Title: Shareholder Rights in the Intermediated Holding Structure
1Shareholder Rights in the Intermediated Holding
- Agata Waclawik-Wejman, LL.M.
- Polish-German Banking Law Center
- Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
- Stockholm Center for Commercial Law, Stockholm
University - Seminar on Shareholder Rights, May 19, 2008
- Exercising Shareholder Rights in Intermediated
Securities Environment the company
law-securities law cross-over - Current EU and international legislative
initiatives - Removing Obstacles to Cross-Border Shareholder
Rights Exercise in Europe The Legal Certainty
Groups Works
- 1. The legal framework for the exercise of
shareholder rights a significant link between
company law and the law of intermediated
securities - 2. The modern framework for the exercise of
shareholder rights will be a joint product of a
number of EU and international initiatives - 3. The effective and efficient cross-border
exercise of shareholder rights not possible
without a sound legal framework for cross-border
intermediated securities holdings - The LCG works on the recommendations regarding
- The EU-wide recognition of cross-border
multi-tiered intermediated securities holding
systems - The duties of account providers with regard to
corporate actions and voting - Issuer/Intermediary liability after issuers
performance vis-a-vis the intermediated system
41. Exercising Shareholder Rights in
Intermediated Securities Environment
5Exercising the Shareholder Rights
- Basic shareholder rights
- Information
- Vote
- Corporate actions, e.g.
- Dividend
- Subscription Rights
- Basic rules of the exercise of shareholder
rights - Those who hold company shares at a certain point
in time as determined by the law/the company, are
authorized to exercise the shareholder rights - You have to prove to the issuer that you are the
shareholder the share certificate is the evidence
6Shareholder Rights and Certificated Securities
- Share
- A bundle of corporate rights agreement to use a
certain form of evidence of being shareholder to
the issuer - Share certificate
- For the shareholder Evidence
- To the issuer Identification of the shareholder
7Intermediated holding systems The modified
relations between the issuer and investor
- The intermediary system substitutes the
evidentiary system of certificated securities. - The effect the investor enters into a legal
agreement with its intermediary/account provider
to purchase and manage securities. - The issuer investor relationship is substituted
by a set of legal relationships, with various
rights and obligations related to the
administration of this evidentiary system by the
account provider, which - Facilitate and streamline the process of mass
turnover of securities / can channel certain
communication between the issuer and the
investor, - Are more complex from the legal point of view
the relationships between the issuer and account
providers, and between the account providers and
the investors /account holders.
8- Intermediated Securities Holdings a simplified
Account Provider
Account Provider
Country A
Country B
Account Provider
Account Provider
9Cross-Overs between Company Law and the Law of
Securities Accounts
- The process of exercising the rights
- 1. Identifying the shareholder
- 2. Communicating with the shareholder the
respective duties of account providers - Notifications
- Communication from shareholders (voting, elective
corporate actions) - Distributions
- 3. The issuers liability for performance of its
102. Current EU and international legislative
11The EU works on intermediated securities systems
- The EU identified the fragmentation of the
securities clearing and settlement infrastructure
as a key barrier to the capital markets
integration in Europe - The Giovannini Reports - Barriers technological,
legal and tax - Three expert groups CESAME, Legal Certainty
Group and FISCO - Private sector best practices as the primary
solution, subsidiarity of the legislative
solutions the industry work is still ongoing
12The Legal Certainty Group
- Deals with the legal issues related to
intermediated securities holding structures - Focuses on barriers to cross-border securities
holdings - Covers all types of intermediated securities
holdings not only shares - LCGs work on corporate actions (Giovannini
Barrier 3) focuses on - The role/duties of account providers in corporate
actions processing - The identification of investors to issuers
- The recognition of multi-tier holding of
securities - Builds upon the solutions proposed in the
UNIDROIT Convention on Substantive Rules
Regarding Intermediated Securities
13The UNIDROIT Convention
- Planned worldwide application
- A lot of room left for country opt-out
- EU can afford a higher degree of harmonization
- Artt. 7, 8, 26
- Account holders right to enjoy shareholder
rights, if the account holder is not account
provider - Open issue, whether the investor can exercise the
rights against the intermediary or the issuer, or
both - Duty of the intermediary to enable the account
holders to receive and exercise their rights - Removal of barriers to cross-border intermediated
holdings of listed securities - Recognition of multi tiered holding systems,
including nominee systems, and of partial/split
exercise of rights
14Shareholder Rights DirectiveVoting in Listed
- Equal treatment of shareholders (Art. 4)
- Record date with no strings attached, abolishing
of share blocking ? harmonization of dates - (Art. 7.1-3.)
- Removing excessive requirements on the proof of
qualification as a shareholder ? facilitation of
the exercise of voting rights by shareholder
(Art. 7.4) - Split voting ? nominee/omnibus account structure
153. Removing Obstacles to Cross-Border Shareholder
Rights Exercise in Europe The LCG Works
16Legal Uncertainties in Intermediated Holding
- Because of the separation of the investor from
the issuer, technological as well as legal
uncertainties arise in relation to the exercise
of voting rights, information and corporate
actions to which the investors are entitled. - The longer the chain of account providers, the
longer the processing and thus the more risk and
time pressure on the investor.
Account Provider
Account Provider
Country A
Country B
Account Provider
Account Provider
18Cross-border chains of account providers
- Art. 4 SRD Equal treatment of shh
- Longer chains of intermediaries
- Differences in holding patterns
- Not all countries recognize multiple
tiers/foreign holding patters/foreign chains of
intermediaries - Problems
- Legal recognition of shareholder rights/obstacles
to the exercise of rights - Timeliness
19Barrier examples Dividends
- Strict non-recognition of cross-border chains of
intermediaries the last link in the local chain
of holding is considered shareholder ? the
foreign shareholders do not get dividend, but
some type of compensation (different tax regime
would apply) - Identification of shareholders requirement
- Regulatory purposes
- Taxation
- Partial dividends (only to those shh who agreed
to be identified) not always permitted - Withholding tax procedures
- Best case scenario delays in payment for foreign
shareholders - Worst case scenario intermediary taxed as
shareholder (last tier in the local chain of
holdings) - Differences between the dates relevant for
determination of the entitlement - Discrepancies may lead to duplication of
entitlements or disapearance of entitlement at
certain moment
20Barrier examples - Voting
- Notifications delays, lack of information
- Strict non-recognition of cross-border chains of
intermediaries the last link in the local chain
of holding is considered shareholder ? only the
intermediary can vote - Prohibition of split voting and partial voting
- Prohibition of further proxies
- Non-recognition of certificates of shareholding
issued by a foreign entity - Application of threshold reporting duties,
mandatory bid duties etc. to the intermediary
21The Solutions
- Identifying the shareholder
- Enabling shh rights exercise
- Recognizing the multi-tiered chains of
intermediaries - Recognizing the cross-border chains of
intermediaries / and the different holding
patterns - Notifications (SRD does it for voting in listed
companies) - Harmonizing the dates relevant for the
entitlement (SRD does it for voting in listed
companies) - company law measures needed for other corporate
actions - the private sector standards should provide the
guidelines - Harmonizing cross-border tax collection
procedures - FISCO
- The issuer side
- Identification of the shareholder to the issuer
- Determining liability after the issuer pays to
the upper tier intermediary - Reconciliation and the protection of the issuer
against multiplication of shares
22The Solutions - Duties of account providers
- Apart from the core duties related to keeping
accurate book entries of securities for the
investors - In the intermediated securities world, investors
require certain assistance of intermediaries to
exercise the rights and enjoy the benefits vested
in their securities
23Solutions Duties of intermediaries - ctd.
- The spectrum of intermediaries duties considered
- Assistance in the evidencing and identification
of the investor vis-à-vis the issuer - e.g. issuing a certificate for the investor which
the investor can show to the issuer in order to
be entered on a list of shareholders for a
particular corporate event, - Operating a channel of communication between the
investor and the issuer - Passing up and down the chain of account
providers the information between the issuer and
the investor - What scope of communication/information flow?
- Whether partial or full-fledged communication
provided, may vary from corporate event to
corporate event - The actual exercise of investors rights on
behalf on the investor - (Esp. in legal systems which attribute the legal
ownership of securities to the intermediary,
rather than the investor) - Collecting and distributing to shh any company
distributions received - Is the when and if received principle
sufficient? - Exercising the rights, e.g. voting, on behalf of
the shareholder, following the instructions of
the investor - unless otherwise provided in the contract between
the account provider and the investor?
24Solutions Duties of intermediaries - ctd.
- Various types of rights/corporate actions
- Mandatory and optional corporate actions
- Distributions, requiring no action from shh,
electives, complex (voting, asking questions) - The exercise of some rights must be intermediated
- Dividends and other distributions
- The exercise of some rights does not need to be
intermediated - Voting?
- 1. The legal framework for exercising the
shareholder rights the link between company law
and the law of intermediated securities - 2. The modern framework for the exercise of
shareholder rights will be a joint product of a
number of EU and international initiatives - 3. The effective and efficient cross-border
exercise of shareholder rights not possible
without a sound legal framework for cross-border
intermediated securities holdings - The LCG works on the recommendations regarding
- The EU-wide recognition of cross-border
multi-tiered intermediated securities holding
systems - The duties of account providers with regard to
corporate actions and voting - Issuer/Intermediary liability after issuers
performance vis-a-vis the intermediated system