Title: Education in a Digital Society
1Education in a Digital Society
- Understanding of Context, Approaches and
2The goal and challenge of general education
- Prepare students to meet and master the
challenges of life together with others - Qualify the individual to take care of own life,
including a surplus and will to support others - Qualify for a productive life and preparedness
for occupations yet not know (Norw. Curr.
Guidelines 97)
3To Understand - Two different approaches
- Analysis (of experiences)
- Linear, slow developments
- based on previous experiences, evolutionary more
effective use and/or better quality - Utilise images
- Rapid development leaps, innovations
- explore rather than examine different use
- experimental approach create new use
4A dialectic model of education (Fägerlind, I.
and Saha, L. J. (1989)
5A model of society Daun, H. (1998)
6A digital society
- From a industrial society - electricity
- stable structures
- national economy
- national cultures
- educated for life
- local labour market
- tourism for elite
- long term plans
- To networking society - digital information
- flows of information
- global economy
- global cultures
- lifelong education
- global labour market
- mobility for all
- change - open plans
7A digital society
- Global village - mixing real and virtual people
- New social networks, codes and cultures
- To master information flow - power position
- Explosion of knowledge (eroding structures)
- The medium is the message
- New occupations and trades - erosion of old
- Mastery of change - lifelong learning
8Rapid and radical changes challenging education
- Nothing is harder to notice or adapt to than
rapid cultural change ... - Resist grasping it our organisation/underlying
cultures resist responding to it. - Fundamental to rethink our educational ideals
(Katz and Denti 1996)
9Education needs revitalisation
- Institutional transformation is required for our
society to revitalize its commitment to the ideal
of universal education - that each person should be educated to his or her
fullest potential (Katz and Denti 1996 261-262
The Road to Nowhere Begins With Where We Are
Rethinking the Future of American Education.
Interchange (Volume 27 Nos.3-4).
10Imagining to enhance understanding
- Concepts of organisations is a product of the
mechanical age. - Now that we are living in an electronic age, new
organising principles are necessary. - The ideas presented here help us to make the
transition and meet the challenges of this new
reality (Morgan 1997 378, in Images of
11Concept of schools
- The concept of our school is products of
mechanical age - A digital society has/needs, new organisation
principles - Schools in transition need new, challenging
images - Metaphors introduced to read situations,
visionary leadership
12Applying Metaphors
- Metaphors always offer limited focus
- also create ways of not seeing
- Utilising metaphors open ended approach
- explorative/not conclusive, discussion
- Metaphors are used both for explorative
understanding and leadership purposes to create
new methods and organisations
13Metaphors within Education
- Bureaucratic school system
- rules and regulations, hierarchy, formal, ...
- Industrial school organisation
- mass schooling rational, cohort organisation
- national curriculum standard textbooks
- certified teachers loyal civil servants
- standard, certifying exams
- hierarchical organisation
14Industrial School - Metaphor
- Based on machine models focusing
- effectiveness, rationality
- goals and objectives achievement
- detailed plans/organise/control, control, ..
- Hierarchical leadership
- laws, regulations, supervision, innovations
- Ideal model in a stabile environment
15Environmental School
- School in a natural system, an organism
- Surrounding society, set of complex (sub)systems
- Human management including cultural aspects
- Schools change and are changed by environments
16Schools as Learning Organisations
- brain metaphor, holographic designs
- ability to think, learn, self-reflection
- Focus on accommodation to new society
- Relevant for rapidly changing society
- School is the brain, not body or limps
17From School Factories to Learning Environments
- Schooling based on bureaucratic and industrial
models - Need for changes acknowledged Reforms
- Top-down approaches have dominated, even if
experiments are encouraged - A mix of industrial, organic and cultural models
- Rear mirror approach, not intended
18Educational institutions and systems tend to
- Stick to old models, methods and content rear
mirror approach - Society needs reproduction, same kind, no real
change, or slow change - BUT Society changes rapidly/ competencies
knowledge explosion and social erosion - IF schools dont change explode or replaced
19From teaching to learning approach
- teaching plan, present, explain, correct
- learning student in charge, responsible, active
and accountable - learning environment and open access to
information and knowledge - learning styles, individual focus
- reflect on own learning, personal curriculum
20From teaching to learning
- To teacher as professional
- Organiser of learning environment, team member
- individual curriculum
- learning to learn, master learning methods and
tools - responsible students
- global environment environment
- From teacher as civil servant
- Master of classroom
- follow national curriculum, textbook
- teach reading, writing, arithmetic and subjects
- order and discipline
- local/national
21A New School?
- Innovations encouraged ICT projects
- PILOT (Project of Innovation, Learning,
Organisation and Technology) - Learn to use ICT
- Use ICT to learn (ICT intertwine knowledge,
methods) - Develop learning resources (software, Internet)
- Global villages new learning environments
22Examples of ICT use
- Lower primary school
- my own curriculum - student counselling
- No classes, but basic groups (different ages)
- Project/theme learning - public presentation
- Lower secondary - hhtp//www.godoy.no/
- Internet based learning environment
- Internet based exam
23Leadership Promoting Change!
- Basic analysis society/student needs -
educational consequences - Remove old attractors
- regulations, routines, timetables, textbooks,
blackboards, definitions - answers etc. - Introduce new attractors
- Digital resources, project methods (presents
results), support system ICT, reward
innovations, redundancy groups, suggest
24Basic ICT Teacher Training in Norway
- Programme for 44.000 teachers
- Different bidders, competing for contracts
- Basic ICT (knowledge, tools)
- Combine with other educational programmes
- School owners responsibilities access to
computers, internet, time (paid), support - School leader motivate/support/teams
- Support mentors, physical, internet
25ICT training programmes
- School is signing on team of teachers, not
individually - Headmaster responsible - budgetary/organising
- Differentiated according to previous computer
competence - 1 Getting started, e-maill, browsers, Window-98,
search machines, attachments - 2 Choose an in depth programme ...
26ICT training programmes
- 2 choose focus text, spreadsheet, picture/sound
- text basic, edit/format, tables,
picture/illustration, document types - spreadsheet everyday usage, class tour,
present data, ... - Picture digital camera, sound/picture, scanning,
27Teacher programmes and students learning
- Students should learn to use same programmes as
teachers - Students can follow same programmes
- Lower primary students use text, spreadsheet,
picture (camera, scanning) for their
presentations within ordinary learning programme - An example
28Skulen vår - Our school
- Skjong barneskule er ein 1-4 klasse skule på
Valderøy. - Her er vi 82 elevar, 10 lærarar og 6 assistentar.
- På skulen vår er vi med å brettar mjølkekartongar
29Kua - the cow
- Eg er lei meg for no må eg selgast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
- Ton. 3 klasse
- Mjølka i mjølkekartongane kjem i frå kua
- Jim Andre. 2 klasse
30Mjølk på skulen - Milk at school
- Eg har mjølk på skulen. Det er godt!
- Kristoffer S.1 klasse
- Dette er Fredrik. Han liker ikkje mjølk. Mjølk
er sunt. Eg heiter Ole Petter er 6 år - Ole Petter. 1 klasse
31Bretting i 3.klasse - Folding in 3rd.
- I tredje klasse går brettinga rett i dass. Tredje
klasse gidd rett og slett ikkje å brette
mjølkekartongar. Eg syns tredje klasse er litt
late i grunn! - Fredrik. 3 klasse
32Resirkulering - Recirculation
- På Skjong skule resirkulerer vi. Å resirkulere er
å bruke om igjen. - Tom Erik. 2 klasse
- Det er ikkje berre mjølkekartongar som blir
sendt i retur. - Colin. 1 klasse
33Når dei blir tomme... When they become empty
- På skolen drikk vi seksti mjølkekartongar kvar
dag. Vi sender dei i retur til Bingsa når dei er
tomme. - Sondre. 2 klasse
- Skjong skule får inn 9000 mjølk per år
- Øyvind. 4 klasse
MILJØVENLEG! - Steffen. 1 klasse
34Kva skjer? What happens?
- Når vi har drukke opp mjølka bretter vi den,
legg den i posar og sender den i retur til
returfabrikken. - Thomas 4 klasse
35Norsk returkartong - Norwegian returncarton
- Mjølkekartongar blir til nytt papir når vi sender
det i retur til kartongfabrikken. - Det er bra at norsk returkartong tek i mot
mjølkekartongar for viss ikkje ville kanskje
søpla blitt fort full. - Tkomas. 4 klasse
36RETURKARTONG - Returncarton
- I åtte år har norske forbrukarar brettet
drikkekartongar fordi det er bra for miljøet.
Klarer man å sjå heilskapen på temaet knytta til
returordninga vil man se at dette er riktig og
fornuftig bruk av ressursane Andreas F.M. 1
37Heilt til slutt.. Finally ...
- Mjølk er sunt året rundt!
- Kristoffer S. 1 klasse
- Av mjølk blir ein stor og sterk!
- Philip 4 klasse
- Ein sparar miljøet for mykje ved å returnere
mjølkekartongane! - Thomas 3 klasse
38Experiences of success when
- System and leadership responsibility
- programme, access to ICT, time, support
- Training related to daily practice
- Integrated to subject learning (working life)
- Early classroom practice, student involvement
- Part of ordinary curriculum - learning
- Part of ordinary exams