Title: Last Time
1Last Time
- Misc. useful classes in Java
- String
- StringTokenizer
- Math
- System
- Assignment 1 is posted (finally!).
- Wrapper classes
- JFileChooser
- Text File I/O
- The File class
4Wrapper Classes
- Sometimes it is necessary for a primitive type
value to be an Object, rather than just a
primitive type. - Some data structures only store Objects.
- Some Java methods only work on Objects.
- Wrapper classes also contain some useful
constants and a few handy methods.
5Wrapper Classes - Cont.
- Each primitive type has an associated wrapper
class - Each wrapper class Object can hold the value that
would normally be contained in the primitive type
variable, but now has a number of useful static
6Integer Wrapper Class - Example
- Integer number new Integer(46)//Wrapping
- Integer num new Integer(908)
- Integer.MAX_VALUE // gives maximum integer
- Integer.MIN_VALUE // gives minimum integer
- Integer.parseInt(453) // returns 453
- Integer.toString(653) // returns 653
- number.equals(num) // returns false
- int aNumber number.intValue() // aNumber is 46
7Aside - Why an equals Method for Objects?
- The String class also has equals and
equalsIgnoreCase. - These wrapper classes also have an equals method.
- Why not use the simple boolean comparators (,
!, etc.) with Objects? - These comparators just compare memory addresses.
- How are you going to sort Objects?
8Aside - Why an equals Method for Objects?, Cont.
- can only compare memory addresses when Objects
are compared. - Most Data Container Objects will have both an
equals method and a compareTo method. - The equals method tests for equality using
whatever you define as equal. - The compareTo method returns a postive or
negative int value (or zero to indicate equal),
again depending on how you define one Object to
be greater or less than another.
9Wrapper Classes Cont.
- The Double wrapper class has equivalent methods
- Double.MAX_VALUE // gives maximum double value
- Double.MIN_VALUE // gives minimum double value
- Double.parseDouble(0.45E-3) // returns 0.45E-3
- parseDouble is only available in Java 2 and newer
versions. - See the Java documentation for more on Wrapper
10Character Wrapper Class
- Many useful methods to work on characters
- character is a char
- getNumericValue(character)
- isDigit(character)
- isLetter(character)
- isLowerCase(character)
- isUpperCase(character)
- toLowerCase(character)
- toUpperCase(character)
11Built - In GUI Windows
- We will learn to build our own GUI windows, but
you should be aware of the GUI Windows already
built into Java - JOptionPane
- JColorChooser
- JFileChooser
- These are all built to perform common tasks and
are very easy to use. - Imported from the javax.swing package.
- See BuiltInDemo.java.
- A built in file browser/selector dialog box.
- The demo only used the chooser in the most simple
way. - For example, you can specify a starting folder
and add as many file extension filters as you
like. - The chooser returns a File object, from which you
can obtain much information about the file.
13JFileChooser Window
14JFileChooser Example Code
- (At the top
- import java.swing.JFileChooser)
- JFileChooser chooser new JFileChooser()
- int result chooser.showOpenDialog(null)
- if (result JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
- System.out.println(chooser.getSelectedFile())
15JFileChooser, Cont.
- Upon completion of the dialog, the
getSelectedFile() method returns a File object. - This object can easily be used with file I/O
16Simple Alternative
- Prompt the user for a filename as a String, using
the console window.
17File I/O
- Files provide a convenient way to store and
re-store to memory larger amounts of data. - We will use arrays to store the data in memory,
and well talk about these things later. - Three kinds of file I/O to discuss
- Text
- Binary
- Random access
- For now, well stick with text I/O.
18Text File Output in Java 5.0
- Use the PrintWriter class. (As usual), you must
import the class - import java.io.PrintWriter
- In your program
- PrintWriter fileOut new PrintWriter(outFilename)
- (outFilename is a String filename we obtained
somewhere else)
19Text File Output in Java 5.0, Cont.
- Unfortunately the instantiation of the
PrintWriter object can cause a FileNotFoundExcepti
on to be thrown and you must be ready to catch
it - try
- writeFile new PrintWriter(outputFile)
- catch (FileNotFoundException e)
- System.out.println(e.getMessage())
- System.exit(0)
- // end try catch
20Aside - File Paths in Strings
- Sometimes you might have to include a path in the
filename, such as C\Alan\CISC212\Demo.txt - Dont forget that if you have to include a \ in
a String, use \\, as in - C\\Alan\\CISC212\\Demo.txt
21Text File Output in Java 5.0, Cont.
- The PrintWriter constructor can also accept a
File object (such as provided from JFileChooser!)
22Text File Output in Java 5.0, Cont.
- The Object fileOut, owns a couple of familiar
methods print() and println(). - When you are done writing, dont forget to close
the file with - fileOut.close()
- Way easy!!
23Text File Input in Java 5.0
- Use the FileReader and Scanner classes. Our
usual import statements - import java.util.Scanner
- import java.io.FileReader
- import java.io.FileNotFoundException
- Well get to that last one in a minute.
24Text File Input in Java 5.0, Cont.
- In my program
- fileIn new FileReader("Test.txt")
- Scanner fileInput new Scanner(fileIn)
- Scanner class constructor can also accept a File
object directly. - Unfortunately the FileReader constructor (whats
a constructor anyways?) throws a kind of
exception that I cannot ignore - so the code
above cannot be used exactly in this way.
25Text File Input in Java 5.0, Cont.
- This works
- FileReader fileIn null
- try
- fileIn new FileReader("Test.txt")
- catch (FileNotFoundException e)
- // Do something clever here!
- Scanner fileInput new Scanner(fileIn)
26Without using FileReader
- You can also send a File object to the Scanner
class when you instantiate it instead of a
FileReader object. - You will still need to do this in a try catch
block as shown in the previous slide. - See the demo program TextFileReaderDemo.java
27Text File Input in Java 5.0, Cont.
- We are going to have to talk about try/catch
blocks soon! But for now, lets get back to file
input. - To get the file contents, and print them to the
console, for example - while (fileInput.hasNextLine())
- System.out.println(fileInput.nextLine())
28Aside - Scanner Class Tokenizer
- The Scanner class has a built in String
Tokenizer. - Set the delimiters using the useDelimiter(delimite
r_String) method. - Obtain the tokens by calling the next() method.
- The hasNext() method will return false when there
are no more tokens.
29The File Class
- File is a class in the java.io. package.
- It contains useful utility methods that will help
prevent programs crashing from file errors. - For example
- File myFile new File(test.dat)
- myFile.exists() // returns true if file exists
- myFile.canRead() // returns true if can read
from file - myFile.canWrite() // returns true if can write
to file
30The File Class, Cont.
- myFile.delete() // deletes file and returns true
if successful - myFile.length() // returns length of file in
bytes - myFile.getName() // returns the name of file
(like test.dat) - myFile.getPath() // returns path of file (like
31Binary and Random Access
- Binary files contain data exactly as it is stored
in memory you cant read these files in
Notepad! - Text file is sequential access only.
- What does that mean?
- Random access can access any byte in the file at
any time, in any order. - More about Binary and Random File Access later!