Title: HIV and TB: an overview
1HIV and TB an overview
- Mark Cotton
- Childrens Infectious Disease Clinical Research
Unit (KID-CRU) - Faculty of Health Sciences
- Stellenbosch University
- Tygerberg Childrens
- Hospital
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3World population with infection by M tuberculosis
versus HIV
4Tuberculosis disease versus HIV
Sources WHO report 2005 UNAIDS
5Incidence TB 1997
6In endemic areas, TB occurs commonly
- In any healthcare setting
7Active TB Case Finding pMTCT Program, Soweto, RSA
- 366 pregnant women assessed by symptoms
- 8 active TB (2.2)
- Interview questions added 3 minutes to routine
Kali et al World AIDS Congress Bangkok, 2005
8HIV-exposed infants 4w-4m screened for
prospective studies, June - Oct 2005 KID-CRU,
Tygerberg, Western Cape
P1041 and CIPRA-SA
9HIV-exposed infants aged 4w-4m screened for
prospective studies
- 6.5 exposed to TB
- 27.5 correctly managed identified by Health
Care System - 0.4 TB disease
10TB exposure, intervention disease per 100 000
11HIV found commonly adults children with TB
- Adults and children with HIV commonly have /
treated for TB
12TB in HIV-infected children
- Increased risk TB in HIV-infected children,
57/138 (41) Jeena 2002 - M. tb in 18 Zambian children dying of
respiratory disease (post mortem) - 8 children hospitalized with acute pneumonia Zar
2000, Graham 2000, Madhi 2000
13NTP - National TB programsLinked to WHO
- Collect indicator data such as
- Smear positive Infectious (HIV-ve adults)
- Will include children smear-negative cases
- Sputum conversion
- Treatment completed
- Retreatment More resistance
14Tuberculosis in Thailand 2002
Estimated incidence 140/100,000 population
2.5 are children gtgt underestimation?
15Seroprevalence of HIV in New TB Thailand,1990-2002
HIV-infected patients with TB 20 - 25 TB
patients with HIV infection 14 - 15
From Bureau of AIDS TB STI, MOPH
1623.4 per 100 HIV-infected children get
tuberculosis disease per year in Western Cape,
South Africa
- 132 children - median follow-up 5.7 (IQR 2 - 9.7)
m - Heather Zar and Mark Cotton - 2005
10 on HAART
17BCBosis - emerging disease
- All neonates immunized in 1st 2 days of life
regardless of HIV status
18Hesseling AC, et al. Danish BCG Disease in
HIV-Infected Children Clin Infect Dis
- 5 infants with advanced immune suppression
- BCG ipsilateral regional axillary adenitis and/or
systemic BCG disease - All lt 1 year of age at presentation
- mortality 80
19Retrospective study of BCG complications - Anneke
Hesseling Helena Rabie - 2005
Disseminated disease - 75 mortality
comparison of 2 surveys
- Schaaf HS, Marais BJ, Hesseling AC, Gie RP,
Beyers N, Donald PR - Department of Paediatrics and Child Health,
Stellenbosch University and Tygerberg Childrens
21Drug susceptibility testing (DST)
- 1st for INH and RMP, and if resistant to either
or both, also for ethambutol (NTP guidelines) - Indirect proportional method
22HIV prevalence
23Increasing Drug Resistance
OR Drug resistant 0.49 (0.27-0.88) MDR
0.40 (0.15-1.04)
24STOP TB strategy
Vision - a TB-free world
GOALS Detect 70 infectious cases cure 85 by
2005 Reduce death due to TB by 50 by
2015 Eliminate TB as public health problem by
256 components for strategy implementation plan
- Address TB/HIV, MDR TB other special challenges
- TB/HIV collaborative strategy
- Prevention control drug resistance
- Enable promote research
- Operational
- Partnerships for new diagnostics, drugs vaccines
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- Nirun Vanprapar
- H Simon Schaaf
- Helena Rabie
- Anneke Hesseling
- Heather Zar