Title: Autism: the hidden disability
1Autism the hidden disability
2Please write down the following using your
non-writing hand
- In the UK there are over
- 500,000 people affected by autism
3What will we be looking at?
- What is autism?
- Characteristics of autism
- Who is the NAS?
- Charity events
4Imagine youre an alien arriving on this planet
for the first time
- How would you feel?
- What would you do?
- Do you think people would help you?
5Imagine that you find it very hard to be touched
by other people
- This what it can be like for some people with
autism - How would you get around?
- Do you think people would understand why this
upsets you?
6So what is autism?
People with autism have difficulties
communicating, understanding people and the world
around them These pin people illustrate some of
the ways in which autism is displayed
7The autistic spectrum
- Imagine that autism is like the colour spectrum
- Think of all the colours that exist in the
spectrum - Autism is different for every person
8The National Autistic Society is here to help
9The National Autistic Society
- Robert Ogden
- Sybil Elgar
- Helen Allison
- Radlett Lodge
- Daldorch House (Scotland)
- Broomhayes
11Who is helped by the NAS?
- 100,000 people supported annually by our free
services - 40,000 people supported by our national NAS
Autism Helpline - 14,000 NAS members, an increasing number who
help steer the organisation - 3,500 professional staff and volunteers
UK-wide - 1,100 individuals in our care
- 350 clients supported by NAS employment
services - 61 branches, providing local support services
- 17 clusters of specialist adult services
- 6 NAS schools
- 1 great team dedicated to providing excellent
services and tailored support
12And how you can help
- Holding an event in your school
- Cake sales
- Bring and buy sales
- Sponsored walks
- Sponsored silences
- Collecting pennies
- The NAS Sudokuthon
13What about
- Collecting pennies
- Parents are great for this!
- Have an ugly tie day!
- Have a dress-down day
- Everyone pays 1 for the privilege
- Hold a science fair
- You can charge people to see what you have done!
14What ever you decide to do we are here to help