Title: Diapositiva 1
1(No Transcript)
2October 1996-March 2003 University Degree in
Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Tecnology,
University of Padua, Padua, Italy (Prof. Michael
Wiese and Prof. Stefano Moro, Advisors).
Defending an experimental thesis titled
Development of a pharmacophore model of
selective dopamine D1-antagonists
3March 2002-December 2002 D. Research under
SOCRATES/ERASMUS Program at the Department of
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Bonn,
(Prof. Michael Wiese, Advisor).
Research focused on Ligand-based drug design and
pharmacophore model development on D1 receptor.
4May 2003-May 2004 Scholarship provided by MIUR
(Ministero dellIstruzione, dellUniversità e
della Ricerca), University of Padua, Padua,
Italy. (Prof. Stefano Moro, Advisor)
- Research focused on
- Molecular simplification strategy in the
discovery of new Topoisomerase I poisons from
bioactive natural camptothecin.
5Research focused on
- Combined target-based (molecular docking) and
ligand based drug design (CoMFA) to define a
novel pharmacophore model of the human A3
antagonists. - Moro S., Braiuca P., Deflorian F., Pastorin G.,
Ferrari C., Cacciari B., Varani K., Gessi S.,
Borea P.A., Baraldi P.G., Spalluto G.,
J.Med.Chem. 2005 48(1)152-62
- Autocorrelation of molecular electrostatic
potential surface properties combined with
partial least squares analysis as alternative
attractive tool to generate ligand-based 3D-QSAR. - Moro S., Bacilieri M., Ferrari C., Spalluto G.
Current Drug Discovery Technologies 2005 2
6- June 2004-October 2004 Internship at S.IN.
- (Soluzioni Informatiche, Vicenza, Italy,
www.s-in.it). - Research focused on
- Different approaches to predict HERG affinity
values. - Fioravanzo E., Cazzolla N., Durando L., Ferrari
C., Mabilia M., Ombrato R., Parenti M.D.,
(Internet Electronic Conference of Molecular
Design 2004, IECMD 2004, November 29-December 12) - High Throughput molecular docking on PPAR?.
7November 2004-Present Ph.D. Student in
Computational Chemistry, University of Perugia,
Italy. (Prof. Gabriele Costantino, Prof. Roberto
Pellicciari, Advisors). Research focused on
- Essential Dynamics studies of Nuclear Receptors.
- Ligand-based drug design, pharmacophore model
development on FPRs receptors and binding mode
analysis of the antagonists. - Ferrari C., Macchiarulo A.,Pellicciari R.,
Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design.
- Virtual screening of published databases on
different targets. - (Internship at Sienabiotech, Siena, Italy)