Title: HealthOne NSW COROWA
- Rosemary
Garthwaite -
Acting Health Service Manager - Corowa
Health Service - May 2007
2 - Corowa Health Service
- Profile
- Situated 57kms West of Albury
- Corowa Shire population 8,257 at the 2001 census
- 21 of the population aged over 65yrs predicted
to rise to 32 by 2026.
3Continuum of CareStandard 1.1
Consumers /patients have access to health care
appropriate to their needs.Standard
1.2Comprehensive assessment by competent
professionals identifies the clinical,non-clinical
social needs of consumers/patients, as the
basis fro providing quality safe care.Standard
1.3 Consumer/patient needs for quality safe
care with desirable outcomes are addressed
through the planning, delivery evaluation of
4Continuum of Care
- Standard 1.4
- Consumer/patient carer needs for ongoing care
are addressed through the coordination of
services provision of timely useful
information. - Leadership Management
- Standard 2.1
- The Governing body leads the organisations
strategic direction establishes an operational
framework to ensure the provision of quality
,safe services.
5Human Resource ManagementStandard 3.1
The Management of Human resources supports the
delivery of quality safe care
services.Information ManagementStandard 4.1
Valid information sources support
decision making the identification of
consumer/patient care outcomes.
- A whole of system approach to Health Care, which
achieves better health outcomes with optimal use
of resources. - This involves
- Bringing together common functions within
between organisations to solve common problems. - Developing a commitment to shared vision goals.
- Using common resources technologies to achieve
these goals. -
7What is HealthOne Corowa
- Co-location of the Corowa Medical Centre, Corowa
Community Health and Corowa Hospital. - Delivery of an integrated primary health care
service from a single location. - Optimal utilisation of resources available to
consumers with particular focus on people with
chronic and complex conditions.
8How do we make Integrated Health Services happen.
- Vision,People,Leadership
- Clear vision what do you want to achieve? How
can you do better together? What are the gaps in
care opportunities for improved care? - What would need to change?-process,resources,peopl
e - Good planning change management clear roles
responsibilities. - Involve the patient/community-give them a role.
- Greater Southern Area Health Service
- Corowa Medical Centre
- Border Division of General Practise
- Corowa Shire Council
- Corowa Local Health Advisory Committee
- Corowa/Rutherglen Health Support Group
- Australian Government, Visiting
Specialists, - Visiting Allied Health Practitioners
10HealthOne CorowaFocus
- To build on the strengths of Health
Professionals such as General Practitioners
Community Health providers working in partnership
to enhance - Health Promotion preventative care
- Early detection intervention strategies
- Continuing co-ordinated care for Chronic
Complex-Team management - Equity Access for the local community
11Current service gaps/issues
- Services at 3 different locations
- Little integrated management of patients with
chronic conditions. - Estimated resident population 10,860
- 15 over 70 (cf 8.1 NSW)
- GP to population ratio 1 1820 and rising
- Shortage GPs and allied health staff
- High proportion of triage 4 5 presentations to
Corowa Hospital.
12Target Client Groups
- All people who use services from Corowa
- Community Health Corowa Medical Centre.
- Clients with chronic complex Care needs
- Child Family Health
- Mental Health
- Drug Alcohol
- Wound Care
- Improved access to services
- Improved case management and care coordination
- Greater coordination of care for chronic
conditions - Early intervention for those at risk
- Financial and staffing efficiencies
- Reduced length of stay at Corowa Hospital
- Reduced presentations to Corowa ED
14Governance model
- Corowa Medical Centre will remain as an
independent financial entity - Corowa HealthOne managers position to oversee
Community Health and Centre projects - GSAHS Corowa Medical Centre to contribute
financially to HealthOne Centre.
15Financial model
- 2 new positions IPHCC manager and case manager
under review - GSAHS to contribute 1.1 FTE from existing
positions - Corowa Medical Centre to contribute through
health assessments - Potential for lease income
- Potential for sharing of administration positions
and other resources
16Funding submission
- 30,000 one-off start-up grant to support
establishment of service and 1st year of
operation - Financial plan to ensure sustainability to be
developed within 6 months - Capital grant required - 2.0 million
- Other sources of funds to be sort.
17Capital works project
- Architects report identifies 2 options
- Both involve relocation of physiotherapy
department, reconfiguration of entrance and
extension of medical centre - Variation in entry configuration, medical centre
expansion - Both achieve single point of entry and creation
of IPHCC including space for other service
- SPP/PDP complete
- Commencement of Project Timeframes-May 2007.
- Progress funding opportunities
- Patient experience Models of Care
- Commence Integration NOW
- The future is not a result of choices among
alternative paths offered by the present, but a
place that is created- created first in the mind
will, created next in activity. - The future is not some place we are going to, but
one we are creating. The paths are not to be
found, but made, the activity of making them,
changes both the maker the destination. - John
- May 2007
- Rosemary
Garthwaite -
Corowa Health Service