Title: Quantum Fluids and Solids
1Quantum Fluids and Solids
Robert Hallocks group
Among several projects in the labs, we will focus
here on only two (1) thin films of Helium a few
atomic layers thick, and (2) the investigation of
solid helium to see if there is a supersolid
4He (roughly 1 monolayer) plus submonolayer 3He
on a solid Hydrogen-coated substrate (quartz
crystal microbalance).
2Recent experiments in the field of Quantum Solids
have suggested that solid 4He may be a
supersolid. That is, mass flux may take place
through the solid. This is controversial, with
other interpretations. Attempts to squeeze the
solid directly have shown that mass does
not flow. In our experiment we will attempt
cause mass to flow from a liquid reservoir one
side of the solid to one on the other. We utilize
an unusual feature of solid helium in a porous
material (Vycor) to do this.
Liquid 4He
Liquid 4He In Vycor
Solid 4He
Create pressure in the liquid on one side and see
if it appears on the other.