Title: Mike Wiley
1PUBLIC TRANSIT Coping With Declining Revenues
Along With Rising Ridership
Mike Wiley General Manager/CEO Sacramento
Regional Transit District
2State of California
- What Brought Us Here?
- The State faced a 15 billion budget gap and
appropriated dedicated transit funding to fill
the gap - 1.4 billion in transportation funding identified
as component of FY 2009 state budget solution - Transit Agencies depend on these funding
allocations for both operating and capital
4- State Budget Impacts to
- RTs Operating Budget
- Five Percent Reduction in Bus Service
- Fare Increases Implemented in January 2009
- Deferring Hiring as Long as Possible
- Significantly Limited Non-Essential Expenditures
5 Increasingly Unpredictable Fuel Prices
- People are using public transportation more than
ever and ridership on RT is UP!
- Light rail service showed highest ridership
increases - Record setting, double-digit percentage increases
- Continued trend
- Five to ten percent ridership increase in FY 09
- Positive increases in fare recovery ratio
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8- Over 3,000 residents participated in Transit
Master Plan surveys - 80 percent of those surveyed preferred an
extensive transit network, which includes a major
increase in transit service - Frequent, reliable quality service
- Extended light rail
- Additional bus service 250 increase BRT
Neighborhood Ride - Use of streetcars
- Complete streets with signage
- Additional safety and security
92035 Tier 3 Network
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11Downtown Natomas Airport Extension
12Township 9 Transit Station
13Historic Folsom TOD
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1515-Minute Walk Catchment of Entire Network 86 of
population 90 of employment Including
land-use sensitivity, catchment increases to 94
and 99
16 Congestion CO2
17Future Focus
- Funding Expansion and Operations
- What is the Public Willing to Pay
- Individual Neighborhood/Jurisdiction Transit
18Financial Panel Recommendations
19Streetcar Tower Bridge
20Streetcar Cal Expo
21Bus Rapid Transit Stockton Boulevard
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23Complete Streets
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25Preserve Dedicated Transit Funding Help your
local, state and federal elected representatives
understand your regions priority to protect
public transit services and transportation