Title: Distributed Energy Resources Mike Howard EPRI Worldwide Brussels
1 Distributed Energy Resources Mike HowardEPRI
September 2003
2EPRI Background
- Founded in 1973
- Independent, non-profit energy research
consortium - Voluntary funding from energy industry
participants - Shared risks and costs
- Collaborative research benefits members, their
customers, and society
3A Large and Successful RD Consortia
- Currently serving over 1,000 energy-related
organizations, including 150 international
participants, in over 42 countries - U.S. members represent over 90 of U.S.
electricity generated
- EPRI as Program Manager has access to an
extensive network of internationally recognized
4Short-Term Benefits and Long-Term Leadership
Energy Road Map
Long Term Vision (15 20 yrs)
RD Programs (annual)
Memberships at Program or Subprogram Level
Advisors Members
International Collaboratives
Issue Focus (1 2 yrs)
Single Client Projects
Solutions Focus (short term)
5Complete Energy Research Program
Power Generation Distributed Resources Fossil
Steam Plants Combustion Turbines Market
Analysis Renewables Hydroelectric
- Nuclear Power
- Component Reliability Safety
- Nuclear Operations Asset Management
- Nondestructive Evaluation
- Plant Technology
Environment Air Quality Global Climate Change
Land Groundwater Water Ecosystems Electric
and Magnetic Fields (EMF) Occupational Health
Power Delivery Markets Power Markets Grid
Management Transmission Systems Substations Distri
bution Systems Power Quality End-Use Markets
6Issues for Distributed Energy Resources
- Longer term
- Redesign of power delivery networks in response
to widespread DER - Consortium for Electric Infrastructure to
Support a Digital Society (CEIDS) project - Shorter term
- Integration of DER into existing power delivery
networks - The Business Case
- Technology assessment
- Interconnection and system impacts
- Field tests and demonstrations
7The Business Case
- Analysis of existing installations modeling
- Capacity support
- Black start
- Reduction in losses
- Power flow balance
- Congestion management
- Voltage support
- Power factor control
- Equipment life extension
- Spinning and non-spinning reserve
- Replacement energy
8Technology Assessment Testing
- Internal combustion engines
- Combustion turbines
- Stirling engines
- Microturbines
- Fuel cells
- Flow batteries
- Superconducting magnetic energy storage
- Wind power
- Biomass
- Solar
9Interconnection System Impacts
- Interconnection practices
- Communications and control
- Interconnection testing
- Interconnection hardware
- GridGatewayTM
- GenerLinkTM
- Interconnection standards
10Field Tests Demonstrations
- ARCHER-TRICE Innovative Rotary Turbine Engine
Testing Program
- Assess field performance on natural gas
- Efficiency, emissions, noise levels
- Start up scheme, load change capability,
operational flexibility - Connection to the grid and power quality rating
- Technical/economic assessment for niche
applications - Power production costs for 400kWe pilot engine
- Identify critical technology gaps
- Technology roadmap for further development
- Project participants receive preferential access
to engine technology
11P101 Distributed Energy Resources
- Executive Summary Information about Distributed
Resources - DER Business Strategy for Electric Generation,
Transmission and Distribution Companies - DER Markets and Customer Needs
- Integration of DER into Electric Power Systems
- DER Technologies Assessments and Databases
- Case Studies on Emerging DER Technology Tests and
Demonstrations - DER Technology Development Opportunities and
12P84 Renewable Technology Options
- Renewable Technology Strategic Information
- Solar and Other Renewable Energy Applications in
Distributed Generation - Wind Power Development Support
- Understanding Green Power Markets
- Biomass Energy
- Low-Impact and Emerging Hydro Generation
13P106 Distributed Energy Resources in Europe
- Summary of DER Activities in the U.S.
- Impacts of DER on European Transmission and
Distribution Networks - DER Customer Research European Market
- Database of European DER Technologies
- Users Group and Information Sharing from
Small-Scale (lt50kWe) Power
Generation and Storage Tests in Europe
14EPRI Provides Value
- Credibility, vision, innovation in science and
technology - Complex issue integration and solution
development - Objectivity
- Funding leverage
- Access to global scientific and technical
www.epri.com mihoward_at_epriww.com