Title: County Drinking Water Clinic Interpretation Meeting
1County Drinking Water ClinicInterpretation
Erin James Ling and Brian Benham Biological
Systems Engineering Department Virginia Tech
2Why are we here?
- How to care for your private water system
- Well location, protection, and construction
- Well maintenance and care
- Drinking water regulations knowing how much is
too much - Water testing whats in your water?
- Dealing with problems
- Additional resources
3Private Water Supplies in Virginia
- Majority of households in 60 of Virginias 95
counties rely on private water supply systems
(gt 1,500,000 homes) - In 52 counties, the number of households using
private wells is increasing faster than the
number connecting to public systems (VADEQ, 2007) - Homeowners relying on private water supplies
- Are responsible for all aspects of water system
management - May lack knowledge and resources to effectively
manage - Usually dont worry about maintenance until
problems arise
4How does water move to my well?
- In this part of Virginia, groundwater moves
through fractures, or cracks in the bedrock - Water can come from many different directions and
sources into one well - It can take water hours, days, or years to move
through bedrock - Well casing extends through loose overburden
and into the bedrock, where an open borehole
continues underground - Water can come from any fractures that intersect
the open borehole
5Proper well location
- Well should be at least
- 5 feet from property boundary
- 10 feet from building foundation
(50 feet if termite treated) - 50 feet from road
- 50 feet from sewers and septic tanks
- 100 feet from pastures, on-lot sewage system
drainfields, cesspools or barnyards - Upslope from potential contamination
- Not in an area that receives runoff
Photo credit Swistock, Penn State Univ
6Proper well construction
- Contract a licensed driller
- Valid Class A, B or C contractor license with WWP
(Water Well and Pump)
classification - Well casing
- Minimum of 20 for bored, 50 100 deep for
drilled, depending on class of well - Extends 12 above ground
- Grouting to a minimum of 20
- Sanitary well cap or sealed concrete cover
- Ground slopes away from well
Photo credits SAIF Water Wells Penn State
7The Finished Product Drilled Well
8Well Maintenance Tips
- Do not use fertilizers, pesticides, oil, or paint
around well - Keep area around well clean and accessible
- Keep careful records
- original contract, water test results and any
maintenance or repair information - Every year
- Conduct thorough visual inspection of well
- Check cap for cracks, wear and tear, tightness
- Every 10 years have well inspected by a qualified
professional (with WWP classification)
9Private Water Supply Regulations
- Virginia Private Well Regulations
- Specify application, inspection and construction
requirements - No requirements for maintenance or water testing
after construction of well responsibility of
the owner! - EPA National Drinking Water
Standards - Apply to PUBLIC systems
- Primary (health) and Secondary (nuisance)
- Can be used as guidance for private systems to
know how much is too much
10EPA Drinking Water Standards
- Primary Standards
- Also called Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)
- Cause health problems
- Enforced for public systems
- Over 80 contaminants
- For example
- Nitrate
- Lead
- Coliform
- Most organic chemicals and pesticides
- Secondary Standards
- Also called SMCL or RMCL
- Cause aesthetic problems
- Staining
- Taste
- Odor
- Can naturally occur in ground water
- About 15, including
- Iron
- Fluoride
- Chloride
11Testing water quality
- Why test?
- Protect familys health and safety
- Many contaminants undetectable by human senses
- Preventive measures often more effective and less
expensive - Legal protection
- When to test?
- Routine tests every 1-3 years
- Pregnant woman or infant in the home
- Recurring gastrointestinal illness
- Change in taste, appearance, odor of water
- Any services or repairs are done
12What should I test for?
- Every year test for coliform bacteria
- Simple, inexpensive test (15-20)
- Indicates possible contamination from human or
animal waste - Every three years test
- pH (secondary std 6.5 8.5)
- Total Dissolved Solids (TDS secondary std 500
mg/L) - Other contaminants based on local land uses
nearby and condition of water
13Understanding test results
- Most results provided as concentrations
- mg/L (milligrams per liter) ppm (parts per
million) - µg/L (micrograms per liter) ppb (parts per
billion) - Other units unique to test
- Radon, hardness, pH
- Compare to EPA standards http//www.epa.gov/safew
14- Sources of potential contaminants or issues of
Surface water contamination nitrate, bacteria
Source may be plumbing materials or existing
water treatment device sodium copper lead bacteri
Often found in groundwater naturally, may be due
to human activities on or below ground
15Options for problem water
- 1. If possible, control the source of pollution
- Divert runoff, maintain septic system
- 2. Improve maintenance of water system
- Install sanitary well cap, slope the ground
- 3. Treat the water to reduce contaminant
concentration - Match the treatment option to the pollutant
- Consult a professional
- 4. Develop a new source of water
- Deeper well, develop spring, connect to
public water
eaning-1.jpg, http//www.shipewelldrilling.com/Pic
tures/well_drilling_rig.jpg, http//www.clearflow.
16Treatment Considerations
- Be sure to explore ALL of your options
- Always have water tested by a certified lab
- Be aware of unscrupulous businesses look for
National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) and Water
Quality Association (WQA) certifications, consult
Better Business Bureau (BBB) - Point of Use (POU) vs. Point of Entry (POE)
- Weigh benefits and limitations of a device
- Cost
- Maintenance requirements
- Warranty
17SAMPLE Test Report
measured value exceeds recommendation for
household water
18Coliform Bacteria
- Cannot be smelled, tasted or seen
- Coliform bacteria is an indicator organism
means disease-causing bacteria may be present - Public standard is 0 colony forming
units(cfu)/100 mL (ABSENT) - If present, test for fecal coliform or E. coli
presence indicator that sewage or animal waste
is present.
Photo credits www.water-research.net,
19If Coliform Bacteria are PRESENT
- Dont panic!
- May consider retesting to ensure
cross-contamination wasnt the problem - List available at http//www.wellwater.bse.vt.edu/
resources.php - Examine well or spring for damage
- Consider shock chlorination
- Long term treatment ozonation, UV light,
continuous chlorination
20If E. Coli Bacteria are PRESENT
- Take immediate steps to address
- Shock chlorinate
- Check for potential contamination sources
- Retest water after shocking
- In the meantime, consider boiling
- or use another source of water for
- drinking or cooking
- Consider long-term treatment options UV light,
ozonation, continuous disinfection
21Corrosive Water
- Also called aggressive water
- Corrodes metal plumbing can leach metals,
causes pitting and leaks, reduces length of
appliance life - Most commonly caused by low pH other
contributing factors include alkalinity,
temperature, TDS levels - EPA recommends drinking water be non-corrosive
- Excess copper or lead in drinking water is a
health concern - Depending on pH, treat with acid neutralizing
filter or soda ash injection
rosion.jpg http//www.cee.vt.edu/ewr/environmenta
22Corrosive Water Metals of concern
- Lead
- Many serious health effects, especially in
children and infants - Developmental, neurological, reproductive and
renal - EPA MCL is 0 µg/L with a health action level of
15 µg/L. - Sources include
- Pipes in older homes (pre-1930)
- Solder in homes built prior to 1986
- Lead-free brass fixtures (lt8) even in NEW
homes! - Copper
- High levels can cause nausea, vomiting, stomach
cramps infants and children particularly
sensitive - EPA MCL is 1.3 mg/L
- Nuisance effects noticeable at 1.0 mg/L
- Hard water contains high levels of
calcium and magnesium ions - Dissolved into water during contact with
limestone and other minerals - Not a health risk nuisance
- Decreased cleaning action of soaps, detergents
- Scale build-up in pipes and on appliances
- Reduced efficiency and lifespan of water heaters
- No EPA standard for public systems
- Treat using water softener
24Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
- Water is a great solvent dissolves many
compounds as it travels over
and under ground - TDS is a measure of all dissolved impurities lt
2µm dia - Natural sources limestone, salt deposits, other
minerals - Man-made sources
- Septic systems and sewage
- Run off from agricultural or urban land
- Road salt, industrial sources
- General indicator of water quality
test at
least every three years - EPA SMCL is 500 mg/L
- Treat using distillation or reverse osmosis
25Sodium and Chloride
- Low levels occur naturally high levels usually
from man-made source - Road salt storage or application
- Industrial waste
- Sewage, fertilizers or animal waste
- Sodium EPA MCL for people on low-sodium diets
20 mg/L - Chloride EPA SMCL of 250 mg/L
- Higher levels may indicate contamination test
for bacteria or other contaminants - Salty taste and may accelerate corrosion of
pipes and water heaters - Treat using distillation, reverse osmosis,
- Measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a
substance (0 14) scale - Logarithmic scale pH 5 is 100 times more
acidic than pH 7 - Good indicator of general water quality
27Nitrate (NO3-N)
- Serious health concern for infants
- Methemoglobinemia or blue baby syndrome
- Nitrate ? nitrite during digestion and blood
cannot carry oxygen - CL 10 mg/L NO3-N or 45 mg/L of NO3
- If 3-5 mg/L, use do not use water for infants
under 6 months - Sources include fertilizer, animal manure, sewage
- NO3 dissolves and moves easily through soil
- Test in spring months levels change over time
- BOILING INCREASES concentration of nitrates!!!
- Treatment distillation, reverse osmosis, ion
28Hydrogen Sulfide
- Colorless gas rotten egg smell
- Not regulated by EPA people can detect low
levels - Naturally present in shale, sandstone, near coal
or oil fields - Sulfur-reducing bacteria produce (not a health
risk) - Treatment depends on concentration, so must test
- Only noticeable in hot water?
- Bacteria could be thriving in your water heater
- Sulfates may be converted to H2S chemically in
your water heater during a reaction with your
magnesium corrosion control rod
29Iron and Manganese
- Nuisance - not health concern
- SMCL Iron 0.3 mg/L Manganese 0.05 mg/L
- Red-brown/black staining, particles,
metallic taste - Treatment depends on type/form of iron
- Ferrous water initially clear ? orange-brown
or black solid
particles - Ferric solid particles apparent immediately,
or water has a
tint - Iron bacteria not a health concern feed on Fe
and Mn, forming red-brown or
black-brown slime - Treatment water softener, aeration and
filtration, ozonation, distillation
- Occurs naturally in varying levels
- Naturally high levels of F in E. Virginia
groundwater - Added to many public water systems for reduced
dental caries and strong teeth and bones - Health concerns
- Long term exposure links to bone cancer
- Shorter term exposure dental or skeletal
fluorosis - EPA MCL 4.0 mg/L and SMCL 2.0 mg/L
- Optimum levels for public systems 0.8 - 1.2 mg/L
- Limited use for children up to 8 years
- Treatment (reverse osmosis) removes ALL fluoride
31Virginia Master Well Owner Network Training
Learn more about your water!
Help Others!
- New opportunity for
- private water supply users!
- Visit www.wellwater.bse.vt.edu
- today to find out more and complete an
application - or contact Erin James Ling
- wellwater_at_vt.edu
- 540-231-9058
Apply today!
Free Resource Binder!
32Contact Us
- Virginia Household Water Quality Program
www.wellwater.bse.vt.edu - Virginia Certified Lab Listing http//www.dgs.stat
aspx - EPA Private Wells Site http//www.epa.gov/ogwdw/pr
ivatewells/whatyoucando.html - National Groundwater Association Well Owner
http//www.wellowner.org/ - Water Systems Council Wellcare Hotline
http//www.wellcarehotline.org/ - National Sanitation Foundation www.nsf.org
- Water Quality Association www.wqa.org
- Consumer Reports or Better Business Bureau
www.consumerreports.org OR www.bbb.org
35Local land uses
36Conditions or nearby activities of concern
Adapted from Drinking Water for Household
Wells, EPA, 2002
37Treatment Options
Adapted from Tips for Buying Water Treatment
Equipment by Stephanie Clemens and Bryan
Swistock, Penn State University
38Treatment Options
Adapted from Tips for Buying Water Treatment
Equipment by Stephanie Clemens and Bryan
Swistock, Penn State University
39Treatment Options
Adapted from Tips for Buying Water Treatment
Equipment by Stephanie Clemens and Bryan
Swistock, Penn State University