Title: Outline
- Theoretical and Observational Motivations
- Theory of Stochastic Acceleration
- Particle Acceleration in Low Luminosity AGNs
- Conclusions
2Discovery of Cosmic Rays
Victor Franz Hess 1912
3Discovery of Cosmic Rays
How to accelerate particles? Scattering with
magnetized clouds How to accelerate heavy
ions? Collisionless electromagnetic
processes How to produce a power-law
spectrum? Shock!?
4Theoretical and Observational Motivations
- Problems of the Classical Shock Acceleration
Model - Relative Acceleration of Electrons and Protons
5Problems of the Classical Shock Acceleration Model
- Need Very Efficient Scattering
- Turbulence is introduced in the diffusive shock
acceleration model in a collisionless plasma - Injection Problem
- Abundance of 3He and Heavy Elements during solar
6- Abundance of 3He and Heavy Elements during solar
Reames and Ng 2004
7- Abundance of 3He and Heavy Elements during solar
Reames and Ng 2004
8Electron-Proton Coupling in Low Luminosity AGNs
De Villiers et al. 2003 ApJ
9Electron-Proton Coupling in Low Luminosity AGNs
10HESS Galactic Survey
11Electrons vs. Protons
Aharonian et al. 2005, 2006
SNR RX J1713.7-3946
12Electrons vs. Protons
Vela X Nebula
Aharonian et al. 2006
13Ongoing Experiments
IceCube Neutrino Experiment
14Theory of Stochastic Acceleration
- Generation of Magnetized Turbulence
- Turbulence Cascade Wave-Wave Coupling
- Resonant Wave-Particle Interaction
- Turbulence Damping and Particle Acceleration
15Dispersion Relation and Resonance Condition
16Turbulence Damping and Particle Acceleration
17Particle Acceleration in LLAGNs
De Villiers et al. 2003 ApJ
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19TeV Emission from the Direction of Sgr A
Kosack et al. 2004 Whipple
Aharonian et al. 2005, 2006 HESS
Albert et al. 2006 MAGIC
20Electron Acceleration in Disks
21Electron Acceleration in Disks
22Electron Acceleration in Disks
nRT2 constant B2/nTconstant
23Sub-mm Emission from Disks
24Time Dependent Solutions
25Evolution of Mean Energy
26Particle Acceleration in Funnels
27Electron Proton Acceleration In magnetic field
dominated environments
To probe astronomical sources by observations of
their non-thermal emission, one needs to address
the particle acceleration process. In LLAGNs,
magnetic turbulence play roles in electron
heating, cooling and driving the
accretion. Observations and MHD simulations can
test the electron heating and proton acceleration
34Future Projects
35Future Projects
36Future Projects
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