Title: The European Electric Road Vehicle Association
1HarmonHy "Harmonization of Standards and
Regulations for a sustainable Hydrogen and Fuel
Cell technology Proposal/Contract no.
513542 a "Specific Support action" under the 6th
Framework Programme of the "European Commission"
2- Goals
- make an assessment of the activities on hydrogen
and fuel cell related regulations and standards
on a worldwide level - identify gaps and make propositions to solve
fragmentation - identify conflicts between codes, standards and
regulations and make propositions to solve them -
- Particular attention to identify the needs for
standards as perceived by the industry will be
paid as well as action to ensure concordance
between standards and regulations -
3Aim The aim of all the process is to render
European collaboration in the field as effective
as possible and to increase its contribution at
the worldwide level, rendering it more effective
and homogeneous as well as corresponding to its
major interests. At a second stage, the result
of the discussions could also serve as basis for
further projects to be set up as response to the
last call series of FP6.
4Participants VUB, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke
Aktiengesellschaft CRF, Centro Ricerche
Fiat ENEA, Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie,
l'Energia el'Ambiente ENGVA, European
Natural Gas Vehicles Association JRC-Nl, Joint
Research Centre of the EC NL LBST,
L-B-Systemtechnik GmbH NH, Norsk Hydro Stuart,
Stuart Energy Europe N.V AVERE, European
Association for Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell
Electric Vehicles CCS, CCS Global Group Inc
VOLVO, Volvo Technology Corporation
5 1st step Identify and map the state of the art
of ongoing activities in hydrogen specific
regulations, codes and standards, in the EU as
well as in major world regions like the USA and
Japan. Types of document to be referred to
shall include international standards (ISO -
IEC), regional (CEN, CENELEC, SAE) and national
(DIN,) standards, EEC-directives, UNECE
regulations. This task will be done in
collaboration with CEN/CENELEC.
6 1st step WP1 state of the art of codes and
standards (VUB) Organization of joint meetings
with CEN/CENELEC to map ongoing activities
(world-wide) on the field of standards and
regulations 1.1 for transport applications 1.2 for
stationary 1.3 first analysis
7 2nd step Mapping of research and demonstration
(RD) projects in the field of fuel cell and
hydrogen for transport and stationary
applications in EU and other countries (mainly
Japan and USA). This is the necessary basis and
input source for the identification of
pre-normative data able to support the
development of regulations and standards.
Request from the EU Commission put the stress
on this pre-normative aspect.
8 2nd step WP2 state of the art of
pre-normative research (ENEA) Mapping of ongoing
activities (world-wide) on the field of
pre-normative research 2.1 for transport
applications (Volvo BMW, CRF, ENEA,
AVERE) 2.2 for stationary (STUART, ENGVA,
NORSKHYDRO) 2.3 first analysis (ENEA)
9 3rd step Compile an analysis with industrial
partners to define the needs for new or enhanced
RCS and to understand how industry can
continuously initiate any measures at the
international bodies required to ensure
appropriate coverage of H2FC.
10 3rd step 3.1 interaction with ongoing projects
on international level (Canada-Japan-USA) (ENEA,
AVERE, JRC, CCS) 3.2 interaction with regulation,
international, national and regional
harmonization bodies (JRC, VOLVO, CRF, VUB,LBST,
11- 4th step
- Analysis industrial and societal needs.
- Standards and regulations have to be harmonized
- standards have to define the basic guidelines for
a correct design and manufacturing of the
products, and for the easiness and safe use, even
safeguarding the necessary flexibility to give
place to the technology developments - regulations have to establish the legal
requirements for the certification and type
approval, and should be consistent with the
standard relevant to the corresponding topic.
12 4th step 4.1 analysis of industrial needs
CCS) 4.2 analysis of societal needs (VUB,
AVERE,LBST) 4.3 identification of gaps and
possible conflicts (CRF,BMW, VOLVO,
CCS) 4.4 concordance between standards and
regulations (CRF, ENEA ,VUB, CCS) 4.5 proposition
to solve fragmentation and overlapping (CRF,
13 5th step Elaborate a proposal for action plan
and roadmap for further work on harmonizing
standards and regulations on an international
level at UNECE, GTR, ISO and IEC.
14 5th step 5.1 Definition of action plan and
road map (all participants) 5.2 Drafting of
recommendations for advisory council (all
15 5 steps, 5 WPs
16- HarmonHy
- to give support to the hydrogen and fuel cell
technology development, through indication how to
establish a rational and harmonized body of
standards and regulations - to serve manufacturing industries, users and
governmental and public authorities, for the
design and the characterization of the products
in terms of safety, performance and use adequacy. - HarmonHy should therefore be seen as a tool to
help the EU Technology platform, in its mission. - HarmonHy is a tool and it is therefore important
that we are in line with their needs. -
17Interactions between H2FC dedicated Bodies
Commission H2 Project (Interservice Group)
H2/FC Tecnology Platform
Advisory Council
Action needs identific.
Action needs
EU Initiative Group Safety, Codes Stand.
Projects ROD
Gaps identification
IPHE International Partnership for Hydrogen
Implementation Liaison Committee
EU SSA Project Harmonhy
Industry, Research Institutions
Gaps identification
GRPE Informal Group Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles
ISO TC22, TC197
EIHP2 Partnership
Standards/Regulations needs
GTR Global Technical Regulations
UN ECE Regulations
18 19 20Coordinator contact details AVEREEuropean
Association for Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell
Electric Vehiclesc/o VUB-TW-ETECBd. de la
Plaine, 2 - BE 1050 Brussels avere_at_vub.ac.beTel
32 2 629 23 63 - Fax 32 2 629 36