Title: Chapter-3 Falling Objects and Projectile Motion
1Chapter-3Falling Objects and Projectile Motion
- Explore how objects move under the influence of
gravity close to the surface of the earth.
- Acceleration due to gravity
- Falling object
- Projectile motion
4Why objects fall to the ground when released?
5How to observe the Acceleration Due to Gravity?
Galileos Method
6How to observe the Acceleration Due to Gravity?
Using a Stroboscope
8Acceleration Due to Gravity
Slope g 9.8 m/s2.
9When you drop objects of different sizes and
weights, do they reach the ground at the same
10When you drop objects of different sizes and
weights, do they reach the ground at the same
11Falling Object
12Velocity and Distance for a falling object
13Spread Sheet (Excel)Calculations
14Velocity VERSUS Time graph
15Distance VERSUS Time graph
16Throwing up a ball
17Velocity and Distance
19Velocity VS. Time graph
20A Cartoon Coyote Falling off a Cliff
21Horizontal and Vertical motions
22Q What determines the time of flight?
23Q What determines the time of flight?A
Vertical motion
25Target Shooting
26Football in the air
27Angle for maximum Range