Title: National Institute of Standards and Technology
1ISO Workshop on the NIST World Trade Center
Investigation http//wtc.nist.gov Part V NIST
Recommendations William L. Grosshandler,
NIST Associate Lead Investigator
September 24, 2005
National Institute of Standards and
Technology Technology Administration U.S.
Department of Commerce
2Federal Role
- U.S. has a unique approach to codes and
standards. - Codes/standards are developed by non-governmental
entities. - With few exceptions, state/local governments are
responsible for promulgating/enforcing building
and fire safety regulations. - These regulations provide minimum requirements
for public welfare and safety. - With some exceptions, regulations are based on
model codes developed by the International Code
Council (ICC) and the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA). - Model codes cite voluntary consensus standards
developed by a large number of private sector
standards development organizations (e.g., ASTM,
3NIST Role
- Does not set building codes or standards
- Provides technical support to private sector and
other government agencies in development of U.S.
building and fire practice, standards and codes - Conducts research which helps to form technical
basis for such practice, standards, and codes - Disseminates research results to practicing
professionals having its staff participate on
technical and standards committees - Provides technical assistance to the building and
fire safety communities - Represents publics interest as an objective and
impartial technical entity
4Considerations in the Recommendations
- Findings related to building performance,
evacuation and emergency response, and to
procedures and practices used in design,
construction, operation, and maintenance of
buildings - Whether findings relate to unique circumstances
surrounding terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001,
or to normal building and fire safety
considerations (including evacuation and
emergency response) - Technical solutions that are needed to address
potential risks to buildings, occupants, and
emergency responders, considering both
identifiable hazards and e consequences of those
hazards and - Whether risks apply to all buildings or are
limited to certain building types (e.g.,
buildings that exceed certain height, or that
employ specific type of structural system),
iconic/signature buildings, or buildings that
house critical functions.
5Nature of Recommendations
- NIST does not prescribe specific systems,
materials, or technologies NIST encourages
competition among different systems, materials,
and technologies that can meet performance
requirements. - NIST does not prescribe specific threshold
levels NIST believes that responsibility for
establishment of threshold levels properly
belongs in public policy setting process, in
which standards and codes development process
plays a key role.
6RECOMMENDATIONS(30 total, in eight groupings)
7Group 1 Increased Structural Integrity
- The standards for estimating the load effects of
potential hazards (e.g., progressive collapse,
wind) -- and the design of structural systems
to mitigate the effects of those hazards --
should be improved to enhance structural
8Increased Structural Integrity
- Consensus standards and code provisions for
preventing progressive collapse should be
developed and adopted nationwide along with
tools and guidelines for their useand standard
methodology should be developed to reliably
predict potential for complex failures in
structural systems subjected to multiple hazards.
Rec. 1 - Nationally accepted performance standards should
be developed for - wind tunnel testing of prototype structures based
on sound technical methods that result in
repeatable and reproducible results and - estimating wind loads and their effects on tall
buildings, based on wind tunnel testing data and
directional wind speed data. Rec. 2 - Appropriate criteria should be developed and
implemented to enhance performance of tall
buildings by limiting how much they sway under
lateral load design conditions (e.g., winds and
earthquakes). Rec. 3
9Group 2 Enhanced Fire Resistance of Structures
- Procedures and practices used to ensure fire
resistance of structures should be enhanced by - improving technical basis for construction
classifications and fire resistance ratings and
testing methods, - using structural frame approach to fire
resistance ratings, and - developing in-service performance requirements
and conformance criteria for spray-applied fire
resistive materials.
10Enhanced Fire Resistance of Structures
- Evaluate -- and where needed improve -- technical
basis for determining construction classification
and fire rating requirements (especially for
buildings taller than 20 stories)and make
related code changes now as much as possible by
explicitly considering - timely access by emergency responders and full
evacuation of occupants, or time required for
burnout without local collapse - extent to which redundancy in active fire
protection (sprinkler and standpipe, fire alarm,
and smoke management) systems should be credited
for occupant life safety - need for redundancy in fire protection systems
critical to structural integrity -
- ability of the structure and local floor systems
to withstand maximum credible fire scenario
without collapse -- recognizing that sprinklers
could be compromised, not operational, or
non-existent (continued)
11Enhanced Fire Resistance of Structures (2)
- compartmentation requirements to protect
structure, including - fire rated doors and automatic enclosures, and
- limiting air supply (e.g., thermally resistant
window assemblies) - to retard fire spread in buildings with
large, open floor plans, -
- impact of spaces containing unusually large fuel
concentrations for expected occupancy of
building and - extent to which fire control systems -- including
suppression by automatic or manual means --
should be credited as part of prevention of fire
spread. Rec. 4
12Enhanced Fire Resistance of Structures (3)
- Improve technical basis for century-old standard
for fire resistance testing of components,
assemblies, and systems and develop guidance for
extrapolating results of tested assemblies to
prototypical building systems. Rec. 5 - Develop criteria, test methods, and standards
- for in-service performance of fireproofing to
protect structural components and - to ensure that these materials, as-installed,
conform to conditions in tests used to establish
fire resistance rating. Rec. 6 - Adopt and use structural frame approach
(structural members connected to columns carry
the high fire resistance rating of the columns).
Rec. 7
13Group 3 New Methods for Fire Resistance Design
of Structures
- Procedures and practices used in fire resistance
design of structures should be enhanced by - requiring an objective that uncontrolled fires
- result in burnout without local or global
- collapse. Performance-based methods are an
- alternative to prescriptive design methods.
- This effort should include development
- and evaluation of
- new fire resistive coating materials and
technologies and - evaluation of fire performance of conventional
and high-performance structural materials. - Technical and standards barriers to introduction
of new materials and technologies should be
14New Methods for Fire Resistance Design of
- Require that uncontrolled building fires result
in burnout without local or global collapse. Rec.
8 - Develop
- performance-based standards and code provisions
-- as an alternative to current prescriptive
design methods -- to enable design and retrofit
of structures to resist real fire conditions - tools, guidelines, and test methods to evaluate
fire performance of the structure as a whole
system. Rec. 9
15New Methods for Fire Resistance Design of
Structures (2)
- Develop and evaluate new fire resistive coating
materials, systems, and technologies with
significantly enhanced performance and durability
to provide protection following major events.
Rec. 10 - Evaluate performance and suitability of advanced
structural steel, reinforced and pre-stressed
concrete, and other high-performance material
systems for use under conditions expected in
building fires. Rec. 11
16Group 4 Improved Active Fire Protection
- Active fire protection systems (i.e., sprinklers,
standpipes/ hoses, fire alarms, and smoke
management systems) should be enhanced through
improvements to - Design
- Performance
- Reliability, and
- Redundancy
- of such systems.
17Improved Active Fire Protection
- Enhance performance and redundancy of active fire
protection systems to accommodate higher risks
associated with tall buildings. Rec. 12 - Develop advanced fire alarm and communication
systems that provide continuous, reliable, and
accurate information on life safety conditions to
manage the evacuation process. Rec. 13 - Adapt advanced fire/emergency control panels to
accept and interpret more and more reliable --
information from the active fire protection
systems to provide tactical decision aids. Rec.
14 - Develop and require systems for improved
transmission to emergency responders, and
off-site or black-box storage, of information
from building monitoring systems. Rec. 15
18Group 5 Improved Building Evacuation
- Building evacuation should be improved to
include - system designs that facilitate safe and rapid
egress, - methods for ensuring clear and timely emergency
communications to occupants, - better occupant preparedness for evacuation
during emergencies, and - incorporation of appropriate egress technologies.
19Improved Building Evacuation
- Develop and carry out public education campaigns
to improve building occupants preparedness for
evacuation in case of building emergencies. Rec.
16 - Design tall buildings to accommodate timely full
building evacuation of occupants due to
building-specific or large-scale emergencies such
as widespread power outages, major earthquakes,
tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, accidental
explosions, and terrorist attack. - Building size, population, function, and iconic
status should be taken into account in designing
egress system. - Stairwell and exit capacity should be adequate to
accommodate counterflow due to emergency access
by responders. Rec. 17
20Improved Building Evacuation (2)
- Design egress systems
- to maximize remoteness of egress components
(i.e., stairs, elevators, exits) without
negatively impacting average travel distance - to maintain their functional integrity and
survivability under foreseeable building-specific
or large-scale emergencies and - with consistent layouts, standard signage, and
guidance so that systems become intuitive and
obvious to building occupants during evacuations.
Rec. 18
21Improved Building Evacuation (3)
- Building owners, managers, and emergency
responders should develop a joint plan and ensure
accurate emergency information is communicated in
timely manner to enhance awareness of occupants
and emergency responders through - better coordination of information among
different emergency responder groups, - efficient sharing of that information among
building occupants and emergency responders, - more robust design of emergency public address
systems, - improved emergency responder communication
systems, and - use of the Emergency Broadcast System (Integrated
Public Alert and Warning System) and Community
Emergency Alert Networks. Rec. 19
22Improved Building Evacuation (4)
- Evaluate full range of current and next
generation evacuation technologies for future
use, including - protected/hardened elevators,
- exterior escape devices, and
- stairwell navigation devices,
- which may allow all occupants an equal
opportunity for evacuation and facilitate
emergency response access. Rec. 20
23Group 6 Improved Emergency Response
Technologies and Procedures
- Technologies and procedures for emergency
response should be improved to enable better
access to buildings, response operations,
emergency communications, and command and control
in large-scale emergencies
24Improved Emergency Response Technologies and
- Install fire-protected and structurally hardened
elevators in tall buildings to provide timely
emergency access to responders and allow
evacuation of mobility impaired building
occupants. - Such elevators should be for exclusive use by
emergency responders during emergencies. - In tall buildings, consideration also should be
given to installing such elevators for use by all
occupants. Rec. 21 - Install, inspect, and test emergency
communications systems, radio communications, and
associated operating protocols to ensure that
systems and protocols - are effective for large-scale emergencies in
buildings with challenging radio frequency
propagation environments, and - can be used to identify, locate, and track
emergency responders within indoor building
environments and in field. Rec. 22
25Improved Emergency Response Technologies and
Procedures (2)
- Establish and implement detailed procedures and
methods for gathering, processing, and delivering
critical information through integration of
relevant voice, video, graphical, and written
data to enhance situational awareness of all
emergency responders. Establish an information
intelligence sector to coordinate each incident.
Rec. 23 - Establish and implement codes and protocols for
ensuring effective and uninterrupted operation of
command and control system for large-scale
building emergencies. Rec. 24
26Group 7 Improved Procedures and Practices
- The procedures and practices used in the design,
construction, maintenance, and operation of
buildings should be improved by - encouraging code compliance by nongovernmental
and quasi-governmental entities, - adoption and application of egress and sprinkler
requirements in codes for existing buildings, and
- retention and availability of
- building documents over the
- life of a building.
27Improved Procedures and Practices
- Nongovernmental and quasi-governmental entities
that own or lease buildings -- and are not
subject to building and fire safety code
requirements of any governmental jurisdiction --
should provide a level of safety that equals or
exceeds level of safety that would be provided by
strict compliance with code requirements of
appropriate governmental jurisdiction. - As-designed and as-built safety should be
certified by qualified third party, independent
of building owner(s). - Process should not use self-approval for code
enforcement in areas including - interpretation of code provisions,
- design approval,
- product acceptance,
- certification of the final construction, and
- post-occupancy inspections over the life of the
buildings. Rec. 25
28Improved Procedures and Practices (2)
- State and local jurisdictions should adopt and
aggressively enforce building codes to ensure
that egress and sprinkler requirements are met by
existing buildings. Further, occupancy
requirements should be modified where needed
(such as when there are assembly use spaces
within an office building) to meet model building
codes. Rec. 26 - Building codes should require building owners to
retain documents related to building design,
construction, maintenance and modifications over
entire life of building. Means should be
developed for offsite storage and maintenance of
documents. Relevant information should be easily
accessible by responders during emergencies. Rec.
29Improved Procedures and Practices (3)
- The role of the Design Professional in
Responsible Charge should be clarified to ensure
that all appropriate design professionals
(including the fire protection and structural
engineers) are part of team designing buildings
that employ innovative or unusual structural and
fire safety systems. - Rec. 28
30Group 8 Education and Training
- The skills of building and fire safety
professionals should be upgraded through a
national education and training effort for fire
protection engineers, structural engineers, and
31Education and Training
- Continuing education curricula should be
developed and programs should be implemented for
- training fire protection engineers and architects
in structural engineering principles and design,
and - training structural engineers, architects, and
fire protection engineers in modern fire
protection principles and technologies, including
fire-resistance design of structures. Rec. 29 - Academic, professional short-course, and
web-based training materials in the use of
computational fire dynamics and thermostructural
analysis tools should be developed. Rec. 30
32Recommendations Call to Action
- NIST strongly urges the building and fire safety
communities to give immediate and serious
consideration to these recommendations in order
to achieve appropriate improvements in the way
buildings are designed, constructed, maintained,
and used and in evacuation and emergency response
procedures. - NIST strongly urges building owners and public
officials to - evaluate the safety implications of these
recommendations to their existing inventory of
buildings and - take the steps necessary to mitigate any
unwarranted risks without waiting for changes to
occur in codes, standards, and practices. - NIST strongly urges state and local agencies to
rigorously enforce building codes and standards
since such enforcement is critical to ensure the
expected level of safety.
33NIST Actions
- The National Construction Safety Team Act
requires NIST to - Conduct, or enable or encourage the conduct of,
appropriate research recommended by the NCST and - Promote the appropriate adoption of the
recommendations by the Federal Government and
other agencies and organizations. - NIST is assigning top priority to work vigorously
with the building and fire safety communities to
assure that there is a complete understanding of
the recommendations and to provide needed
technical assistance. - WTC Technical Conference held Sept. 13-15, 2005,
to present technical foundation for
recommendations and to solicit feedback on
reports, with emphasis on spurring action on
recommendations. - NIST will maintain a web-based, publicly
accessible system with information on status of
the recommendations.
34Workshop Outline
- Part I Introduction
- Part II Aircraft Impact Simulation
- Part III Reconstruction of the Fires and
Heating of the Structural Steel - Part IV Structural Response and Collapse
Mechanisms - Part V NIST Recommendations
- Part VI Preliminary Findings for WTC 7