Title: Search for ExtraDimensions at pp and ep Colliders
1Search for Extra-Dimensionsat pp and ep
- Eric Kajfasz, CPPM/D0
- kajfasz_at_cppm.in2p3.gov
- for the CDF, D0, H1 and Zeus collaborations
2Extra Dimensions Outline
- Extra Dimension Models and Signatures studied at
CDF D0 Run II, H1 and ZEUS - Preliminary results on virtual graviton/gauge
boson exchange and direct graviton emission - Summary and Conclusions
- Why ED?
- come naturally with string theory
- provide mechanism to explain why MEW ltlt MPL
- ...
3Extra Dimensions Models Explored
- focus on n extra dims in models where SM fermions
live on a D3-brane - Large Extra Dimensions (LED) Arkani-Hamed,Dimopoul
os,Dvali Phys Lett B429 (98) - MPL 1019GeV
- n gt 2 compact and flat - MS
string/fundamental scale M2PL Rn MSn2 gt MS
can be lowered to TeV scale - gravitons propagate in the bulk gt Kaluza-Klein
tower G(k) - cant resolve successive modes (0.01eVn2
1MeVn3 100MeVn6) - gt expect
- virtual exchange of graviton KK modes
- real graviton emission
- TeV-1 Extra Dimension (TeV-1) Dienes,Dudas,Gherghe
tta Nucl Phys B537 (99) - MC compactification scale ( TeV)
- gauge fields can propagate in the bulk gt KK
towers of gauge bosons - modes with nearly equal energy spacing TeV
- lower GUT scale by changing running of the
couplings - gt expect
- resonances at high energies (LHC ...)
- virtual exchange (Hera, Tevatron)
4Extra Dimensions Models Explored ...
- Warped Extra Dimension (RS) Randull,Sundrum Phys
Rev Lett 83 (99) - ED of size R, highly curved, compactified on
S1/Z2 orbifold y Rf. - Zero mode graviton G(0) localized at the
Planck-brane (y 0) - SM fields localized on TeV-brane (y Rp)
- metric ds2 e-2kRf hmndxmdxn R2df2
k curvature scalefor kR 11-12, Lp
MPLe-kRp TeV - consistency gt 0.01 lt k/MPL lt 0.1
- Gravitons propagate in the bulk gt KK tower G(n)
of modes of mass mn xnke-kRp (xn 1st Bessel
func. zeros i.e. 3.83, 7.02, 10.17, ...)gt well
separated modes - Lp m1MPL/(kx1) gt model characterized by m1 and
k/MPL - gt Look for first graviton resonance
5Extra Dimensions Topologies Explored
Exchange Virtual Gravitons (LED,TeV-1,RS)
jet(s) MET g MET
Emission of Real Gravitons (LED)
6Large Extra DimensionsVirtual Graviton Exchange
dilepton channel (Tevatron)
diphoton channel (Tevatron)
DIS channel (Hera)
7Large Extra DimensionsVirtual Graviton Exchange
s sSM hGsint hG2sKK
- Effect of ED parameterized by a single
variable - different formalisms have different definitions
of MS - Hewett (Hewett, Phys Rev Lett 82, 4765 (99) )F
2l/p with l 1 - GRW (Giudice, Rattazzi, Wells, hep-ph/9811291)F
1 - HLZ (Han, Lykken, Zhang, hep-ph/9811350)F
log(MS2/s) for n 2F 2/(n-2)
for n gt 2
hG F/ MS4
8Large Extra Dimensions Virtual Graviton Exchange
- 2 isolated es, ETgt 25 GeV
- es coming from luminous region
- MET significance cut
- eCC 92.4 0.4 eCP 79.2 0.5
- for Mee gt 350 GeV Nexp 4.6, Nobs 8
- Mee distrib. used in binned likelihood gt Limits
on hGl/MS4
95 CL limits on MS (TeV)
C(entral) hlt1 P(lug) 1lthlt3
9Large Extra Dimensions Virtual Graviton Exchange
- diEM combine ee and gg
- 2 EM objects, ET gt 25 GeVwith track isolation
- overall ID efficiency 85 1
- for MdiEM gt 350 GeVNexp 9.7 (1.6 QCD), Nobs
8 - Systematics 12
signal for hG 0.6
D-Y direct gg QCD
CC hlt1.1 EC 1.5lthlt2.4
10Large Extra Dimensions Virtual Graviton Exchange
- Data agree with SM predictions gt
- MdiEM vscosq distrib. usedin 2D Binned
Likelihood - gtSet limits on hG alone orin combination with
Run I results - gt give 95 CL limits on MS (TeV)
- Most stringent constraints on LED for n gt 2 to
date among all experiments.
11Large Extra Dimensions Virtual Graviton Exchange
- 2 ms with PT gt 15 GeV
- isolated, hlt2.0
- cosmic veto
- Mmm gt 50 GeV
- for Mmm gt 300 GeVNexp 6.4 and Nobs 5
- Systematics 13
D0 RunII Preliminary
Mmmvscosq distr. used in 2D Binned
Likelihood gt Set limits on hG gt 95 CL limits
on MS (TeV)
12Large Extra DimensionsHERA Virtual Graviton
G(k) Virtual exchange in t-channel interferes
with Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) Small
contribution O(1) from eg -gt eg G(k)
exchange affects the Q2 distribution at high Q2
Compare ds/dQ2 to what is expected from SM
Q2 (k-k)2 -q2
13Large Extra Dimensions Virtual Graviton Exchange
c2 fit of ds/dQ2 no deviation from SM gt Set
limits on hG gt 95 CL limits on MS (TeV)
Hewett formalism
14Large Extra Dimensions Virtual Graviton
ds/dQ2 used in binned likelihood gt Set limits on
hG gt 95 CL limits on MS (TeV)
- Hewett formalism
- l - 1 MS gt 0.79 TeV
- 1 MS gt 0.78 TeV
15Large Extra DimensionsDirect Graviton Emission
- Graviton produced along with a jet disappears in
the bulk, undetected gt mono-jet like topology
with high MET
- Nexp 100.2 6.3 (stat) 7.5 (theo)
50 - 30 (JES) - Nobs 63 ( 5 efficiency)
- Final Selection
- MET gt 150 GeV
- PT(jet1) gt 150 GeV, h lt 1
- PT(jet2) lt 50 GeV
- Df(MET,jet1) gt 30o
limits on MS 660-680 GeV
MC SM bkg mostly Z-gtnnjet(s)
updated analysis with 200pb-1 and new JES in
process ...
n 6 and MS 0.7 TeV
16TeV-1 Extra DimensionVirtual Exchange of Z/g KK
D0 ee
- (gt 1 EM w/ track match)
- same procedure as for LED analysis but with
virtual Z/g KK states effects parameterized
by hC p2/3MC2 - Nexp 12.1 (4.3 QCD), Nobs 9
- gt Limit set as done for LED hC lt 2.63 TeV-2 gt
MC gt 1.12 TeV _at_ 95 CL
signal for hC 5 TeV-2
KK states modify the Z/g propagators 1/Q2 -gt
1/Q2 hC 1/(Q2MZ2) -gt 1/(Q2MZ2) hC Fit to
ep and e-p data gt MC gt
1.0 TeV _at_ 95 CL
from combined precision EW measurements
MC gt 6.6 TeV
17RS Extra Dimension
- Graviton KK states well separated gt resonant
graviton search - CDF analyses
- ee and mm binned likelihood method
- gg counting limits using 3s mass window around
resonance - D0 analysis
- diEM using 3s mass window method
18RS Extra Dimension
ee, mm, gg
- mm
- 2 isolated ms w/ PTgt20GeV
- hm1 lt1, hm2lt1.5
- cosmic veto
- gg
- 2 isolated gs w/ ETgt15GeV
- CC
- ee
- 2 isolated es w/ ETgt25GeV
- CC or CP
data agree with expected SM bkg ...
19RS Extra Dimension
ee, mm, gg
- cross-section limits computed from binned
likelihood (ee,mm) and 3-s mass window (gg) - compare to R-S cross-section for different
values of the k/MPL parameter.
gt exclusion contour plot ...
20RS Extra Dimension
ee, mm, gg
Lower limits on MG (GeV) for k/MPL 0.1
- Further improvement can be achieved by
- using mass window method for dilepton channels
- combining channels
21RS Extra Dimension
same diEM data set as for LED search
signal RS Graviton MG 300 GeV
D-Y direct gg QCD
785 GeV
data agree with expected SM background gt set
limits with mass window method
- Tevatron, CDFD0 working well
- CDFD0 have by now each 450pb-1 on tape
- Tevatron and HERA are great tools to start
looking for EDs - Very competitive results and even most stringent
limits are starting to come out - There is still room for improvement, so stay
tuned. - However, for the final word on some models, we
may very well need to wait for LHC ...