Title: Defending Against Sybil Attacks via Social Networks
1Defending Against Sybil Attacks via Social
- Haifeng Yu
- School of Computing
- National University of Singapore
- Talk based on three papers
- SIGCOMM06, ToN08 (SybilGuard)
- IEEE SP08 (SybilLimit)
- Available on my homepage google my name
- Co-authors
- Phillip B. Gibbons
- Michael Kaminsky
- Feng Xiao
- Abie Flaxman
3Background Sybil Attack
- Sybil attack Single user pretends many
fake/sybil identities - I.e., Creating multiple accounts
- Already observed in real-world p2p systems
- Sybil identities can become a large fraction of
all identities
4Background Sybil Attack
- Enables malicious users to easily out-vote
honest users - Byzantine consensus exceed the 1/3 threshold
- Majority voting cast more than one vote
- DHT control a large portion of the ring
- Recommendation systems manipulate the
5Background Defending Against Sybil Attack
- Using trusted central authority to tie identities
to human beings not always desirable -
- Much harder without a trusted central authority
Douceur02 - Resource challenges not sufficient
- IP address-based approach not sufficient
- Widely considered as real challenging
- Over 40 papers acknowledging the problem of sybil
attack, without having a distributed solution
6SybilGuard / SybilLimit Basic Insight
Leveraging Social Networks
SybilGuard / SybilLimit is the first to use
social networks for thwarting sybil attacks with
provable guarantees.
- Nodes identities
- Undirected edges strong mutual trust
- E.g., colleagues, relatives in real-world
- Not online friends!
7SybilGuard / SybilLimit Basic Insight
- n honest users One identity/node each
- Malicious users Multiple identities each (sybil
honest nodes
attack edges
malicious users
Observation Adversary cannot create extra edges
between honest nodes and sybil nodes
8SybilGuard/SybilLimit Basic Insight
- Dis-proportionally small cut disconnecting a
large number of identities
But cannot search brute-force
attack edges
honest nodes
sybil nodes
9SybilGuard / SybilLimit End Guarantees
- Completely decentralized
- Enables any given verifier node to decide whether
to accept any given suspect node - Accept Provide service to / receive service from
- Ideally Accept and only accept honest nodes
unfortunately not possible - SybilGuard / SybilLimit provably
- Bound of accepted sybil nodes (w.h.p.)
- Accept all honest nodes except a small ? fraction
10Example Application Scenarios
If of sybil nodes accepted Then applications can do
lt n majority voting
lt n/2 byzantine consensus
lt n/c for some constant c secure DHT Awerbuch06, Castro02, Fiat05
11SybilGuard vs. SybilLimit
sybil nodes accepted (smaller is better) per
attack edge
total number of attack edges SybilGuard SIGCOMM06 SybilLimit Oakland08
- Motivation, basic insight, and end guarantees
- SybilLimit design
- Will focus on intuition
- Evaluation results on real-world social networks
13Cryptographic Keys
- Each edge in social network corresponds to a
symmetric edge key - Established out of band
- Each node (honest or sybil) has a locally
generated public/private key pair - Identity V accepts S V accepts Ss public
key KS - When running SybilLimit, every suspect S is
allowed to register KS on some other nodes
14SybilLimit Strawman Design Step 1
K registered keys of sybil nodes
- Ensure that sybil nodes (collectively) register
only on limited number of honest nodes - Still provide enough registration opportunities
for honest nodes
K registered keys of honest nodes
sybil region
honest region
15SybilLimit Strawman Design Step 2
K registered keys of sybil nodes
- Accept S iff KS is register on sufficiently many
honest nodes - Without knowing where the honest region is !
- Circular design? We can break this circle
K registered keys of honest nodes
sybil region
honest region
16Three Interrelated Key Techniques
- Technique 1 Use the tails of random routes for
registration - Will achieve Step 1
- SybilGuard novelty Random routes
- SybilLimit novelty The use of tails
- SybilLimit novelty The use of multiple
independent instances of shorter random routes -
17Three Interrelated Key Techniques
- Technique 2 Use intersection condition and
balance condition to verify suspects - Will break the circular design and achieve Step 2
- SybilGuard novelty Intersection on nodes
- SybilLimit novelty Intersection on edges
- SybilLimit novelty Balance condition
- Technique 3 Use benchmarking technique to
estimate unknown parameters - Breaks another seemingly circular design
- SybilLimit novelty Benchmarking technique
18Random Route Convergence
a ? d
d ? e
randomized routing table
b ? a
e ? d
c ? b
f ? f
d ? c
Using routing table gives Convergence Property
Routes merge if crossing the same edge
19Securely Registering Public Keys
record KA under name C?D
i 1 KA
i 2 KA
i 3 KA
i 3 KA
To register KA, A initiates a random route
(assuming w 3)
- All random routes in SybilLimit are of length w
- All nodes know w
- Nodes communicate via authenticated channels
20Tails of Sybil Suspects
- Imagine that every sybil suspect initiates a
random route from itself
sybil nodes
honest nodes
total 1 tainted tail
21Counting The Number of Tainted Tails
attack edge
honest nodes
sybil nodes
- Claim There are at most w tainted tails per
attack edge - Proof By the Convergence property
- Regardless of whether sybil nodes follow the
22Back to the Strawman Design Step 1
- of K s ? g?w
- Independent of sybil nodes
- of K s ? n g?w
- From backtrace-ability property of random
routes - See paper
K registered keys of sybil nodes K registered
keys of honest nodes
honest region
Step 1 achieved !
23Independent Instances
- SybilLimit uses independent instances
of the registration protocol - m of edges in the honest region
- Number of Ks
- Number of Ks
- Goal Accept S iff KS is registered on
tails in the honest region - Sybil suspects accepted
- Honest suspects accepted
24Three Techniques
- Technique 1 Use novel random routes to register
public keys - Will achieve Step 1
- Technique 2 Use intersection condition and
balance condition to verify suspects - Challenge SybilLimit does not know which region
is the honest region -
- Technique 3 Use benchmarking technique to
estimate unknown parameters
25The Intersection Condition
- Verifier V obtains tails by doing
random routes of length w - Using different instances see paper
- Some tails are in the sybil region ignore for
now - S satisfies intersection condition if
- Ss and Vs tails intersect
- Ss public key is registered with the
intersecting tail
26Intersection Condition Verification Procedure
3.common tail E?F
4 messages involved
S satisfies intersection condition
27Leveraging Known Random Walk Theory
- (Approximate) Theorem
- If w is roughly the mixing time of the social
network, then all tails (Vs and Ss) are roughly
uniformly random edges -
- If social networks have mixing
time, then
28Leveraging a Sharp Distribution
- Assuming V has tails in the honest
Intersection prob p
Birthday paradox
This is why SybilLimit does edge intersection
of Ss tails in honest region
29Back to the Strawman Design Step 2
K registered keys of sybil nodes
- Accept S iff KS is register on sufficiently many
honest nodes - Sufficiently many
- Intersection occurs iff S has tails
in the honest region
K registered keys of honest nodes
sybil region
honest region
30Omitted Challenges
- Some of Vs tails are in the sybil region
- We do not know which tails are in the sybil
region - Balance condition hardest part to prove in
SybilLimit - Adversary has many strategies to allocated the
tainted tails - Tainted tails are not uniformly random
- See paper for details
31Three Interrelated Key Techniques
- Technique 1 Random routes
- Technique 2 Intersection condition and balance
condition -
- Technique 3 Novel and counter-intuitive
benchmarking technique - Avoids another seemingly circular design
- See paper
- Claims on near-optimality See paper
32Performance Aspects
- Random routes are performed only once
- Re-do only when social network changes
infrequently - Can be done incrementally
- Doing random routes is not time-critical
- Only delays a new suspect being accepted
- Churn is a non-problem
- Verification involves O(1) messages
- See paper
- Motivation, basic insight, and end guarantees
- SybilLimit design
- Evaluation results on real-world social networks
34Validation on Real-World Social Networks
- SybilGuard / SybilLimit assumption Honest nodes
are not behind disproportionally small cuts - Rigorously Social networks (without sybil nodes)
have small mixing time - Mixing time affects sybil nodes accepted
- Synthetic social networks proof in SIGCOMM06
- Real-world social networks?
- Social communities, social groups, .
35Simulation Setup
Crawled online social networks used in experiments
nodes edges
Friendster 0.9M 7.8M
Livejournal 0.9M 8.7M
DBLP 0.1M 0.6M
- We experiment with
- Different number and placement of attack edges
- Different graph sizes -- full size to 100-node
sub-graphs - Sybil attackers use the optimal strategy
36Brief Summary of Simulation Results
- In all cases we experimented with
- Average honest verifier accepts 95 of all
honest suspects - Average honest suspect is accepted by 95 of all
honest verifiers - sybil nodes accepted
- 10 per attack edge for Friendster and
LiveJournal - 15 per attack edge for DBLP
37Other Social Networks?
- Other social networks likely to have small mixing
time too (DBLP as a worst-case) - What if the mixing time is large?
- Graceful degradation of SybilLimits guarantees
-- Accept more sybil nodes
- Sybil attack
- Widely considered as a real and challenging
problem -
- SybilLimit Fully decentralized defense protocol
based on social networks - Provable near-optimal guarantees
- Experimental validation on real-world social
networks - Future work Implement SybilLimit with real apps
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