Title: ANT200Y5 Y
1ANT200Y5 Y
Prehistoric Archaeology
World Prehistory
The theories, methods and techniques used by
body of knowledge resulting from archaeological
study of material remains of societies that
existed prior to the development of full-scale
written records
4TOPIC 2 What is Scientific Archaeology?
5Ashmore Sharer 1999246
The study of the human past through material
with the aim of ordering describing the events
of the past,
and explaining their meaning
6Approaches to Archaeology
1. Entertainment
2. Exploitation
3. Scientific understanding of human past
8Anthropological Archaeology
The scientific study of material evidence of any
human activity,
generally in absence of observation of that
for purposes of explanation.
9 three elements
1. observed material evidence
2. unobserved human activity
3. explanation of human activity
reasoning from known to unknown
Given ? if ? then
Observed ? Assumptions ? Product
11e.g., Stratigraphy
Law of Superposition
lower layers are older than upper layers
12Scientific Method
1. collect data
2. formulate hypothesis about data
3. check hypothesis using other data
13 4. confirm or disconfirm hypothesis
5. use confirmed hypotheses to generate test
other hypotheses
14Dimensions of Inference
Contextual Dimensions
1. formal
2. spatial
3. temporal
15Cultural Dimensions
4. material
5. social
6. ideational
16TOPIC 2 What is Archaeology?
Lecture 2 History of Scientific Archaeology
17A. Origins
- Enlightenment 1700s 1800s
18A. Origins
1. Antiquity to AD 1500
- speculative 'Age' schemes
192. Renaissance 1500s 1600
- changes in economic conditions
20 3. Enlightenment 1700s 1800
21Law of Superposition
Principles of Geology
On the Origin of Species
22B. Scientific Archaeology
1. Methods 1850 - 1945
2. Culture History 1945-1960
3. Explanation 1960 -gt
23 1. Methods 1850 - 1945
a. Excavation
b. Classification
c. Early theory
24b. Classification
Thomsen Worsaae
Three Age System
Stone, Bronze Iron
25 c. Early Theory
26 c. Early Theory
272. Culture-History 1945-1960
- Time relative chronometric
283. Explanation 1960 -gt present
293. Explanation 1960 -gt present
- Post-processual Archaeology
30Processual Archaeology
Lewis Binford
culture humanity's extrasomatic means of
stresses material conditions of human culture
31Post-Processual Archaeology
Ian Hodder
reaction to processual archaeology
stresses ideational conditions of human culture
32 Social Archaeology
Social Agency
developed from post-processual archaeology
stresses social conditions of human culture