Title: CS321 Dr. Mark L. Hornick
- Natural lighting effects
- Surface characteristics
- Shadows
- Reflections
- Mathematical models
- Theoretical empirical
- Illumination (lighting) model
- Calculating light intensity
- At each point on a surface
- Surface rendering
- Apply lighting model
- Obtain pixel intensities of projected surface
3Light Sources Emitters
Point source Area small compared to scene
Distributed source Area large compared to scene
4Light Emitters Reflectors
Specular (shiny)
Diffuse (dull)
5Ambient Light
- General brightness of scene
- Light sources, reflections, etc.
- Not spatial or directional
- Constant for all surfaces
- Independent of direction
- Viewing direction, surface orientation
- Reflected light depends on surface
6Ambient Diffuse Reflection
Incident light from all directions
Reflected light scattered to all directions
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9Directional Diffuse Reflection
Incident light from one direction
But spread over varying areas
Reflected light scattered equally in all
directions Intensity depends on angle of incidence
Unit vectors N (normal) and L (to light source
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11Flat Shading
- Polygon surface rendering
- Each polygon in the surface is shaded according
to the intensity calculations based on the
polygons surface normal
12Gouraud Shading
- Vertex normals are calculated as the average of
the normals of the polygons that share the vertex
- The vertex normal is an approximation to the true
normal of the surface at that point. - Determine vertex intensities based on vertex
normal - Linearly interpolate across surface
13Gouraud Shading
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15Specular Reflection
Reflected light not diffused Angle of incidence
angle of reflection
For perfect reflector, no reflection visible at
any other angle
For imperfect reflectors, some reflection visible
at angle f from R
16Phong Model
Empirical model of specular reflection
Specular reflection parameter, ns, is large
(gt100) for shiny surfaces, small (1) for dull
Specular reflection coefficient, W(q), is
relatively constant for many opaque materials
i.e. modeled by constant ks
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18Multiple Light Sources
- We assume linear superposition of effects of all
light sources. - It may be necessary to scale to avoid intensity
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20Other Lighting Issues
- Not all sources are points
- Control intensity by direction (Warn)
- Intensity falls off at distance
- Attenuation functions
- Empirical rather than exact models
- Color
- Adjust reflection coefficients
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