Title: Ceramics 1
1Ceramics 1
2Maturing Temperature
- Temperature at which clay becomes bisque
- Cone 04 to cone
- 1800 º -1926º f
3Different Types of Clay Become Bisque at
Different Temperatures
- Clay matures _at_ 1800o
- Still porous (absorbs water)
- Clay fires white or pink
- Glazes more likely to retain bright colors
5Terracotta Is One Type of Earthenware Clay
- Matures _at_ 2100 o-2300o
- Stronger than earthenware
- Impervious to water acids
- Glaze colors more muted
- Glaze to clay bond stronger so less likely to
- Clay matures _at_ 2300o-2600 white clay having the
consistency of toothpaste
9Porcelain Walls Can Be Made So Thin That They Are
TranslucentThis Artist Puts a Tea Light Inside
That Makes Her Work Glow!
10Malleable Clay
- Very plastic, easy to model
- Requires very little slip or scoring to join
11Leather Hard Clay
- Stronger, supports own weight, doesnt sag or
tear easily - Requires extensive slip and scores to join
12Bone Dry Clay
- Very hard
- Very brittle
- Forms break easily
- Clay must be bone dry to be fired in the kiln
13Creative Problem Solving Synectics
- Comes from the Greek word for "bringing different
things into a unified connection"
14Synectics Means Metaphors
- Metaphors create relationships between unlike
things, people, animals, objects, events or
15Easy Metaphors
- How is the ocean like the sky? How is a piano
like a bird? - Both the ocean and the sky are blue, both contain
moisture, etc. - Both pianos and birds make beautiful music
16Try to Find a Common Relationship Between These
Two Very Different Things
- 4 acres of tall gray stone columns
- And
- A little girl dressed in pink
17What Can Relate These Two Things?
18The More You Know about the subject the Better
the Metaphor!The Girl Is Standing in the Middle
of a Memorial in Berlin, Germany Dedicated to the
Millions of Murdered Jews of Europe
19What links these two things?
- Peter Eisenman said, he created 4 acres of gray
stone pillars in a maze to produce an uneasy,
confusing atmosphere - This uneasy feeling is mirrored in the little
girls separation from her mother, just like the
millions of dead are separated from their
families - This uneasy feeling is mirrored in the little
girls confusion within the maze
20Self-portrait Project
- Start thinking about a metaphor for your life,
your relationships with friends and/or family
members - What 3 forms, colors, shapes, etc. Create a
metaphor to tell your story - Create a metaphor for your personality, and your
history - My world is a color, a shape, and a feeling