Title: Holy Word Voters Meeting
1Holy Word Voters Meeting
2Holy Word Recent History
Chad White Accepts Call
C. Schoeneck College Station
Pastor Johne Retires
N. Buege Katy
Stelljes Commissioned
Steve Witt Accepts Call
Vicar Prahl
Vicar Gunther
Vicar Schoeneck
Vicar Buege
Stelljes Home
Sanctuary Construction Starts
Home Repair Witt Move
Dedication of New Sanctuary
Close Mortgage on New Sanctuary
3Holy Word Membership Growth
Based on membership transactions
4Cumulative Operating Deficit
5Future Gap if nothing changes
Present Gap
Cumulative Operating Deficit
6General Fund Income Expenses
Month Avg.
7How Solutions Were Put Together
8Our Situation and Solutions
Upcoming Challenges (4000 7000/mo)
1) Synod gift for Staff Minister expires 2) Gift
of Stelljes home expires 3) Insurance costs
Past and Present Expenses
More or less break even
Addressing Our Situation
Permanent Expense Cuts
Pray for better stewardship
Temporary Expense Cuts
One-time Cash Boost