Title: Lancaster University Disability Conference
1Lancaster University Disability Conference
"Putting Theory into Practice"
Peter Bailey University of Surrey
2Disabled people and jobs
- Two main points to be made
- Job opportunities
- greater than ever
- Government support
- to be increased to help
- disabled people participate
3Big Conversation question
Should we (the government) extend better help to
get into work, training and rehabilitation to
sick and disabled people in exchange for
increasing responsibilities to find an
appropriate job
4Rights and Responsibilities
The right of a (disabled) person to support to
find work perhaps even a personalised job
brokering service. And,The responsibility to
all one can to get work.
5Purpose of government and society
- The purpose, the absolute responsibility of
society is to empower all of its members actually
to produce and live the good life - (Justin Dart - American disability activist)
6Social Model perspective
- All the other situations from which physically
impaired people are excluded are linked, in the
final analysis, with the basic exclusion from
employment - (UPIAS 1976 page 15)
7Social Model perspective
- Mike Oliver has expressed similar views
- Work is crucial..when we are excluded from
work we are excluded from a whole range of
personal and social relationships and this is
important for the development of our sense of
self(Video based on Sociological Imagination
8Rights and Responsibilities
Karl Marx had something to say about this too,
only he used slightly different language
From each according to his ability and to each
according to his needs.
- Civil citizenship
- (free speech, justice etc)
- Political citizenship
- (elections etc)
- Social citizenship
- Right to paid work
10Discouraged workers
- Many of the 1million who want to work seem to be
discouraged from seeking work because of past
negative experiences of unfair rejections.
(Defined as People who believed no jobs for them
were available)
11Incapacity Benefit
- Unemployed people are described as jobseekers
capable of work internalised value. - Incapacity benefit incapable internalised
value. - In fact we now know that all disabled people can
live and work in the community.
12Comfort zones (1)
- cant cope with the work
- havent got the right clothes
- dont know how to use voicemail
- forgotten how to transfer telephone calls
13Comfort zones (2)
- cant find the time
- they be worse off
- wont get back onto benefits
- friends will think they have been faking it
14Why people hate disability
- Colin Hughes concluded people did not hate
disability, they just wish it would all go away
and many disabled people have internalised this. - (Radio 4 June 2001)
15Psychological aspects
- It (the social model) does not automatically
mean that individually based interventions are of
no value and are always counterproductive - (Colin Barnes 2000)
16Government support
- Each disabled person should be entitled to an
individual participation package to enable them
to get a job. - (OECD Transforming Disability into Ability 2003)
17How does the UK compare?
- UK Government spend 1/5 of the EU average on
assisting disabled people to get a job. - UK spend an average of 1,750 per young person
compared with 100 for disabled people.
18What should Government do?
- Major study showed two key problems for disabled
people getting jobs - Attitude of co-workers
- Low skill levels
- (CIPD 2001)
19What should Government do?
- Enforce the requirement within the DDA Code of
Practice on employers to train staff on
disability equality. - This should focus on this mindset that disabled
people cant compete in the workplace started
by industrialisation and cemented in place by
scientific management ideas around work
measurement and bonus schemes and the idea that
there was one best way to do a job.
20What should Government do
- 2. Give all unemployed disabled people their own
training budget for personal development, IT
equipment and training, updating skills or
whatever they need to be effective at work.
21What should Government do
- 3. Finally, provide a personalised job brokering
service who can participate in the process of
getting a job right through to brokering the
first job and support during the early weeks.
22What should Government do
- This might cost up to 5,000 in some cases but
this is no more than it costs to keep each person
on incapacity benefit for a year. - More importantly this will deliver social
justice and address the past discrimination that
caused this situation in the first place.
23(No Transcript)