Title: Biodiversity on planet earth
1Biodiversity on planet earth
2Biodiversity is
- The variety of life in all its forms,
- levels and combinations Chicago Wilderness
3Another definition www.flinders.edu.au/courses/po
- Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth,
from the simplest bacterial gene to vast, complex
rainforests. It is the number and variety of
animal, plant, fungi and microbes which inhabit
the Earth, the genetic variation within them, as
well as the difference in the places that these
organisms live. This variety of life has evolved
over hundreds of millions of years.
4- immediart.com/catalog/product_info.
5Its the web of life
- The conservation of biodiversity is attracting
increasing international and national attention,
as more species, habitats and ecosystems become
threatened or endangered. Threats to biodiversity
include loss of species through habitat
destruction or fragmentation and invasion by
introduced animal or plant species. The study of
biodiversity will lead to better management of
ecosystems, and improve the conservation outlook
for many habitats and species. - http//www.scieng.flinders.edu.au/courses/biodiver
6More on what it is.
- These web resources are on our syllabus.
- http//www.serconline.org/biodiversity/
- http//www.cpaws-sask.org/parks_wilderness/biodive
rsity.html - http//www.fieldmuseum.org/biodiversity/intro.html
7The diversity of life is a result of change over
- What is evolution?
- What is Darwins theory of evolution by natural
selection? - What do we mean by natural and who or what
selects? - Short videos on evolution for those who need more
background info. http//www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution
8the raw material of evolution
- Chromosomes http//images.google.com/images?hlen
qchromosomesbtnGSearchImagesgbv2 - Genes http//www.accessexcellence.org/RC/VL/GG/gen
e2.php - Allele http//library.thinkquest.org/C0118084/Gene
gous_chromosomes.gif - Gene pool http//www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link/c
ool_stuff/tour_evolution_2.html - Mutation http//www.accessexcellence.org/RC/VL/GG/
mutation.html - Meiosis, crossing over http//www.agen.ufl.edu/ch
9Adaptations increase chances of survival!
- what do we mean by adaptations?
- http//videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/26705-coastlin
es-and-seas-life-on-the-coral-reef-video.htm - human adaptations
- Melanin http//anthro.palomar.edu/adapt/adapt_4.h
tm - To climate http//anthro.palomar.edu/adapt/adapt_
2.htm - what is coevolution?
- http//www.vsocial.com/video/?d78530
10These also fuel evolution
- Allopatric speciation
- http//www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/05/2/l_0
52_03.html - Geographic isolation
- Reproductive isolation
- Sympatric speciation
- Hudson River Valley...flies bred on Hawthorne
fruits, - mid 1800s
- Commercial apple orchards appear 150 yrs. ago
- Some females lay eggs on apples instead
- Fewer larvae survived on apples but continued to
seek out apple trees for mating - Two types of flies now exist in HRV
11Adaptive Radiation
- http//www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/darwin/origin/in
12ExtinctionUltimate fate of all species...99.9
of all species are extinct.. our text
- Background low rate of extinction as local
environment changes. - Mass extinction significant rise above
background level (25-70 of all organisms become
extinct in one time period) - 5 extinctions, are we headed towards 6th ?
- What is 6th? http//www.actionbioscience.org/newfr
ontiers/eldredge2.html - Pangea http//www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee
/BIOBK/BioBookPaleo5.html - Mass depletion higher than normal but not as
high as ME. Our book says new evidence indicates
2 mass extinctions 3 mass depletions over 500
million years!
13Slide show UN CBD