Title: ADM
1Calgo-Workshop (11-12 May)
- Short term goals
- - produce better/uniform data with Fix pass-2
- - Recommend set of cuts/data samples/
procedures for the first round of publications - - Improve calibrations/resolutions/error (em/jet)
- Longer term goals
- - Finalize / Certify p17 which has the tools
(DB, new info on tmb) to allow a further step in
reconstruction quality. - - keep improving algorithms using this new info
- Status of the on-going efforts will
be reviewed in Fresno
2Calgo-Workshop (11-12 May)
54 talks in 2 days a few gallons of coffee
3Calgo-Workshop (11-12 May)
General / Review ? Electron
- id/calibration ? Photon-Id/PreShowers
? future ADM? Jet-Id
? Jet Energy Scale
? future ADM? MET and
d0correct ? Energy Flow
? future ADM? ICD/MG
? future ADM? Too
much material ? try to concentrate on studies and
changes which are directly influencing current
4Electrons / Photons / PS / calibration
5EM-Shower Shape Studies
- disagreement data/MC in Hmx8
- particularly shower shape in eta (sigZorR
variable) - simulation of possible Cross-talk effects
6em longitudinal shower profile
- rescaling of em-fractions needed!
- sampling weights adjustment?
7Shower shape in eta/phi
- 1 cross-talk in eta (read-out strips)
- 1 electronics cross-talk (per tower in depth)
Electronics crosstalk helps here
8Electron reconstruction in phi-cracks
study of Oleg K. (03/03) crack width in data/MC
vs PT(em)
E/p study with e- from W/Z
better crack simulation needed ? less charge
collected in Run II
fid cuts
9J/Psi calibration MC sample and fit
File ? TMBAnalyse_x-p14.05.02-d0correctv06-p14.03.
00_Stark_emid_mcp14 (direct J/y events ) The
trigger was simulated with TrigSim in p15.06.01
After geometrical corrections
10J/Psi calibration MC sample and fit
All Files on SAM ? CSskim-JPSI.raw_p14.06.00 (
70 of the skim)
Without any corrections
The calibration constants are obtained using the
energy corrections for geometry effects for
11EMScale constants J/Psi vs Z ? ee
Only CC is considered, due to low statistics only
4 eta CC zones were defined Zone 1 -1.2 lt h
lt -0.6 Zone 2 -0.6 lt h lt 0.0 Zone 3 0. 0 lt h
lt 0.6 Zone 4 0.6 lt h lt 1.2
no dramatic non-linearity effect!
N EM obj/zone Zone 1 102 Zone 2 219 Zone 3
215 Zone 4 114
12electrons to scan electronics behavior
in CC
In agreement with Jans study with e from Z but
with much less statistics
e- from W/Z
adc 2
E/p gaussian fit crate 9 3000 evts/adc
adc 7
13at the BLS level (4 towers) ? tower level -gt
layer level
(use skimmed rootrees ? get cells)
E/p(BLS)-E/p mean
bad BLS ?
384 BLS ? 4 CC crates
Z w 3.2 GeV corrected
Z w3.4 GeV uncorr
better by 6 ? resol on E improved by
sqrt(2)6 8
without latest gain/nlc calibration effort on
phi-intercalibration started also on min-biais
Juniie Zhu
A 20/sqrt(E)
C 3.9 0.2
If A 15/sqrt(E) C 4.2 0.2
Likelihood on the Z mass with PMCS/data
15Reconstruction of p0?gg
- Require one good EM object (no HMx cut)
- Require at least two CPS clusters associated with
EM - If more than two use most energetic ones
- These CPS clusters must pass tight shower-like
criteria - Use CPS clusters position with respect to
primary vertex to reconstruct photons
trajectory. Assume energy of each photon a half
of EM objects energy - One can also use CPS energy for weighting
16p0?gg and h?gg MC
- Lines indicate population of events where we
reconstruct CPS clusters incorrectly - Most background comes from one high energy CPS
cluster reconstructed as two clusters
17Invariant mass fit (plus h)
Use bMU CSG sample where we require at least one
muon-based trigger to fire ? cal-unbiased sample
18 Jet / MET / Energy Flow
19CalJetMet LBN selection for post-shutdown data
With T42 Without T42 of data
kept 90.44
89.20 Estimation of data kept
at least 95.53 95.11 after p17
- T42 helps to clean helps to clean distributions
but no effect on serious calorimeter problems - A large fraction of the rejected data were taken
when there were online problems - Hot cells or pedestal shifts or toroid noise
- At the last meeting, fraction of data kept 93
but hot cells problem in the ICD in very recent
data (runs 192308 ? 192365). Jets are good but
MET is very bad. - dq_calo BAD runs are 1.6 of the data we
checked that 30 of the runs flagged BAD by
dq_calo are not flagged BAD by our selection
20ltMETBxgt and ltMETBygt after selection
ltMETBygt per LBN
With T42 Without T42
ltMETBxgt per LBN
21ltMETBxygt and ltSETBgt after selection
ltMETBxygt per LBN
With T42 Without T42
ltSETBgt per LBN
22lt bad jetsgt vs lt good jetsgt after selection
lt bad jets gt per LBN
With T42 Without T42
lt bad jets gt per LBN
lt good jets gt per LBN
Proportion of bad jets is reduced after T42
lt good jets gt per LBN
23MET vs ? SET
Min bias Di-jets back to back (3CJT5 monitor)
Without T42
Slope is steeper than in run I
24(No Transcript)
25(No Transcript)
26(No Transcript)
27Low ET Jets properties
28(No Transcript)
29Jet definition (top)
- Good jet L1 confirmation Quality cuts
- 0.5 lt EMF lt 0.95
- CHF lt 0.4
- HotF lt 10
- N90 lt 2
- Bad jet Jet failing one the quality criteria
? Reproduced by Pythia - Noise jet no L1 trigger confirmation
? Not in MC
All bad jets
Noise jets removed
Note Jets energy are smeared in top analyses
30Bad jet study using L1 conf
Bad jets with L1 confirmation are physics
jets very well described by Pythia
EM fraction
CH fraction
hot fraction
31Effect of bad noisy jets on MET
Z 0 good jet
No Bad jet No noise jet
- Broader MET distribution
- in events containing bad jets,
- reproduced by the MC
- Large tails due to noise jets
- Same feature observed in
- Z?ee and Z?mm channels
Bad jet gt 0 Noise jet gt 0
Bad jet gt 0 No noise jet
- Search for an Event Quality Variable to reject
Noisy events - Basis
- Comparison of the occupancy of TT for
- different Jet Multiplicity
- Event Quality Variableprovisional proposal
- Noisy Precision TT see comparatively higher
energy than L1 TT through-outexplained later.
33Jet ID for p14
Good Jets Noise Jets
Blue new id proposed jet-id cuts w/o n90,
Hotf, EMF lt 0.05, vs OLD
- Things are moving on many fronts
- Monitoring, Infrastructure, Calibration,
Algorithms - Data Quality is reaching a satisfactory status
- Still struggling with resolution/calibration, but
maybe we are simply paying the fact that the
calorimeter is measuring only 2/3 of the signal
(-gt more fluctuations?, no compensation anymore?) - Need better EM shower understanding
- Need to take into account EM-Had scale difference
- Fix02 is providing us already improved data
(T42.5, HC) killing checkerboard fix and
more info on tmb - P17 ? Full use of DB, T42.0, CCMG correction
36Photon ID tools
- Yurii Maravin
- for photon ID group
37New photon/electron ID tools
- CFT/SMT hits on the road to an EM object (Oleksiy
A. and Y.M.) - Ongoing effort to apply the algorithm in Wg and
Zg - Better track matching to EM object
- CPS-EM matching
- TRK-CPS-EM matching
- CPS stereo cluster quality flags
- Reconstruction of p0?gg
- Several methods of efficiency estimation
- System8 (Drew A.)
- MC studies (still in progress, but it is getting
very close)
38CFT/SMT hits for EM object
D0 Note 4444
Not to scale!
- Use EM objects position and pT to define roads
in the tracker - Unknown charge two roads (left and right)
- Calculate the number of CFT and SMT hits
associated to the road - 4s of hit-road resolution measured in Z ?ee sample
39EM hits performance
- Measure performance on electrons from Z?ee
and fake EM objects from QCD EM-jet sample
Number of hits for EM object are blue
Number of hits for a random point in space is red
40Match probabilities
- Use hit distributions from electrons and noise to
calculate probability functions
41Overall performance
- Can increase track matching efficiency without
big contamination from the fake EM electrons - Can decrease the probability of electron
mis-identified as photon by factor of 4.
42(TRK-)CPS-EM matching
D0 Note 4414
- One can improve track matching to EM object by
requiring EM object to be matched with CPS
stereo cluster first, then check if a track
matches CPS cluster. - Use higher resolution of the CPS in f and z
- How to associate CPS cluster to EM object?
43CPS-EM matching
- Study different (6) CPS-EM matching methods,
analyze quality of CPS clusters
44- Best method associate the most energetic CPS
cluster to EM object - Assume CPS-EM matched if separation between CPS
and EM is below 5s (e 96.6) - can be significantly improved if CPS-CAL is
dz 0.22 cm
df 7.8 mrad
45TRK-CPS-EM matching
- Resolution of TRK-CPS match depends on quality of
central track propagation to CPS - Propagation is done using a simple circle in
axial view and a line in z-y plane. Empirical
corrections need to be applied. - Checked D0GTrackPropagator slower(?) and still
needs empirical corrections. No gain in
resolution - Use Z?ee, U?ee, J/Y?ee samples to calibrate track
propagation to CPS for the first time in data - Will be available in p17
46TRK-CPS-EM matching
- Higher efficiency than the standard methods
(without CPS) at the comparable fake rate
47Reconstruction of p0?gg
D0 Note 4446
- Natural continuation of CPS-EM matching study
reconstruct p0?gg - Low opening angle use CPS stereo clusters to
reconstruct individual photons - Neutral pions are usually produced in jets
- A lot of CPS clusters from MIPS, some of them are
fake - For efficient p0 reconstruction we need to
distinguish MIPS-like and ghost-like CPS clusters - Once we are able to separate shower-like CPS
clusters, we can cut on occupancy of such
clusters to reduce background from jets
misidentified as electrons or photons.
48Assessing CPS clusters quality
- CPS reconstruction software (DØ Note 4014)
provided several variables to measure quality of
CPS cluster - matchQ spatial quality the smaller, the better
- matchEQ energy quality the smaller, the better
- In addition, a few variables can help us fight
MIPS-like CPS clusters - Smallest energy deposited in the SLC (single
layer cluster) - Smallest number of strips of the SLC
- Use di-EM samples as a source of CPS clusters
associated with good electrons, and JESB CSG
sample as a source of MIPS-like CPS clusters - Require no calorimeter activity in the tracks
vicinity (no cells in df lt 0.3)
49matchQ and matchEQ
50minEn, minNStrips
51Shower-like quality of CPS clusters
- Loose shower-like CPS cluster (e 88.2
fr3.5) - matchEQ lt 2.0
- matchQ lt 1.0
- minNStrips gt 2
- minEn gt 0.005 GeV
- Tight shower-like CPS cluster (e 82.4
fr2.5) - matchEQ lt 1.5
- matchQ lt 0.7
- minNStrips gt 2
- minEn gt 0.007 GeV
52Reconstruction of p0?gg
- Require one good EM object (no HMx cut)
- Require at least two CPS clusters associated with
EM - If more than two use most energetic ones
- These CPS clusters must pass tight shower-like
criteria - Use CPS clusters position with respect to
primary vertex to reconstruct photons
trajectory. Assume energy of each photon a half
of EM objects energy - One can also use CPS energy for weighting
53p0?gg and h?gg MC
- Lines indicate population of events where we
reconstruct CPS clusters incorrectly - Most background comes from one high energy CPS
cluster reconstructed as two clusters
54A few words on CPS MC
- It is not in a good shape
- CPS gains are not set properly
- Some of the parameters are hardcoded, so dont be
fooled by those RCPs - Good news Tania Moulik is going to investigate
and try to improve it
55CEM(1,3.) special runs
- Use several special runs taken with low-pT Cal
triggers - Apply the method, estimate background by taking
low-energy CPS clusters (2nd and 3rd)
56CAL-unbiased data
- Use bMU CSG sample where we require at least one
muon-based trigger to fire. - Apply the same procedure
57Invariant mass fit
58Invariant mass fit (plus h)
59Whats needs to be done next
- We can reconstruct p0?gg using CPS!
- We need to apply the method and test it on
B-physics data sample (D processes) - Study CPS and CellNN information
- We need to identify manpower for this task
60More use of CPS in EM fake rejection
- Fake EM objects are normally high-pT p0 produced
in jets - Expect more CPS clusters around fake EM object
than that around real one - Many CPS clusters around EM object are clusters
produced from a single broad electron shower - Do not want to remove those
61Neural Network
- Use matchEQ, minEn, and minNStrips variables as
inputs to neural network algorithm implemented in
ROOT v4.0/3.
62Cut on shower-likeness
- Standard track matching criteria
- chi2prob gt 0.01
- Use chi2prob gt 0.001 cut on number of
shower-like CPS clusters in Z?ee and fake EM
objects - Standard matching e 79.4 1.1, fr 1.7
0.4 - N(CPS) lt 3 e 79.7 1.1, fr 1.3
0.4 - Once can reduce fake EM object without much loss
of efficiency. However, this is just a quick
look, one needs to develop this idea further
63Weve got tools how do we use them?
- Usage of these tools is simple for electron
identification - We have a clean electron sample!
- What do we do for photons???
- Can anyone please get a clean sample of H?gg?
- Work is still in the progress for photon
identification - System8 studies
- MC studies
64System 8
- Require two samples enriched in signal and
backgrounds and two sets of uncorrelated cuts
65System 8 in Wg and fake EM samples
- Analyzed a very very long list of different cuts
- Select several cuts of interest
- Number of L1 cells
- Iso7
- sum of ET of all cells in cone dRlt0.7 minus EM
objects ET - HMx8
- Results from System 8
- Iso 7 lt 7 GeV e 97 Fake 5
- Ncells in L1 lt 3 e 97 Fake 3
- HM8 lt 20 e 73 Fake 12
66Problems with system 8
- Big errors (currently 14)
- Systematic effects due to correlations
- Applying two cuts that are 95 efficient results
in 70 efficiency - It seems that we should use Monte Carlo
simulation to estimate photon efficiency - Assume the difference between photon and electron
is described properly in Monte Carlo (not for CPS
as of now) - Measure efficiency in data for electrons
- Scale the results based on parameters from MC
67Monte Carlo studies
- Quite a lot of photon/electron tools have been
developed over the last few months - We see p0?gg!
- Most of these tools are documented in D0 Notes
4414, 4444, and 4446 - Once we converge on a method to estimate photon
ID efficiency we will produce a photon ID
certification note
69Backup slides