections
The following two charts show the location of the
TRD Gas supply on the USS-02 model and the
deflection results. The output data was
generated using the 10-01 AMS model. This
version has the most up to date Vacuum case model
that includes all the final geometry changes.
The USS-02 model used for this analysis is
slightly heaver due to splice plates on the built
up members. In the next version the splice
plates will be removed since these members will
now be welded and not riveted. Slide three shows
the analysis results for all load cases.
2TRD Gas Supply on the USS-02 Model
mid-span nodes
Vc joint nodes
Nodes used for relative deflection calculations
at mid-spand and at the VC joint. The midspan
arrows show the current TRD Gas Supply Location
on the USS. The deflection data contains the max
relative deflections for all four upper and lower
VC joints and upper and lower mid-span trunnion
bridge beams.
3Relative Deflection Results