Title: Echale un vistazo a lo que tenemos para ti....
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2US 249.00
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4From USA To Lima-Peru.
Ahora todos tus encargos de USA en la puerta de
tu casa.
5Sin tramites, Ni tarjeta de Credito....
- Nosotros viajamos con frecuencia a Lima y podemos
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puerta de tu casa. -
- Podemos comprar por Internet o podemos ir a la
tienda que tu quieras. -
6Como funciona...
Escoge lo que quieres Solo llamanos
(hemos previsto un numero local en Lima para tu
comodidad) o envianos simplemente un email con tu
pedido Nosotros te decimos cuando cuesta y tu
nos confirmas si quieres compralo Nosotros lo
compramos y te lo llevamos hasta la puerta de tu
casa, ahi recien tienes que pagar. Nunca tan
7En EspecialPara AprovecharSiempre mas
barato que en LimaLos buscamos para tiAhorra
dinero con nuestros Especiales
8US 1199.00
Apple - MacBook with 13.3" Display -
White Model MC240LL/A SKU 9375179 ENERGY STAR
QualifiedIntel Core2 Duo mobile processor
SuperDrive 160GB hard drive built-in webcam
Bluetooth built-in AirPort Extreme wireless LAN
(802.11n) Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard included
9US 1998.00
Apple - MacBook Pro with 15.4" Display -
Aluminum Model MC118LL/A SKU 9375142 ENERGY
STAR QualifiedIntel Core2 Duo mobile processor
250GB hard drive built-in webcam Bluetooth
built-in AirPort Extreme (802.11n) Mac OS X 10.6
Snow Leopard included
10US 2999.00
Apple - MacBook Pro with 17" Display -
Aluminum Model MC226LL/A SKU 9375151 ENERGY
STAR Qualified Intel Core2 Duo mobile
processor 2.8GHz 4GB DDR3 SDRAM DL DVDRW/CD-RW
drive 500GB hard drive built-in webcam
Bluetooth built-in AirPort Extreme (802.11n)
Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard included
11US 627.00
New! Acer AS5517-5997 Laptop Package with 4GB
Memory Card and Wireless Mouse SKU
9999116600050015 This handy package pulls
together just what you need to make your PC and
your data ultraportable. You get a lightweight
laptop, pocket-sized memory card and
travel-friendly wireless mouse.
12US 1199.00
Sony - VAIO Laptop with Intel Centrino
Processor Technology - Cosmopolitan Pink Model
QualifiedIntel Core2 Duo mobile processor
T6500 4GB DDR2 memory DL DVDRW/CD-RW drive
14.1" widescreen 320GB hard drive built-in
webcam Bluetooth Windows Vista Home Premium
64-bit with SP1
13US 366.00
Panasonic - Blu-ray Disc Player with 1080p
Upconversion Model DMP-BD60K SKU
9260685 ENERGY STAR QualifiedPlays BD-ROM, BD-R,
BD-R DL, BD-RE and BD-RE DL discs built-in
decoders include Dolby Digital Plus and DTS HD
14US 399.00
Microsoft - Xbox 360 Elite Console Model
FAA-00059 SKU 9460763 Explore the excitement
of next-gen gaming
15US 399.00
Sony - PlayStation 3 (120GB) Model 98017
SKU 9476952 Get the skinny on next-gen gaming
16US S 249.00
Sony - PSP-3000 Core Pack System (Piano
Black) Model 98898 SKU 9175082 Enjoy stunning
portable gaming power
17 Nintendo - Wii Model ABC SKU
8008559 Next-generation gaming with a
motion-sensitive controller
US 370.00
18US 799.00
Currie Technologies - E-Zip 1000 Electric
Scooter Model EZ-1000-BL SKU 9301515 Folding
handlebars 1000W alloy finned high-torque DC
neodymium magnet motor Currie Electro-Drive
19US 399.00
Currie Technologies - E-Zip 500 Electric
Scooter Model EZ-500-GR SKU 9299591
20US 149.00
New! Samsung - 10.2-Megapixel Digital
Camera Model SL102 SKU 9515081 3x
optical/11.4x digital zoom 2.5" LCD image
stabilization face detection technology
PictBridge compatible
21US 169.00
Samsung - 10.2-Megapixel Digital Camera -
Blue Model SL202 SKU 9218615 3x optical/5x
digital/15x total zoom 2.7" LCD face detection
technology PictBridge compatible
22US 199
New! Sony - Cyber-shot 10.1-Megapixel Digital
Camera - Red Model DSC-W180/R SKU 9395969 3x
optical zoom/5.7x digital zoom 2.7" LCD
SteadyShot digital image stabilization face
detection technology
23US 199.00
Sony - Cyber-shot 10.1-Megapixel Digital Camera
- Black Model DSC-W180/B SKU 9395932 3x
optical zoom/5.7x digital zoom 2.7" LCD
SteadyShot digital image stabilization face
detection technology
24US 99.00
Insignia - 7" Widescreen LCD Digital Photo
Frame Model NS-DPF7WM-09 SKU 8927398 159
widescreen aspect ratio memory card reader
128MB internal memory 3 interchangeable frames
remote included
25US 230.00
Sony - 9" Widescreen LCD Digital Photo
Frame Model DPF-V900 SKU 8695236 Compatible
with PhotoTV HD and Bravia Sync 800 x 500
resolution 159 aspect ratio 512MB internal
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27US 9.99
28Baby Alive
US 59.00
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33Contactanos limapedidos_at_gmail.com Telefono
Lima 705-8421 Telefono USA 001-786-3957116 R
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