Title: The intensity of light is perceived by humans as _.
1The intensity of light is perceived by humans as
2What are the three reason we see colors?
- Light is transmitted
- Light is reflected
- Light is emitted
3Your blue jeans appear blue because __.
- They reflect blue and absorb all other colors.
4We see the light from sun because light is ___.
5What are the three primary colors of light?
6What color of light will be made with the three
primary colors of light?
7What type of wave makes up light?
8Light waves travel fastest in __.
9What portion of the light emitted by the Sun
reaches the Earth?
10List at least 3 types of electromagnetic
radiation emitted by the sun.
- Ultraviolet radiation
- Visible light
- Infrared radiation
11The unit used to measure frequency of a wave is
__ .
12The intensity of a wave is a measure of the ___
of the wave.
13What kind of electromagnetic wave can we see?
14What will separate white light into the colors of
the rainbow?
15List the colors in order of longest wavelength to
- Red orange yellow green
- Blue indigo violet
16What type of waves are emitted by all warm bodies.
17A nearsighted persons eyeball is too __.
- Long, so the focus is in front of the focal point.
18What type of lens would correct nearsightedness?