Title: Orbital and Rotational Dynamics of Eros 433
1Orbital and Rotational Dynamics of Eros 433
Gregory Newstadt Miami University Summer
Undergraduate Researcher
Abstract In this study, we used a HITS
integrator to solve Keplers equations (orbital
elements) and Eulers equations (rotational
elements) for Asteroid (433) Eros. For our
research, several significant changes had to be
made to our code, including the ability to
integrate the rotational elements of a triaxial
body and the inclusion of a dynamic rotational
time-step. It was found that Eros spin axis
experiences periodic changes in its obliquity
between 89 degrees and 72 degrees with a period
of about 50 kyr. Furthermore, Eros is currently
in a spin-orbit resonance with Earth, although it
was found that solar and planetary gravitational
perturbations cannot solely account for this.
According to Vokrouhlicky (2005), some
dissipative process, such as a close planetary
approach or tidal dissipation, could be an
integral factor in modeling this spin-orbit
resonance, although that is left for later study