Title: Surface Texture Analysis
1Surface Texture Analysis Standards
- Bala Muralikrishnan1 Jay Raja2
- Dept of MEES
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- 1 balam_at_nist.gov, bmuralik_at_uncc.edu, 301-975-3789
- 2 jraja_at_uncc.edu, 704-687-4390
- ASPE Tutorial 2004
- Introduction- Measurement Techniques
- Session 1 Preprocessing Filtering
- Session 2 2D Surface Texture Parameters
- Session 3 PSD and ACF
- Session 4 New and Emerging Filters
- Session 5 Advanced Filtering
- Session 6 Morphological Filters
- Session 7 Applications
- Parameter Selection, Challenges in 3D,
Uncertainty Issues, Resources
4Classification of Surface Texture Measurement
- Contacting Stylus
- Phase Shifting Interferometry
- Vertical Scanning (White Light) Interferometry
- Focus Sensing Confocal Microscopy
- Chromatic Length Aberration Confocal Microscopy
- Structured Light and Triangulation
- SEM Stereoscopy
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Atomic Force Microscopy
- Optical Difference Profiling
- Angle Resolved SEM
5Contacting Stylus Method(2D)
- Principle
- It is a surface topography measurement method
where the probe is a contacting stylus whose
vertical motion is converted into an electrical
signal as a function of lateral position.
6(No Transcript)
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8Contacting Stylus Method(3D)
- Principle
- It is a surface topography measurement method
where the probe is a contacting stylus whose
vertical motion is converted into an electrical
signal as a function of lateral position.
9Phase Shifting Interferometry
- Principle
- An optical microscope with illumination of a
known wavelength integrated with an
interferometry attachment produces multiple
optical images with interferometric fringes from
which the profile or topography image is obtained
10Vertical Scanning Interferometry (Scanning white
light interferometry)
- Principle
- An optical microscope with broad band
illumination integrated with an interferometry
attachment is scanned in Z-direction w.r.t the
surface to produce an equal interferometric path
condition for each point in the image, from which
the surface topography is calculated.
11Focus Sensing Confocal Microscopy
- Principle
- The surface height at each point is
determined by sensing its vertical position w.r.t
optimum focus in an optical microscope and an
areal topography image is then obtained by
imaging multiple points.
12Chromatic Length Aberration (CLA) Confocal
- Principle
- The height at a point is determined by
integrating a spectrometer into an optical
microscope and sensing the chromatic dispersion
of white light reflected from the surface.
13Structured Light and Triangulation Methods
- Principle
- A light image of known structure or pattern
is cast on a surface and the pattern of reflected
light together with knowledge of the incident
structured light allows one to determine the
surface topography.
14Angle Resolved Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
- Principle
- Local gradients of a surface are determined
by angular distributions of secondary electron
emission intensity and an areal topography image
is obtained by integration of these local
15SEM Stereoscopy
- Principle
- Two SEM images are taken of a surface
oriented at slightly different angles and the
comparison of the two images yields a stereo
effect from which surface topography can be
16Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
- Principle
- The determination of surface arises from the
height-related variations in electrical tunneling
current produced between a conducting surface and
a conducting tip placed very close to it, with a
constant voltage maintained between them.
Working principle of STM
17Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Scanning Force
Microscope (SFM)
- Principle
- The surface height is sensed from the
mechanical force of attraction or repulsion
between a probe tip and a surface.
Working principle of AFM
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19Area-Integrating Method
- Surface measurement method that measures a
representative area of a surface and produces
numerical results that depends on area-integrated
properties of the surface texture.
20Angle Resolved Scatter
- Principle
- The light scattered from the surface is
collected as a function of incident angle or
scattered angle or both and the measured function
may be used to calculate rms roughness, power
spectral density and other roughness parameters.
21Lasercheck Tropel Metrology instruments
Lasercheck is a non-contact surface roughness
measuring instrument. Lasercheck illuminates the
surface with a shallow incident angle visible
laser (650nm). Specular, reflected and scattered
light from the surface is detected by a
photodiode array with 35 small closely packed
detectors inside the head. Software converts
these signals into Rs surface roughness and
alignment values to aid setup in automated
22- Amplitude Wavelength (A-W) Characteristics of a
Surface and A-W Maps
23Why Measure Surface Texture
- Functionally Important
- Process Control
- Quality Control
- Research and Development
- Contractual Obligation
Src ASME B46.1
Any measurement method finally produces a surface
map/profile from which we extract parameters that
describe its amplitude and/or wavelength
25A-W Maps
- A-W Map is a pictorial description of relevant
amplitudes and wavelengths for - A surface (think PSD)
- For an instrument (its work volume)
- For processes (in terms of tolerances)
- For function (think specification)
26A-W Maps for Instruments
- Vertical range (Rv) and resolution (rv)
- Horizontal range (Rh) and resolution (rh)
- Horizontal datum (maximum slope Smax)
- Probe geometry (minimum radius of curvature Rmin)
27Limits of surface measurement by stylus
instruments log AW space
- Vertical range (Rv) and resolution (rv)
- Rv and rv restrict amplitude. ie., Rv gt 2A gt
rv - Horizontal range (Rh) and resolution (rh)
- Rh and rh restrict wavelength. Ie., Rh gt W gt rh
- Horizontal datum
- Slope of flanks of the stylus (Ss) and maximum
- slope error of the datum (Sd) restrict
surface slope - that can be measured.
- ie., Ss gt Smax gt Sd
- Probe geometry
- Tip of radius of the stylus (Rs) and curvature
- error of the datum (Rd) restrict radius of
curvature - that can be measured.
- ie., Rd gt Rmin gt Rs
Log AW space
Src M Stedman K Lindsey, SPIE vol 1009
Surface Measurement Characterization, 1988
28AW maps for Stylus instruments
AW maps of stylus instruments Schmaltz (1936)
Widely spaced dots Talysurfs 1 2 closely
spaced dots Talysurfs 5 6 short dashes
Talystep solid line Form Talysurf - longdashes
Limits of traditional stylus , Profilomaters
vs. newer instruments traditional limits
shaded area STM/AFM - dashes Nanosurf-2 - solid
Src M Stedman K Lindsey, SPIE vol 1009
Surface Measurement Characterization, 1988
29Limits of surface measurement by optical probe
- Vertical range (Rv) and resolution (rv)
- Rv and rv restrict amplitude.
- Horizontal range (Rh) and resolution (rh)
- Rh and rh restrict wavelength. Wavelength is
direct limiting factor in the case of optical
probes. - rh 0.61?/NA for focused beam.
- rh 1/e2 for unfocused beam.
- Horizontal datum
- Numerical aperture (NA) of an objective lens
and maximum density of tilt fringes restricts
maximum slope. - ie., Smax lt NA/2
- Probe geometry
30AW maps for optical probe instruments
Optical probe instruments DD, Dew Fizeau
interferometer EV, Ennos-Virdee profilometer D,
Downs polarizing interferometer
M Stedman, SPIE Vol 1009 Surface Measurement
Characterization, 1988
31A-W maps
Mapping the process, the function and Instrument
capability as an A-W map
Process map
Function map
Instrument capability