Title: Laser Isotope Separation LIS
1Laser Isotope Separation(LIS)
- Stanley A. Knott
- CHM 466
- 12/4/07
- Background
- Basic Concepts of LIS
- General Methods
- Closer look at three commonly used methods
- Potential Advantages/Disadvantages
- A look at a Silicon Isotope Separation Study
- Early Laser Isotope Separation (LIS) techniques
were developed in the early 1970s. - Made possible due to the development of tunable
lasers covering a spectral range from 2000 Å to
20 ?m.
- LIS methods rely on isotopic shifts.
- Shifts are based on differences in masses,
volumes, and nuclear spins. - 415 millikaiser shift for Uranium is shown.
- Experiments are typically run at pressures of no
more than a few torr to reduce pressure
broadening of peaks. - Experiments are also typically run at lowered
temperatures to reduce doppler broadening. - Techniques for narrowing in special situations
- Cooling of gas in a supersonic jet
- Atomic beams
- All LIS techniques begin with the selective
photo-excitation of an atom or molecule with the
correct isotopic composition.
7General LIS Methods
- The most commonly used photophysical method for
the separation of substances at the atomic level.
- Photoionization is a two step process.
- Isotopically selective excitation.
- Ionization of only the excited atoms.
- Various pathways used for the ionization of a
- This method is commonly used for the separation
of substances at the molecular level.
- Photodissociation is also a two step
process. - Isotopically selective excitation.
- Dissociation of only the excited molecular
vibrational states.
- Various pathways for the dissociation of a
molecular species.
- Excited atoms or molecules usually have a
higher chemical reactivity than an unexcited
one. - The probability of overcoming an energy
barrier is increased due to internal energy.
- High selectivity in separation
- Extraction of desired isotope
- Low energy consumption
- Short starting time
- Possibility of remote separations
- Universality
- Most separations require kW or MW power levels
for reasonable productivity. - High equipment costs
15Silicone Isotope Separation
- Joint Swiss and Russian project.
- Goal of research is to overcome high cost of
isotope separation required to improve the
operation of semiconducting devices. - Natural Silicone Isotope Abundances
- 28Si 92.1
- 29Si 4.7
- 30Si 3.2
- Utilizing an Overtone-Preexcitation Infrared
Multiphoton Dissociation (OP-IRMPD) approach.
16Overtone-Preexcitation Infrared Multiphoton
Dissociation (OP-IRMPD)
200 ns later Third laser causes LIF for
detection of SiCl2
Net Reaction
400 ns later - Multiphoton excitation of (v4)
bending vibration beyond dissociation by an IR
NH3 laser.
IR laser pulse excites 30Si-H stretch to (2v1)
17Experimental Apparatus
3-4 mJ /cm2 of IR radiation at 4450.5 cm-1 by
difference frequency mixing is used to excite
30SiH stretch. LiNbO3 crystal
4-6 J/cm2 of IR radiation at 797cm-1 used for
multiphoton dissociation.
LIF beam at 325.084 nm from second harmonic of
dye laser.
Semiconductor grade SiHCl3 (and Scavenger)
19Scavenger Study
- A scavenger is used to react with the products of
the photodissociation to form a secondary product
which can be efficiently collected. - In this study, BCl3 , was the only scavenger that
was found to produce a gas that could be
collected. (SiCl3BCl2) - It was fairly inefficient however. Only about 40
of the dissociated SiCl2 could be scavenged and
only at low pressures - (lt0.5 Torr)
- While optimal conditions could be found for the
isotopic separation of Silicone isotopes, an
efficient means of collecting those isotopically
pure products was not found. - Additional research is needed to locate a more
suitable scavenger.
- Letokhov, V.S. Nature 1979, 277(22), 605-610.
- Brenner, D.M. Datta, S. Zare, R.N. J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 1977, 99(14), 4554-4561 - Rao, P.R. Current Science 2003, 85(5), 615-633.
22Thank You
- Szczepura Research Group
- My Audience
23Test Question
- What is the first step in any LIS method?
All LIS techniques begin with the selective
photo-excitation of an atom or molecule with the
correct isotopic composition