Title: Trading and Tracing Fresh Seafood Safely
1Trading and Tracing Fresh Seafood Safely
2Phases in a Seafood Supply-Chain
SOA usecase From Capture to Table
3Semantic Interoperability Standards Stack (OASIS-
eFolder Templates Organizing and Orchestrating
Loosely coupled applications (ebXML, WS)
4Processing Dynamic Forms/Templates
TOA Technology driven - ebXML
- Web Services
Banks Transactions
Trading partners in Supply Chain for fresh seafood
5 SOA eFolder Basis-templates eFolder-Engine
organize and handle service work and reporting
FrontOffice (Service Desk)
- eFolder Container ( The Folders access content
from several SERVERS )
Single Sign-On (PKI) portal (Security Domains)
6Adapted Work-Folder in user environment Tracing
and Quality Control in the Supply Chain of Fresh
seafood Integrated Planning/Description/Reportin
g work using PDA-phones. Role authentication
with Digital signature or SMS
7The new Hybrid way of doing Service Centric SW
Engineering ( Platform Independent Modeling
Design Factories )
(Top Down
Business Centric OPEN INCLUSIVE integration
eFolder Templates
(Bottom Up PROPRIETARYOPEN standards)
Shared and Persistent DATA
8TraceFish Chain (standard schemas) Tracing of
captured fish
CATALOG services WS ebXML
9TraceFish Chain (standard schemas) Tracing of
farmed fish
CATALOG services WS ebXML
10Fishing Business Package
ebXML Repository
CATALOG services WS ebXML
11Two Business Cases (projects) Under the TOSS
Business-Case 1
Tracing through whole supply chain back to
origin Focus Quality, legal capture, business
Business-Case 2
Business Case1 is dependant on Business Case 2 to
be able to document the business transactions
Automated electronic trade of seafood. Focus
Perform and document all business transactions
12To plan and create realistic Business
Cases Planning Support is very important
Business Reference model
UMM (UN/CEFACT) sheets(Templates) helps in
integrating different business Models..
UMM sheets for Business Domain
modelling Business Requirement Modelling Business
Transaction Modelling
UMM sheets are very simple to understand, and
filling in UMM sheets can be understood by a
Business person.
But UMM sheets are only a part of a Business
Reference Model
13Business Modelling with UMM(UMM integrates
different business models)
Defined by UN/CEFACT
Use results from UMM To model business
processes. Eg. Porter, eTOM
Use results from UMM To model business
processes. Eg. Zacman, SCOR
B2B processes
Business Processes
Business Processes
14And ebXML integrates different payloads
15But ebXML Implementation and Operation needs to
be automated Automated search and eContract
establishement ( Depended on planning)
16EPR Templates gt Shifting Power to Business
eFolders Processing Dynamic Forms/Templates
- hans_at_iti.as
- svein-tore_at_iti.as
- www.oasis-open.org
- www.eprforum.org
- www.eprforum.no