Title: Session 6: Public Relations
1Session 6 Public Relations Direct Marketing
2_____________ Functions
- Monitor publics
- Provide information that reinforces the IMC plan
- React quickly to undesired shifts
3Public Relations
- ____________________
- ____________________
- To foster good will
4Public Relations
- ________________
- Seen as credible and impartial
- Builds awareness and good will
- Extends advertising reach
- Reaches additional audiences
- Budget stretcher
- ________________
- No control over use or non-use
- Low control over timing
- Low control over accuracy
- May be manipulated or subverted
5Public Relations -_______________
6Publicity Planned Messages
- ______________________
- ______________________
- ______________________
- ______________________
- And others
7Other Messages
- ______________ messages
- ______________ messages
- ______________ messages
- Altruistic activities
- Cause-related marketing
- Consumer reaction
- Benefits
9Integrating PR and IMC
Source Based on Matthew P. Gonring, Putting
Integrated Marketing Communications to Work
Today, Public Relations Quarterly, (Fall 1994),
Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 45-48.
10__________Public Relations
- Count clippings
- Calculate number of impressions
- Calculate advertising equivalence
- Compare PR piece to PR campaign objectives
11Steps in ______________
- Advance preparation
- Recognize crisis early
- Contain crisis
- Resolve crisis
- Capitalize on crisis
12Crisis Management
- _______________
- Apology
- Defense of innocence
- Excuses
- Justifications
- Other explanations
- _______________
- Entitlings
- Enhancements
- Social responsibility advertising
- Internet interventions
13Why ______________?
- Less clutter than traditional methods
- Favorable associations
- Wide and multiple target audience appeal
- Over comes legal barriers
- Hospitality opportunities
- Selective targeting
- Enhance image.
- Increase visibility.
- Differentiate company or brand.
- Showcase goods or services.
- Closer relationships with current or prospective
customers. - Use excess inventory.
15Maximizing Event Marketing
- Use of customer and prospective customer
information, competitor information, market
information and internal company information to
focus marketing activities to targets
17Steps in Developing a Database
- Objective establish relationships by soliciting
a direct and immediate response from prospects or
customers - Targets a carefully selected audience
- Involves two-way communication
- Is quite measurable
- Pros
- High response rate
- Personalization
- 100 target market coverage
- Fewer distraction
- Con
- High cost
- Delivery problems
- Junk mail
- Types
- Sales letters
- Postcards
- Catalog
- Video catalog
- Promotional video/audiocassette
- Promotional interactive diskette
- Leaflets and flyers
- Statement stuffers
- Infomercials - Pros
- Not lost among other ads
- Detailed explanations
- Very measurable
- Infomercials Cons
- Late night or cable only
- High cost
- Poor image
- Direct response TV
- 800or 900 number
- Call now to . . .
- Direct response radio
- Highly targeted audience
- Highly distracted audience
- Ad with address, order form, coupon, telephone
number or Website - Reader response or reader reply cards
- Floppy disks
- Less expensive than personal selling, but most
expensive direct marketing form - Outbound marketer calls customer
- Inbound customer calls marketer
- POOR image
- Invasion of privacy
- Misleading tactics
- Internet
- Hackers
- Security
- E-Mail
- Fax machines
- Package insert programs (PIPs)
- Ride-along programs
- Card packs
Reinforce Incentive To Continue
Increase Level Of Permission
Offer Curriculum
Obtain Permission
Leverage Permission