Title: Upholstery Product Serialization
1Upholstery Product Serialization
- FIDX Proposal May 17, 2002
2General Proposal Information
- Developed in a subcommittee of multiple
upholstery manufacturers and FIDX participants - La-Z-Boy,Thomasville, Bassett, Ashley, Norwalk,
Henredon,Century, MicroD, AFMA - Attempting to address UPC application and Product
Serialization Issues for Upholstery - Attempting to create a standard that is
applicable and useful to a variety of
manufacturers and retailers for product
identification throughout the product lifecycle
31) All Upholstered Products to Carry UPC
- According to UCC standard
- If unsure of requirements see the UCC website
www.uc-council.org - UCC allowed structures in UPC symbology (GTIN)
- EAN-8
- UPC-12 (or UPC-A)
- EAN-13
- EAN-14
- Sunrise date for retail systems vendors to
accommodate 13 or 14 digit UPCs 1/1/2005
42)UPC for Stock Configurations (MTS)
- Where no custom configurations are permitted on
base Frame/SKU/Style - The UPCs and their associated data can be
communicated via the electronic catalog
53)UPC for Make to Order/Configurable/Custom(CTO)
- Base or generic Frame/SKU/Style will carry the
UPC - All permitted variations/configurations from the
base SKU will carry the same common base
Frame/SKU/Style UPC - Except in cases noted in item 4)
64) CTO Product converted to Fixed Configuration
- Upon Mutually agreed upon arrangement and
communication between Manufacturer and
Retailer/Dealer - CTO product can be redefined with a fixed
configuration off of the generic frame - No options will be available for that unique
SKU/UPC - New unique UPC assigned
- Included in Electronic Catalog to
Retailers/Dealers who are authorized to purchase
this fixed configuration
75) Serial Numbers
- All Upholstery Products to carry a unique
identifier (Serial Number) in addition to the UPC
using AI code-21 - Using Code 128 Symbology
- Applied to product at time of manufacture in non
destructive manner as well as shipping container - Intended to remain on product throughout
lifecycle though can be removed by consumer - Either printed on same label media as is UPC or
on a separate label media as specified in the
UCC Standards
86) Serial Number Schema
- At manufacturers discretion so long as it
follows the 20-digit alphanumeric Code 128
Symbology (AI Code 21) E.g. (but not limited to),
- Sequential assignment
- Intelligent numbering e.g., concatenated date,
plant, or acknowledgement - Other combination, or randomly generated code
- Manufacturer to maintain database of Serial
Numbers with Product and order-related
information - specific reference to the products location and
date of manufacture - other information of the manufacturers choice
9UPC Assignment Decision Tree
Assign 20 digit SN as product is produced, Apply
Code 128 labeling to product and packaging, store
SN related data in reference database
Assign 20 digit SN as product is produced, Apply
Code 128 labeling to product and packaging, store
SN related data in reference database
Assign 20 digit SN as product is produced, Apply
Code 128 labeling to product and packaging, store
SN related data in reference database