Title: WP2 M24 M36 Activities and Results Marta Rencz
1WP2 M24 - M36 Activities and ResultsMarta
- The major activities in Wp2
- WP2 Meetings
- Deliverables and Reports
- Status of the projects
- Results
- Publications
- Ongoing activities in 2007 WP9
- Building the design cluster
- Finances
- Main achievements in 2006
WP2 Meetings
4WP2 Meeting Stresa
- Stresa, April 24th 2006, joint to DTIP
- Goals
- To find out the status of the projects and the
Reports - Discuss the issues of potential cooperation
after the EU funding - Identify the major values at partners that may be
the possible base of the continuation after
5WP2 Meeting Stresa
- Stresa, April 24th 2006
- Results
- Good research cooperations and Results
- Significant delay in the delivery of reports from
partners - The output of these projects seems so far
insufficient to demonstrate the ability of the
WP2 represented group of researchers to work self
6WP2 Meeting Nice
- September Nice, France, joint to THERMINIC
- Results
- Really good co-operations, Nice scientific
results have been achieved. - The output of these projects seems so far not be
products, but the partners wish to cooperate
after funding - New work is launched to review of the achieved
results to understand - The potential market value
- The potential fields of application
- The gap between the needs of the industry and
what the partners can offer
7Deliverables and Reports
Deliverables and Reports
In Wp2 in 2006 altogether 17 reports were
submitted since the review (since then some
8Deliverables and Reports
The following reports and deliverables were
submitted D2.3-report-simulation_of_damping
(Alberto Corigliano - 2006/05/29) D2.24 - Report
on joint workshops including action list (M.
Rencz 2006/08/02) D2.1.7 Six Month report on
results of tasks 1 to 5 of WP2.1 joint
research/modelling and simulation of the JPA
version 27 March 2006 (M. Rencz 2006/08/15) D
2.25 6 Month report on progress of all
integration activities
9Deliverables and Reports
- The following reports and deliverables
- were submitted
- D2.9/2.14 Report and presentation on ALL CADABLE
output and technology from PATENT as a whole that
has the potential to be integrated into support
tools. (Incorporating D2.1.2 Report on list of
models exploitable output to be targeted within
task 1-4 M2.12 Publication of WP2 activities at
European and international conferences M2.1.6
Publications on results from joint research at
European and international conferences) (M. Rencz
- 2006/09/07)
10Deliverables and Reports
- WP2 - meeting minutes Nice Sept 2006 (M.
Reggente 2006/10/06) - WP2-WP3(Cross)_deliverable 1 MEMS U_shaped
actuator modelling (S. Lavu 2006/10/11) - WP2-WP3(Cross)_deliverable 2 Relaibility
analysis of MEMS thermal actautor (S. Lavu
2006/10/11) - WP2-WP3(Cross)_deliverable 3 Temperature,
Pressure influence and frequency characteristion
for MEMS thermnal actuators (S. Lavu
2006/10/11) - WP2 Deliverable report Low cost Micro channel
cooling devices
11Deliverables and Reports
- WP2 WP4 Round Robin Modelling deliverable
- WP2 Modelling Deliverable Stiction effect on MEMS
switches - D2.1.8Annual report on results of tasks 1 to 5
of WP2.1 joint research/modelling and simulation
of the JPA M25 M42 version October 2006
(Incorporating M2.13 Publications on results
from joint research at European and international
conferences) - D2.27 12 Month report on progress of all
integration activities - D2.1.9 Report on potential commercial services
arising from Y3 activities
12Projects - Status
Status of the WP2 projects
13Projects - Status
Projects Finished before 2006 (many of them were
reported only in 2006)
14Projects - Status
Projects Started Before 2006 and Finished in 2006
15Projects - Status
Projects Started before 2006 and Ongoing
16Projects - Status
Projects Started in 2006
17Projects - Results
Projects - Results
- The results are either
- Models
- Methodologies
- Solution procedures
- Cadable software tools
- These have been collected from all the small
research project and collated - Delivered and available on the PATENT web site
under the name D2.9/2.14
- The most significant results are
- New models for damping
- New models for stiction
- Methods to model packaging effects
- New methodology for yield modelling
- A roadmap for MEMS design (a WP2-WP7 project)
- About 30 good scientific publications, more than
half of these have authors from several partners
- Shyam Praveen Vudathu, Kishore Kumar Duganapalli,
Rainer Laur, Dorota Kubalinska, Angelika Bunse
Gerstner, "Parametric Yield Analysis of MEMS via
Statistical Methods", Design, Test, Integration
and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP) 2006, April
26-28, Stresa, Italy. - Shyam Praveen Vudathu, Kishore Kumar Duganapalli,
Rainer Laur, Dorota Kubalinska, Angelika Bunse
MICROSYSTEMS", Microsyst Technol DOI
10.1007/s00542-006-0263-3. - Frangi A., On a robust BEM formulation for the
Dirichlet problem of exterior Stokes flow,
Mechanics Research Communications, 33, 329-336,
2006 - Frangi A., Spinola G., Vigna B., On the
evaluation of damping in MEMS in the slip-flow
regime, accepted for publication in International
J. Numerical Methods in Engineering, published on
line - Robert W. Barber and David R. Emerson,
Challenges in modeling gas-phase flow in
microchannels from slip to transition, Heat
Transfer Engineering, V27 (4), 2006 - Frangi A., On a robust BEM formulation for the
Dirichlet problem of exterior Stokes flow,
Mechanics Research Communications, 33, 329-336,
2006 - Frangi A., Spinola G., Vigna B., On the
evaluation of damping in MEMS in the slip-flow
regime, accepted for publication in International
J. Numerical Methods in Engineering, published on
line - Robert W. Barber and David R. Emerson,
Challenges in modeling gas-phase flow in
microchannels from slip to transition, Heat
Transfer Engineering, V27 (4), 2006 - Lynne OHare, Jason M. Reese, Duncan A. Lockerby
and David R. Emerson, Near-wall effects in
rarefied gas micro-flows some modern
hydrodynamic approaches, to appear in
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow.
- Yong-Hao Zhang, Xiao-Jun Gu, Robert W. Barber and
David R. Emerson, Capturing Knudsen Layer
Phenomena using a Lattice Boltzmann Model,
submitted to Phys. Rev. E. - X. Gu and D. R. Emerson, A computational
strategy for the regularized 13 moment equations
with enhanced wall-boundary conditions submitted
to Journal of Computational Physics - David R. Emerson, Xiao-Jun Gu, Stefan K.
Stefanov, Sun Yuhong and Robert W. Barber,
Non-planar oscillatory shear flow from
continuum to free-molecular flow, in preparation
for Physics of Fluids. - Frangi A., On a robust BEM formulation for the
Dirichlet problem of exterior Stokes flow,
Mechanics Research Communications, 33, 329-336,
2006 - Frangi A., Spinola G., Vigna B., On the
evaluation of damping in MEMS in the slip-flow
regime, International J. Numerical Methods in
Engineering, 68, 1031-1051, 2006 - Cercignani C., Frangi A., Lorenzani S., Vigna B.,
BEM approaches and simplified kinetic models for
the analysis of damping in deformable MEMS,
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,
accepted for publication, 2006 - Lorenzani S., Gibelli L., Frezzotti A., Frangi
A., Cercignani C., Kinetic approaches to gas flow
in microchannels, Nanoscale and Microscale
Thermophysical Engineering, accepted for
publication,2006 - Maryna Lishchynska, Conor OMahony, Orla
Slattery, Olaf Wittler, Modelling effects of
packaging on pull-in behaviour of doubly-anchored
beams. Proc. EuroSimE2006, 2006, pp. 68-73. - Veröffentlichung von Shyam auf der DTIP
- D. R. Emerson, K. Cieslicki, X. J. Gu, and R. W.
Barber, Biomimetic design of microfluidic
manifolds based on a generalised Murrays law,
Lab-on-a-Chip , Vol.6,No.3 (March), (2006)
- R.W.Barber, K.Cieslicki, D.R.Emerson, Using
Murrays law to design artificial vascular
microfluidic networks, WIT Transactions on
Ecology and Environment, Vol. 87 (2006) 245-254 - D.R.Emerson, K.Cieslicki, R.W.Barber,
Hydrodynamic scaling approaches for the
biomimetic design of microfluidic channels,
Proceedings of the ASME ICNMM2006 4th
International Conference on nanochannels,
Microchannels and Minichannels, June 19-21, 2006,
Limerick, Ireland, Paper No. ICNMM 2006- 96196 - R.W.Barber, K.Cieslicki, D.R.Emerson, Using
Murrays law to design artificial vascular
microfluidic networks , DESIGN NATURE 2006
Third International Conference Comparing Design
in Nature with Science and Engineering, 24 - 26
May 2006,The New Forest, UK - M.P.Y. Desmulliez, A. J. Pang, M. Leonard, R.S.
Dhariwal, W. Yu, E. Abraham, Gy. Bognár, A.
Poppe, Gy. Horvath, Zs. Kohari, M. Rencz, D.R.
Emerson, R.W. Barber, O. Slattery, F. Waldron, N.
Cordero - Fabrication and characterization of a
low cost, wafer-scale radial microchannel cooling
plate. Submitted to IoP Journal of
Microengineering. - Y. Zhang, X. Gu, R.W. Barber and D. R. Emerson,
An Analysis of Induced Pressure Fields in
Electroosmotic Flows Through Microchannels,
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 275(2)
670-678. - Reliability and failure mode analysis of thermal
actuators, S. Muratet, S. Lavu, J.Y. Fourniols,
G. Bell, M.P.Y. Desmulliez, Journal of Physics
Conference Series, 34, 235-240, Integrated MEMS
2006, Biopolis, Singapore, 2006 - B. Németh, P. Szabó, G. Farkas, M. Rencz
Characterisation of the Etching Quality in
Micro-electromechanical Systems by Thermal
Transient Methodology. DTIP 2006, Stresa, Italy - Richardson, O. Slattery, M. Rencz Design for
Micro and Nano Manufacture The PATENT-DfMM
Network of Excellence Modelling and Simulation
Cluster. EuroSimE Conference, April 2006, Como,
Italy - P. Szabó, B. Németh, M. Rencz Thermal transient
characterisation of the etching quality of micro
electro mechanical systems. 12th Annual IEEE
International Mixed Signals Testing workshop,
June 2006, Edinburgh, UK, pp 122-127
24Wp2 type activities in 2007
- The ongoing and new projects are treated within
Wp9 - Many joint papers still in preparation
- Development of new teaching material and
organization of training courses is in progress - 2 Erasmus Mundus Master courses have been
elaborated and submitted based on WP2 cooperation - Launching the Design service cluster is in good
progress finally
25The design service cluster
- Will be the umbrella cluster of all the Patent
DfMM Service clusters - About 80 of the Wp2 partners intend to cooperate
in it, with some external partners - Will be lead by Andrew Richardson
As many earlier projects were still ongoing
funded earlier their money was used mostly for
the cooperation in 2006 The money was retained to
support projects with sufficient
self-sustainability content The money not spent
in 2006 will be spent in 2007
27Major achievements in 2006
- Despite all the difficulties a Design service
cluster has been formed - The cooperation between the partners became now
excellent, resulting in - Good new models supporting MEMS DfMM
- Good scientific cooperation, joint papers
- 2 new Erasmus Mundus Master courses one the them
is A European Master course in MEMS Design for
manufacturability, the other one is System Level
design - Forming the Roadmap for MEMS design (Wp2-WP7