Title: Indium
249In114.818 Atomic Number- 49 Atomic Weight-
114.818 Electron configuration order
Indium, In, was discovered by T Reich and F
Richter in 1863AD. Named after the bright indigo
line in its spectrum.
3Indium is used to coat the bearings of high speed
motors since it allows for the even distribution
of lubricating oil. Indium is used to dope
germanium to make transistors. It is also used to
make other electrical components such as
rectifiers, thermistors and photoconductors.
Indium can be used to make mirrors that are as
reflective as silver mirrors but do not tarnish
as quickly. Indium is also used to make low
melting alloys.
Uses Of Indium
4Physical data
Electronic data Shells 2,8,18,18,3Orbitals
Kr 4d10 5s2 5p1Electronegativity 1.5, 1.71.
Ionization potential 5.7864 eV2. Ionization
potential 18.869 eV3. Ionization potential
28.03 eVOxidation states 3Electrical
conductivity 0.116 106
5Thermal data
Melting point 156.61 C Boiling point 2080 C
Specific heat 0.23 J/gKHeat of fusion 3.263
kJ/molHeat of vaporization 231.50
kJ/molThermal conductivity 0.816 W/cmK
6Steric data
Atomic radius 2.00 ÅIonic radius 0.80 Å
()Covalent radius 1.44 ÅAtomic volume 15.7
cm³/molDensity (293 K) 7.31 g/cm³Crystal
structure Tetragonal
7Electronic properties of indium
Shell Structure
8Hazards and Risks
Indium compounds are encountered rarely by most
people. All indium compounds should be regarded
as highly toxic. Indium compounds damage the
heart, kidney, and liver, and may be teratogenic.
- Standard State solid at 298 K
- Colour silvery lustrous grey
Indium is a very soft, silvery-white metal with a
brilliant lustre.
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- www.webelements.com
- www.scientifictable.com