Title: Awareness
1 Bevisste mearbeidere bedre business
Dataforeningen, 03.11.05
Tore Maaø, CISM Nordic Director Easy i
Ltd. tore.maao_at_easyi.com
2Easy i
3Common sense is not so common. -
Voltaire (1694-1778)
4Newsletters vary the format of the message
5Det humane element i forhold til Information
Security trening
A survey of office workers at Liverpool Street
Station found that 71 were willing to part with
their password for a chocolate bar.
-- Infosecurity Europe 2004
"This survey proves people are still not as aware
as they could be about information security, this
often comes down to poor training and procedures.
Employers should make sure that their employees
are aware of information security policies and
that they are kept up-to-date.
-- Claire Sellick, Event Director for
Infosecurity Europe 2004
The best security awareness will provide the
right messages to the right people at the right
time, provide the tools to all to practice what
has been learned and provide a mechanism to
measure progress.
-- Gary Sheehan,
Information Security Project Leader
- Behov for mer enn bare systemer
- Målgruppene er ulike (kultur)
- Gjentagende
- Kostnadseffektivt
- Målbart
- Vise compliance
7Endre holdningerfrom information to
Awareness (I know it exists)
- Hva er det?
- Hvorfor er det viktig?
- Angår det meg?
Understanding (I know what it is)
Development (Ill help enhance it)
Enterprise Security Cycle
Value (I know why it is worthwhile)
Communication (Ill promote it)
Ownership (I like it)
Commitment (Ill do it)
8Dette er nei-ene
Vanlige misforståelser
- Kun publisere policy og prosedyrer
- IT-sikkerhetsjefen skal være ansvarlig for
planlegging, utvikling og innføring av awareness
program - Skippertaksmetoden
9Kritiske suksessfaktorer
- Generisk vs. tilpasset
- Leveringskanal
- Kulturelle faktorer
- Språk
- Tidshorisont
- Support
10Kritiske suksessfaktorer
- Infrastruktur
- Båndbredde
- Learning Management System (LMS)?
- Standarder? (SCORM )
- SCORM Shareable Content Object Reference Model
11Kritiske suksessfaktorer
- Kommunikasjonsplan
- e-learning er bare en komponent
- Commitment fra ledelse
- Roller og ansvar
- Realistisk tidshorisont
- Oppfølging underveis
12(No Transcript)
13Refresher Training
14Refresher Training
Interactive emails
Awareness materials
Tore Maaø Easy i tore.maao_at_easyi.com Tel 47
9767 4375 www.easyi.com