Title: NCCLSC Spring Conference Thank you to our sponsors
1(No Transcript)
2NCC/LSC Spring Conference Thank you to our
Soon to be known as
3Achieving an Efficient and Effective College
- Vici Cadwallader-Webb
- Associate Director
- Tenon Education, Training and Skills
4What are we going to cover
- Why monitor Efficiency and Effectiveness?
- How to Measure Efficiency and Effectiveness
- Benchmark - Sector available data
- Is my College Efficient and Effective?
- Support departments
- Understanding the relationship between costs and
quality - Way forward
5Why monitor Efficiency and Effectiveness?
- Introduction of New Funding Streams
- 16-18 Learners
- Adult Learners
- Employer Responsive Learners
- Key Drivers of the New Funding Methodology are
different for each funding stream - 16-18 Funding Model Learners
- Learner Responsive Funding Model Funding and,
- Employer Responsive Funding Model A balance of
Learners and Funding.
6Why monitor Efficiency and Effectiveness?
- High Level Challenges of the New Funding
Methodology - No virement between Funding Streams Likely to
get worse! - Restricted growth
- Some Funding Streams are subject to Tender
- Introduction of the Minimum Levels of Performance
Ofsted/ LSC review of success rates - Different financial model for each stream
7Why monitor Efficiency and Effectiveness?
- Further challenges to come?
- Need to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness
of the College in a significant number of
instances.More with Less - Nationally the LSC cannot afford to fund a shift
between 2006-07 and 2007-08 What about 2008-09?
8How to Measure Efficiency and Effectiveness
- In house
- Monitor year on year trends (KPIs)
- Benchmark against Sector available data
- Learner surveys
- Framework for Excellence (whats left)
- External advisors
- Benchmark against peers/ Sector
9Sector Available Data Benchmarking (1 of 4)
- Diversity of income is encouraged under
Framework for Excellence - Managing the financial viability of each funding
stream. - Increased costs in monitoring the activity given
the number of funding returns the organisation
needs to make
10Sector Available Data Benchmarking (2 of 4)
- Monitoring income yields can flag up problems
with the curriculum/ ILR
11Sector Available Data Benchmarking (3 of 4)
- Other KPIs that can be calculated include
- Staff costs as a of income
- Average teaching pay costs
- Average group size
- If the average group size reduces by just 1
learner the financial impact on a 15m college
can be around 500,000
12Sector Available Data Benchmarking (4 of 4)
- Success rate benchmarking
- Relationship between costs and success
13Is My College Efficient and Effective?
Is this College Efficient and Effective?
14Is My College Efficient and Effective?
- Operating Surplus 2.4
- Staff Costs as a Percentage of Income 63
15Is My College Efficient and Effective?
16Is My College Efficient and Effective?
Is this College Efficient and Effective?
17Is My College Efficient and Effective? Success
- Overall Success 76
- 10 SSAs below
- benchmark
18Is My College Efficient and Effective?
Is this College Efficient and Effective?
19Is My College Efficient and Effective? Staff
20Is My College Efficient and Effective? Income
- Income Yield High
- Learner to SLN ratio has reduced
- Low proportion of priority provision
21Is My College Efficient and Effective?
Is this College Efficient and Effective?
22Is My College Efficient and Effective? Staffing
23Is My College Efficient and Effective? Support
- Library Costs 42 lower
- Fewer staff
- Higher pay level
- Lower non-pay
- Is there an impact on retention / achievement?
24Is My College Efficient and Effective?
Is this College Efficient and Effective? .probabl
y not, but ..
25Is My College Efficient and Effective? Staff
- The largest resource
- Contract 840 hours pa per FTE
- Role Remission c. 10 of staff average of 280
hours pa per FTE 560 taught hours available - Other Remission c. 10 of staff average of 36
hours pa per FTE 804 taught hours available - Available Hours (0.1 560) (0.1 804)
(0.8 840) 808 hours pa per FTE
26Is My College Efficient and Effective? Staff
- Taught Hours 700 hours pa per FTE
- Variance Available hours to Taught hours 108
hours - Cost of under-resource 108 / 840 36,000
4,600 per FTE - Total Cost to the college of under-utilised hours
c. 200 FTEs _at_ 4,600 920,000 - Systems in place to effectively monitor this
resource? Not in our experience
27Is My College Efficient and Effective?
So do you now think that this is an Efficient and
Effective College? No! but they are not alone!
28Support Departments
- What will impact on the required resources within
support / administration? - Number of learners
- Number of onsite learners
- Mix of learners
- Number of qualification aims
- Number of income streams
- Number of staff
- Mix of staff
- Number of sites
- Amount / type of space
- Systems / processes
- ..
29Support Departments - Ratios to Monitor
- Library Resource per SLN
- Student Services Resource per 16-18 Learner
- MIS Resource per Qual Aim
- IT Resource per Computer
- Computers per Learner
- Computers per Staff
- HR Resource per Staff FTE
- Finance Resource per Income
- Estates Resource per SQM
30Understanding the Relationship Cost vs Quality
(1 of 2)
- What is the impact on success of under / over
31Understanding the Relationship Cost vs Quality
(2 of 2)
- What is the impact of resource levels on the
32Way Forward
- Establish where current resources are too high or
too low - Financial situation
- Knowledge of staff
- Benchmark against other colleges
- Establish how the planned changes to the college
curriculum plan, estates strategy etc will
impact on the required resources - Understand the relationship between resource
levels and activity volumes / mix / type - Understand the relationship between resource
levels and quality - What else to consider
- Review of processes / data flows / systems