Title: MATRICS: an example of government industry academic collaboration
1MATRICS an example of government / industry /
academic collaboration
- Michael F. Green, Ph.D.,
- Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral
Sciences, - Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
- Department of Veterans Affairs, VISN 22 Mental
Illness, Research, Education and Clinical Center
(MIRECC) - ASENT Washington D.C.
- March 2007
2Cognition in Schizophrenia Core Feature of the
- Present before onset of clinical symptoms
- Seen in unaffected first-degree relatives
- Relatively stable across clinical state life
span - Low cross sectional correlations w/ psychotic
symptoms - Discrepancy between clinical and cognitive
effects of antipsychotic meds - Schizophrenia profile of deficits (w/ variation)
3Separable Cognitive Domains in Schizophrenia
- Speed of Processing
- Attention/Vigilance
- Working Memory
- Verbal Learning
- Visual Learning
- Reasoning and Problem Solving
- Social Cognition
Nuechterlein et al. (2004), Schizophrenia
4Magnitude of Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia
Meta-Analysis 204 studies, 7420 patients and
5865 controls
Characteristic profile in schizophrenia maximal
impairment in memory, attention, and executive
function relative preservation of old learning
and visual perceptual skills.
SD Units
Heinrichs Zakzanis Neuropsychology 1998
Healthy Comparison Mean
5Attentional Deficits and Symptoms
Neuroleptic Naive
Neuroleptic Withdrawn
Mean of global scores for SANS and SAPS
Finkelstein et al. (1997), J Abnormal Psychology
6Profiles of Neurocognitive Deficits Are Very
Similar for Schizoaffective and Schizophrenic
Schizophrenia (n115)
Schizoaffective (n24)
Mood Disorder (n22)
Mean T-Score
From Evans et al. (1999)
7Cognition and Functional Outcome in
- Cognitive deficits are reliable correlates and
predictors of functional outcome (disability) - Functional outcome includes work outcome, social
outcome, independent living, skills acquisition - Magnitude of associations medium for specific
domains large for summary scores - Relationships are stronger than between psychotic
symptoms functional outcome - Cognitive deficits are linked to success in
psychiatric rehabilitation
8Cognition and Functional Outcome in
Schizophrenia Strengths of Relationships
Large -
Medium -
Small -
Problem Solving
Immediate Memory
Verbal Learning
Sustained Attention
Summary Scores
Effect size based on Cohens r
Green et al. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2000
9- Identify determinants
- Build models
- Test models
10Model Building Neurocognition, Interventions,
Mediators, and Functional Outcome
Green, Meltzer, Newcomer Bellack, APA 2000
11Model Testing Neurocognition, Social Cognition,
Functional Outcome (Path Analysis)
Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index .99
Brekke, Kay, Kee Green (2005)
plt .05 p lt .01, one-tailed
12MATRICS Measurement and Treatment Research to
Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia
- Steve Marder, M.D., P.I.
- Michael Green, Ph.D., Co-P.I.
- NIMH Project Officer Wayne Fenton, M.D.
- NIMH Division Director, DMDBA Ellen Stover,
Ph.D. - www.matrics.ucla.edu
13Wayne Fenton 1953-2006 Science That Matters
14MATRICS Background and Rationale
- Increasing evidence that cognitive deficits are
core features of schizophrenia - Increasing support for relationships between
cognition and functional outcome in schizophrenia
- Increasing research focus on the basic studies
of neuropharmacology of cognition
15Targeting Cognition in Schizophrenia Why the
- Lack of consensus regarding cognitive targets
- No widely accepted endpoint
- Ambiguity regarding optimal clinical trial design
- Lack of path to FDA approval and labeling
- Barriers to compound acquisition for testing
16NIMH MATRICS Goals and Products
- Create Standardized Measure for use in Clinical
Trials - Define Optimal Experimental Designs
- Establish path to FDA Approval
- Attract large pharmaceutical companies to focus
efforts on this important clinical target - Success requires involvement of NIMH, FDA,
pharmaceutical industry, and academia
17The First Challenge of MATRICS Pseudospecificity
- A claim of a drug effect that is considered to
be artificially narrow - Serves only promotional purpose
- Implied advantage over other drugs in class
regarding subgroup/symptom - Misleading (since no evidence to support)
- FDA Position is that a claim is pseudospecific
until proven otherwise.
18Examples of Pseudospecificity
- Subgroup of recognized syndrome (e.g., major
depression in women) - Symptom of recognized syndrome (e.g.,
hallucinations in schizophrenia) - Claiming specific benefit in single disease model
for recognized nonspecific symptom (e.g., dental
- Cognition in schizophrenia would be
pseudospecific if - Cognitive impairment resulted from other illness
features (e.g., psychosis) - Cognitive impairment was general and not specific
to schizophrenia
19Principles for Developing Consensus
- Consensus should be as broad as possible
- Inclusion of academia, NIMH, industry, FDA,
consumer representatives - Transparency of process
- A priori development of a path to consensus
(e.g., RAND Panel) - Management of conflicts of interest
20Steps to MATRICS-NIMH Consensus Battery
Subgroup of NCC survey of experts
Survey of experts
NCC, based on survey of experts
RAND Panelists
NCC, based on ratings of Panelists
NCC MATRICS Neurocognition Committee PASS
MATRICS Psychometric and Standardization Study
21Essential Criteria for Consensus Cognitive
Battery for Clinical Trials in Schizophrenia
- Battery
- Inclusion of the seven cognitive domains
- Valid assessment of cognition at the level of all
individual major cognitive domains - Individual Tests
- High test-retest reliability
- High utility as a repeated measure
- Demonstrated relationship to functional outcome
- Demonstrated tolerability and practicality
22The MATRICS Psychometric and Standardization
Study (PASS)
- 5 Sites UCLA / LA VA, Duke, MPRC, Harvard, U of
Kansas - PHASE 1
- To collect psychometric data for beta version of
battery -- provide basis for selection of final
consensus battery - Test-retest reliability, repeatability,
relationship to outcome, practicality /
tolerability - 176 schizophrenia patients at baseline 167 at 4
weeks - PHASE 2
- To provide co-norms for the final MATRICS battery
so that results can be standardized - 300 adults from general community representative
23MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB)
Estimated administration time 63.5 min
- Speed of Processing
- Category Fluency
- BACS Symbol Coding
- Trial Making A
- Attention / Vigilance
- Continuous Performance Test - Identical Pairs
version - Working Memory
- Maryland Letter Number Span
- WMS-III Spatial Span
- Verbal Learning
- Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-R
- Visual Learning
- Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-R
- Reasoning and Problem Solving
- NAB Mazes
- Social Cognition
- MSCEIT Managing Emotions
24MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB)
- Distributed by
- Harcourt Assessment, Inc
- Multi-Health Systems (MHS)
- Psychological Assessment Resources (PAR)
25Co-primary Measure in Addition to Cognitive
- Arguments for Community Status as Co-primary
- Increase face validity for consumers and
clinicians - Increase acceptance by consumers and clinicians
- The ultimate goal is better community functioning
- Arguments against Community Status Co-primary
- Measurement challenges
- Distance from biological systems (sensitivity to
cognitive-enhancing drugs likely length of time
to change) - Intervening variables / level of psychosocial
support - Arguments by analogy (e.g., not needed for
hallucinations, depression, Parkinsons tremor)
26Cognition and Co-Primary Measures The
- Agreement that community outcome may set the bar
too high - Too dependent on factors that lie outside a
clinical trial - Search for other outcome measures that could be
functionally meaningful - Either related to community functioning, or
something that a patient could notice, or
something that a caregiver could notice
27Approaches to Co-primary Measures
- Functional Capacity (Proxy) Measures
- Measures that simulate daily activities or social
problem solving situations - Demonstrate a person is capable of performing the
functional task not whether they do so in the
community - Interview-based Assessments of Cognition
- Interview estimate of level of cognitive
abilities, or how much cognitive deficits affect
community functioning - Can be self-ratings from the patients or
estimates of a patients cognitive abilities from
a caregiver
28Key Linkages for Cognition and Functional
Community Outcome
Assessment Environment
Cognitive Performance Measures
Within individual
Sensitivity to cognitive drug effects
Less sensitive
More sensitive
29Next Steps for Assessment in Trials of Cognition
Enhancement in Schizophrenia
- 1) Translation of MCCB into other languages
- For use in multi-national trials
- Linguistic translation and co-norming
- 2) NIMH Initiative for cognitive neuroscience
measures in clinical trials (CNTRICS) - Enhanced construct validity / precision
- Psychometrics
- Practicality / Tolerability
- 3) Formation of Industry / Academic Consortium
- Uses NIH Foundation
- Will reach consensus co-primary measure
- Will fund translation of MCCB
30NIMH-TURNS Treatment Units for Research on
Neurocognition and Schizophrenia
- Network of 7 research sites.
- Identify, obtain and test efficacy of new
agents targeting cognition in schizophrenia. - Develop and validate clinical trial
methodology. - Conduct two three NIMH supported trials.
- To eventually obtain federal, foundation or
industry support for additional trial.
31 TURNS Research Sites
- Sites
- Columbia University
- Duke University
- Harvard / Mass General
- Nathan Kline Institute
- University of Maryland
- Washington University
32TURNS Call for Nominations
336 Things I Learned in MATRICS
- Sometimes the process IS the product
- Sometimes it is good to work for a boss
- Sometimes it is important to have idealists at
the table - Sometimes it is important to ask idealists to
leave the table - Sometimes you need to start a business knowing
you will never make a cent - Sometimes you need to make it up as you go