Title: presents Basic Electrical Safety Awareness for Home
1presentsBasic Electrical Safety Awareness for
Home The Mining Industryrevised 10/01
2PREFACE This program is for instructional
purposes only and does not constitute an
endorsement by Pennsylvania Department of Deep
Mine Safety of any specific product. Attendance
of this program does not constitute certification
under state or federal laws or regulations.
- DISCLAIMER The information and
recommendations contained in this program have
been compiled from sources believed to be
reliable and to represent the best current
opinion on the subject. No warranty, guarantee,
or representation is made by the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of
Deep Mine Safety, as to the absolute correctness
or sufficiency of any representation contained in
this course and publication, and assumes no
responsibility in connection therewith nor can
it be assumed that all acceptable safety measures
are contained in this, or that other or
additional measures not be observed under
particular or exceptional conditions or
3What is the cost in ..
- Electrocution is a major cause of injury and
death in both the industrial and home
environment. - Most electrocution injuries occur at voltages
above 50 Volts AC or 100 Volts DC, however
sometimes the voltage can be much lower.
- Each year, electrical accidents result in more
than 2 billion in property damage to home and
4But what about the cost in human terms
Caused by 24 volt DC battery Notice where watch
band screwdriver were in contact with skin
Caused by kneeling on a defective 110 volt ac
extension cord Notice the path in the path out
How do you put a price tag on this?
5Fatal Electrical Accidents1990 thru 2000 (MSHA)
But more important is the is the cost in lives
Pennsylvania USA
- Coal-Underground 1 27
- Coal-Surface 1 4
- Industrial Minerals-Underground 0
7 - Industrial Minerals-Surface 0 29
- Prep Plants 1 9
- Other 0 2
- Total 3 78
6Heres some more figures..
Reported Mining Electrical Accidents(includes
fatalities) 1990 thru 2000 (MSHA)
Pennsylvania USA
- Coal-Underground 65 752
- Coal-Surface 20 137
- Industrial Minerals-Underground 4 99
- Industrial Minerals-Surface 29 655
- Prep Plants 17 244
- Other 5 34
- Total 140 1921
- 2001-Update 2 non-fatal
- 3 non-injury
7Lets talk about personal protection and the home
- 40,000 residential fires annually which are
caused by problems with electrical wiring
systems, claiming more than 350 lives - Additionally, electric cords and plugs were
involved in about 7,100 fires resulting in 120
deaths or about 32 of all deaths associated with
residential electrical system fires, occurring
each year. - Lamps and light fixtures were involved in about
8,900 fires and 60 deaths - About 3,600 people are treated for injuries
associated with extension cords.
Switches and outlets are involved in 4,700 fires
and deaths
Go to Part 2