Title: Hematology Grand Rounds
1Hematology Grand Rounds
- March 28, 2003
- Leslie Andritsos, M.D.
2Case Presentation
- 30 year old woman with no past medical history
- Recently diagnosed with a gene mutation
- Was told she was at risk for thrombosis and
should be anticoagulated during pregnancy - Looked it up on the internet
3Case Presentation
- Found articles stating this gene mutation caused
not only thrombosis and recurrent fetal loss, but
also leukemia - Pt and her husband have decided not to have any
more children because of the fear of transmitting
the mutation
4Case Presentation
- What is this genetic mutation?
- Heterozygous for MTHFR gene mutation
- 5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
- Plays key role in folate metabolism
- Channels one-carbon units between nucleotide
synthesis and methylation reactions - Involved in folate-dependent remethylation of
homocysteine - Deficiency leads to hyperhomocysteinemia
- Gene located on 1p36.3
- Prevalence for homozygous mutation is 5-17 of
- 2 polymorphisms identified which cause functional
impairment of enzyme - C677T valine substituted for alanine at residue
223, causes enzyme to become thermolabile - A1298C functional consequences not well
7Folate and Homocysteine Metabolic Pathways
- Homocysteinuria 1st reported in Ireland 1962
- 1st reported as risk factor for cardiovascular dz
1969 - Cystathione beta synthase deficiency identified,
pts had premature CAD
9MTHFR and Thrombosis
- Hyperhomocysteinemia implicated in both arterial
and venous thrombosis - Why is homocysteine thrombogenic? Theories
- Direct toxicity to endothelial cells
- Inhibits Protein C activation
- Promotes endothelial tissue factor expression
- Surpresses endothelial cell surface heparin
10Possible mechanism for role in atherogenesis,
Lancet Vol 354, 1999
11MTHFR and Venous Thrombosis
- Multitude of studies
- Longitudinal Investigation of Thromboembolism
Etiology (LITE) - Prospective study
- Pooled 2 study populations
- ARIC study 15,792 pts
- CHS study 5,201 pts
- Am
J Hem, 72192-200, 2003
12LITE study
- Pts had fasting blood drawn at baseline for
- Homocysteine level
- MTHFR gene mutation
- Factor V Leiden gene mutation
- Factor VIII levels
- Began enrolling pts 1989. Potential cases of VTE
identified 1998. - Am J Hem, 72192-200, 2003
13LITE study
14MTHFR and Arterial Thrombosis
- Meta-analysis looked at 57 studies between
1986-1999 - The prospective studies found a weak but
significant assn between homocysteine level and
CAD - Found strong assn between homocysteine level and
CVD - Did not evaluate pts for MTHFR
- Int J Epidemiology, 3159-70, 2002
15MTHFR and Arterial Thrombosis
- Is there evidence for synergy between
prothrombotic or ApoE4 polymorphisms and other
risk factors? - Case control study, 112 men lt age 52 with first
AMI - Found no significant difference in coronary
angiography between pts with or without mutations - Greatly increased risk when prothrombotic or
ApoE4 polymorphisms added to risk of smoking or
metabolic risk factors -
Blood, 937, 1999
16 17 18MTHFR and Arterial Thrombosis
- Do prothrombotic states cause disease in patients
without atherosclerosis? - Multicenter study looking at pts lt age 45 with
1st MI - 1210 pts, 1210 controls (hospital staff)
- STEMI with development of pathologic Q waves
- All pts had coronary angiography
- Mannucci, et al., Circulation,
1071117-1122, 2003
19Variables Tested
20Controlled for
- Smoking
- DM-2
- FH
- Hyperlipidemia
- EtOH
- Cocaine use
- Physical activity
- Angiography
- 11 had normal coronary angiogram
- 10 had non-significant stenosis
- 69 had significant stenosis
- None of the 9 polymorphisms studied had an effect
on risk of MI - Weakness of study you had to survive your MI to
participate - Strongly associated risk factors
- Smoking
- FH
23Case Presentation
- 30 year old woman with no past medical history
- Recently diagnosed with a gene mutation
- Was told she was at risk for thrombosis and
should be anticoagulated during pregnancy - Looked it up on the internet
24MTHFR and Pregnancy
- Should pts with mutation be anticoagulated during
pregnancy? - Should pts defer pregnancy?
25NEJM 34314, 2000, Thrombophilias and Late Fetal
- Compared 67 pts with h/o late fetal death with
normal controls - Pts with h/o venous thrombosis excluded
- Evaluated for FVL, APL, PGM, MTHFR
26NEJM, 3471, 2002, Thrombophilias and
Intrauterine Growth Restriction
- Case control study
- Screened newborns and parents for MTHFR, PGM, and
27MTHFR and Neural Tube Defects
- Association between nutritional status and NTD
1st noted by a midwife in 1722 - Marked increase in cases in Northeastern US,
peaked between 1929 and 1932 - Peak in the Netherlands in 1944-1945 (Hunger
- C677T leads to 2.9-3.7 fold increased risk of
spina bifida (found in infants and their mothers) - Risk can be overcome by periconceptional folate,
B6, B12 intake by mother - Am J Med
Genet 84151-157, 1999
29MTHFR and Malignancy
- Lymphoma
- Colorectal Cancer
- Thought to arise from DNA hypomethylation of
tumor suppressor genes or misincorporation of
uracil into DNA - Needs more study
30(No Transcript)