Title: Sodium Dodecyl-Sulphate PolyAcrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
1Sodium Dodecyl-Sulphate PolyAcrylamide Gel
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6Occurrence in daily life
- Acrylamide in fried or baked goods is produced by
the reaction between asparagine and reducing
sugars (fructose, glucose, etc.) or reactive
carbonyls. Browning during baking, frying or
deep-frying will produce acrylamide and
over-cooking of foods will produce large amounts
of acrylamide. Acrylamides can also be created
during microwaving. Acrylamide cannot be created
by boiling, and very few uncooked foods contain
any detectable amounts. - Acrylamide in olives and prune juice comes
through another process. It has been suggested
that environmental pathways, such as the
breakdown of the herbicide glyphosate (Roundup),
are sources too. - Smoking is also a major acrylamide producer.
Estimates for the proportion in the diet coming
from the consumption of coffee range from twenty
to forty percent.
7Health Risks
- Potential health risk There is evidence that
exposure to large doses can cause damage to the
male reproductive glands. Direct exposure to pure
acrylamide by inhalation, skin absorption, or eye
contact irritates the exposed mucous membranes,
e.g. the nose, and can also cause sweating,
urinary incontinence, nausea, myalgia, speech
disorders, numbness, parasthesia, and weakened
legs and hands. In addition, the acrylamide
monomer is a potent neurotoxin, causing the
disassembly or rearrangement of intermediate
filaments (nerve damage). Ingested acrylamide is
metabolised to a chemically reactive epoxide,
glycidamide. - Cancer According to a 2005 review, acrylamide
reliably produces various types of cancer in
experimental mice and rats. However, studies in
human populations have failed to produce
consistent results, and it remains unclear
whether this is due to a reduced risk in a
natural setting or the methodological
difficulties inherent in such studies. For
example, it might be difficult to isolate the
effects of acrylamide because it is so ubiquitous
in western diets.
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10SDS Gel
Stacking Gel
4 acrylamide 12 acrylamide
Resolving Gel
11Protein Gel
Protein Standard
216 kDa 132 kDa 78 kDa 45.7 kDa 32.5 kDa 18.4
Resolving gel only
- Lanes
- 1Molecular Weight Markers
- Supernatant
- Pellet
- Resin
- Fraction 2
- Fraction 1
Proteins are measured in kiloDaltons 1 amu 1
Dalton 1,000 atomic mass units 1 kiloDalton
12Calculating Protein Size
13Calculating Protein Size
Protein size 20 40 60
80 100 120
Use the graphed protein standard to calculate
unknown protein sizes
10 20
30 mm from top of gel
14In order to run a protein gel, you have to be
able to assemble the apparatus!