Title: The psychology of knights and knaves
1The psychology of knights and knaves
- Lance J. Rips,
- University of Chicago,
- 1989
2Knights and Knaves
- (1) We have three inhabitants, A, B, and C,
each of whom is a knight or a knave. Two people
are said to be of the same type if they are both
knights or both knaves. A and B make the
following statements - A B is a knave
- B A and C are of the same type.
- What is C?
- (Smullyan, 1978, p.22)
3Protocol evidence
- Subjects attempted to solve problems by
considering specific assumptions - Worked forward from their assumptions
- Subjects sometimes forgot assumptions
4Protocol evidence
5Computational model
- Based on the idea that people deal with deduction
problems by applying mental-deduction rules like
those of formal natural deduction systems
6Computational model
- Subjects performance predicted on a deduction
problem in terms of length of required derivation
and availability of rules - The shorter the derivation and more available the
rules, the faster and more accurate subjects
should be
7Computational model
- knight(x) x is a knight, knave(x) x is a
knave - says(x,p) person x uttered sentence p
- Rule 1
- says(x, p) and knight(x) entail p.
- Rule 2
- says(x,p) and knave(x) entail NOT p.
- Rule 3
- NOT knave(x) entails knight(x)
- Rule 4
- NOT knight(x) entails knave(x).
8Computational modelPROLOG Program
- Stores logical form of sentences in problem and
extracts names of individuals (A, B, and C) - Assumes first-mentioned individual is a knight,
knight(A) - Draws as many inferences as possible from
assumption - If contradictory sentences (knight(B) and
knave(B)) it abandons assumption that
first-mentioned individual is a knight and
continues with assumption knave(A)
9Computational model PROLOG Program
- Revises rule ordering, rules successfully applied
will be tried first on the next round - Continues until it has found all consistent sets
of assumptions about the knight / knave status of
each individual
10Computational modelPROLOG Program
11Computational model PROLOG Program
- All rules operate forward
- Assumes subjects error rates and response time
depend on length of derivations
12Experiment 1
Rule 5 (AND Elimination) p AND q entails p,
q. Rule 6 (Modus Ponens) IF p THEN q and p
entail q Rule 7 (DeMorgan-1) NOT (p OR q)
entails NOT p AND NOT q Rule 8
(DeMorgan-1) NOT (p AND q) entails NOT p OR NOT
13Experiment 1
- Rule 9 (Disjunctive Syllogism-1)
- p OR q and NOT p entail q.
- p OR q and NOT q entail p.
- Rule 10 (Disjunctive Syllogism-2)
- NOT p OR q and p entail q.
- p OR NOT q and q entail p.
- Rule 11 (Double Negation Elimination)
- NOT NOT p entails p.
14Experiment 1Method
- Submitted puzzles to the PROLOG program and
counted the number of inference steps it needed
to solve them - 34 problems
- Six problems had 2 speakers, 28 had 3
- 2 speaker problems had 3 or 4 clauses
- 3 speaker problems had 4, 5, or 9 clauses
15Experiment 1Method
- 4 clause, 3 speaker problems
- (2) A says, C is a knave.
- B says, C is a knave.
- C says, A is a knight and B is a knave.
- (3) A says, B is a knight.
- B says, C is a knave or A is a knight.
- C says, A is a knight.
16Experiment 1 - Subjects
- 34 subjects
- 3 groups of 10 to 13 individuals
- University of Arizona Undergraduates
- English Speakers, no formal logic courses
- 10 subjects stopped working on the problems after
15 minutes
17Experiment 1 Results and Discussion
- None of the subjects solved the most difficult
problem and 35 solved the easiest. - 24 of problems predicted to be easier, 16 of
problems predicted difficult. - Program used a mean of 19.3 steps in solving
simpler problems, 24.2 steps on the more
difficult problems. - Core subjects solved 32 of the easier problems
and 20 of more difficult problems.
18Experiment 1Results and Discussion
Percentage of Correct solutions in Experiment 1
as a function of the number of inference steps
used by the model
19Experiment 1Results and Discussion
- 3-speaker, 9-clause outlier
- (4) A says, Were all knaves.
- B says, A, B, or C is a knight.
- C says, A, B, or C is a knave.
20Experiment 1Results and Discussion
- Prediction that subjects would score higher on
puzzles with smaller number of inference steps
consistent with findings.
21Experiment 1Results and Discussion
- Binary Connectives
- says(A, ((knave(A) AND knave(B)) AND knave(C ))
- N-ary Connectives
- AND(knave(A), knave(B), knave(C ))
22Experiment 2
- Predict the amount of time subjects take to reach
a correct solution based on the number of steps
the model needs to find a correct answer.
23Experiment 2
- Problems were simplified as longer problems
produced longer and more variable times - More difficult problems also resulted in less
correct answers. - Tighter control on the form of the problems
- Eliminate irrelevant effects of problem wording
and response.
24Experiment 2
- Modified rules to allow program to solve a wider
variety of problems - Rules 9 and 10 (Disjunctive Syllogism)
- Allowed the program to infer p from any of the
following - OR(knight(x), p) and knave(x)
- OR(knave(x), p) and knight(x)
- OR(p, knight(x)) and knave(x) and
- OR(p, knave(x)) and knight(x)
25Experiment 2Method
- Subjects viewed the problems on a monitor and
responded using a response panel. - Monitor presented subjects with feedback about
accuracy of their answer and amount of time taken.
26Experiment 2Method
27Experiment 2Method
28Experiment 2Method
- Submitted problems to the natural-deduction
program and chose 12 of the groups based on
output. - Each group had same output but differed in the
number of inference steps required to solve - Column 1 (small) 13.1 steps
- Column 2 (small) 13.0 steps
- Column 3 (large) 16.4 steps
29Experiment 2Method
- The prediction is that the large step problems
within each row will result in longer response
times and more errors.
30Experiment 2Subjects
- 53 University of Chicago Undergraduates
- Native English speakers, no formal logic
- 5 bonus minus 10 cents per trial on which they
made an error - Discarded data from subjects who made errors on
more than 40 of trials - 30 subjects succeeded
31Experiment 2Results and Discussion
- The problems with a larger number of predicted
inference steps took longer for the subjects to
solve. - Subjects took 25.5s to 23.9s to solve the two
types of small-step problems, but 29.5s on the
large-step problems.
32(No Transcript)
33Experiment 2Results and Discussion
- Error Rates
- 1st Small step 15.8
- 2nd Small step 9
- Large step 14.4
34Experiment 2Results and Discussion
- Knight-knave Problems
- Took longer to solve and most difficult
- Knight-knight 24.8s 14.4 errors
- Knight-knave 29.4s 17.5
- Knave-knight 24.0s 8
- Knave-knave 26.8s 12.2
- But only a small difference in the number of
steps necessary for the program to solve.
35Experiment 2Results and Discussion
- Attributed increase in knight-knave problems to
the small-step items - Subjects incorrectly assume character is lying
when they state I am a knave - This would result in knave(A)-knight(B) response
36Experiment 2Results and Discussion
- Effects of negatives
- Subjects took longer to read and comprehend
negative sentences - The model adds extra steps are necessary to
transform these negatives to positives - Rule 3 NOT(knave(x)) to knight(x)
- 23.4s to solve no negative problems with 10.6
error rate - 27.2 to solve problems with one negative with
13.9 error rate
37General DiscussionNatural-deduction model
- People carry out deduction tasks by constructing
mental proofs - Represent information
- Make further assumptions
- Draw inferences
- Make conclusions on basis of derivation
38General DiscussionNatural-deduction model
- The knights and knaves problems extend model
compared to previous experiments which judge
validity of arguments - Depend on logical properties but do not have
premise-conclusion format
39General DiscussionNatural-deduction model
- Protocol
- Participants followed assume-and-deduce strategy
- Experiment 1
- Predict probability of subjects solving a set of
moderately complex and varied puzzles - Experiment 2
- Response times increased with the number of
inference steps
40General DiscussionNatural-deduction model
- Limitations
- A large minority found the simpler problems to be
extremely difficult and performed below chance
level of performance - Results were interpreted using only the
natural-deduction framework
41General Discussion
- Subjects who did not complete the task
- Large variation
- Experiment 1 some achieved 80 correct, other
subjects missed all
42General Discussion
- Individual Differences
- OR Introduction
- Avoided problems dependent on OR Introduction
- Lack of availability of Knight-knave rules
- Subjects do not understand that what a knight
says is true and what a knave says is false
43General DiscussionAlternative Theories
- Deduction by heuristic
- By responding knave if a character says I am a
knave and responding knight otherwise - Results in 25 correct versus obtained 87
- No apparent non-logical short cuts
44General DiscussionAlternative Theories
- Deduction by pragmatic schemas
- Knights and knaves does not follow the real world
schema - Very few situations in which people always tell
the truth or always lie - May help with Wason selection task (permission /
restrictions) - But no case for people using schemas on most
deduction problems
45General DiscussionAlternative Theories
- Deduction by mental models
- Subject surveys model for potential conclusion
and if found attempts to find a counter example
by altering the model. - If no counterexample found the subject adopts
initial conclusion as correct. - If counterexample is found, conclusion is
rejected and another conclusion is examined. - Continues until acceptable conclusion is found or
it is decided that no conclusion is valid.
46General DiscussionAlternative Theories
- (1) We have three inhabitants, A, B, and C,
each of whom is a knight or a knave. Two people
are said to be of the same type if they are both
knights or both knaves. A and B make the
following statements - A B is a knave
- B A and C are of the same type.
- What is C?
47General DiscussionAlternative Theories
- Subject use tokens for each character.
- knightA
- knaveB
- knaveC
- Conclusion that C is a knave, continue with
48General DiscussionAlternative Theories
- knaveA
- knightB
- knaveC
- Since conclusion stands in both then C is a knave.
49General DiscussionAlternative Theories
- None of the speak aloud subjects mentioned tokens
- Could be a difficulty with describing mental
models. - The theory does not account for the process that
produces and evaluates the model
50General DiscussionAlternative Theories
- Deny that it is due to mental inference rules or
non-logical heuristics - What cognitive mechanism is responsible for these
insights? - Could be put together in a haphazard manner and
checked for consistency. - Fails to give a good account of systematic
protocols - Shifts burden of explanation to consistency
52General Discussion
- Natural-deduction explains where the items come
from using intermediate sentences - Challenge to mental modelers